I was all for DeSantis to run/win in 2024…I’ve changed my mind. I can’t wait for another four years of Trump. Anybody else with me on such a change?

That's a claim that you can't support.

It doesn't matter what's causing it. The fact is that rent control doesn't work.

Personally, I believe it's because of all the refugees flooding in from New York.
I can support it and nobody has any standing to question it.

There are some people coming from the north yes, but they have always been doing that steadily over the past 15 years, or even longer. This is different. This is sudden jumps of 100-200% in rents ($700/mo to $2000/mo) in a very short time (like 2 months) contemporary with Biden's illegal alien airlifts.

The majority of people being bounced out of their apartments are Republicans (me for example), and to side with the landlords on this one, is to side with Biden, helping to get him reelected. These aliens are VOTES to him. He cares about nothing else.
So, list the things YOU personally have done.
You see what you WANT to see. That's a symptom of denial in it's purest.
The problem with conservatives today is they are too afraid of losing their material gains.
Or they're waiting for Jesus's return and counting on God to fight their battles for them.

It's a VERY bad time to be unrealistic and in denial. And that's precisely where all conservatives are bar a very small few.
The Founding fathers counted on ACTION...not whining.

Are you suggesting that it's time to take up arms against the Government? Otherwise, just what action other than campaign contributions, perhaps knocking on doors, and voting, do you suggest? And along with whatever your suggestions are, tell us what you're doing to carry those out.

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.
And yet for all your internet tuffness....you can't say what you've done.
Yeah,...because the conservative right has done Sooooo much to fight abortion, online porn, the indoctrination of children., the left...etc etc etc
Hell, as much as you love your guns, you won't even fight for them beyond a small occasional donation here and there...MAYBE.
How about instead of sending soldiers into battle....we just let them vote for war or no war...or make a little donation to the cause?

You see nothing clearly. You are delusional and in denial like a good wittle cunservative.
Just a big mouth piece of shit.

Nothing has ever been more obvious BL.

And the funny thing is, less than 12 hours after you posted this, a major anti-abortion win for conservatives - a win 50 years in the making but really come to pass from the past 6, with conservatives electing Donald Trump and Trump leading as a conservative.

We're faced with a very tough challenge with the stolen 2020 election. We won't solve it immediately, I'm sure, but we will find a way. It may not even be solved by 2022 or 2024 elections, but I don't get why you assume it can't or won't be solved.
And the funny thing is, less than 12 hours after you posted this, a major anti-abortion win for conservatives - a win 50 years in the making but really come to pass from the past 6, with conservatives electing Donald Trump and Trump leading as a conservative.

We're faced with a very tough challenge with the stolen 2020 election. We won't solve it immediately, I'm sure, but we will find a way. It may not even be solved by 2022 or 2024 elections, but I don't get why you assume it can't or won't be solved.

They have no wealth, ya colossal mass of ignorance.
Information-deprived victims of liberal OMISSION media, generally have no idea how ignorant they are. In Faun's case, he could have found out, just by taking one of my QUIZZES for Liberals, but he's too much of a gutless coward to do that, so he remains ignorant.

I've met some of these migrants that have been filling up apartments in Tampa. Some of them are wealthy, and flew to Mexico from countries in the Middle East and Europe, etc. One guy drives an S-Class Mercedes ($112,000 car). Another has an Audi e-tron ($107,000).

Didn't click my links, I see.
Trump is the only President in my lifetime that delivered on his promises and god bless him.

God damn the Libtards that conspired with the Chinese to run him out of office by creating a pandemic that gave the cover to the Democrats to steal the election.
All Proud Boys.

Trump called on them.

"Proud Boys, stand back and stand by!""
So you deny that the leftist agitators were there ? You think I made all those names up ? Looks like you didn't click on those links either, Well remain ignorant, if you must.
Trump is the only President in my lifetime that delivered on his promises and god bless him.

God damn the Libtards that conspired with the Chinese to run him out of office by creating a pandemic that gave the cover to the Democrats to steal the election.
Accurate and true.
And the funny thing is, less than 12 hours after you posted this, a major anti-abortion win for conservatives - a win 50 years in the making but really come to pass from the past 6, with conservatives electing Donald Trump and Trump leading as a conservative.

We're faced with a very tough challenge with the stolen 2020 election. We won't solve it immediately, I'm sure, but we will find a way. It may not even be solved by 2022 or 2024 elections, but I don't get why you assume it can't or won't be solved.
A lot of it has already been solved, but assuredly, Democrats are hard at work finding new ways to rig elections they can't win fairly.
Information-deprived victims of liberal OMISSION media, generally have no idea how ignorant they are. In Faun's case, he could have found out, just by taking one of my QUIZZES for Liberals, but he's too much of a gutless coward to do that, so he remains ignorant.

I've met some of these migrants that have been filling up apartments in Tampa. Some of them are wealthy, and flew to Mexico from countries in the Middle East and Europe, etc. One guy drives an S-Class Mercedes ($112,000 car). Another has an Audi e-tron ($107,000).

Didn't click my links, I see.


I'm not at all impressed by the shit you make up, gramps.

So you deny that the leftist agitators were there ? You think I made all those names up ? Looks like you didn't click on those links either, Well remain ignorant, if you must.

Your links don't replace reality. I showed you video of Proud Boys breaking into the Capitol.

Over 800 people arrested so far and not one is affiliated with Antifa.

Not one.
More like terrified. Which is the reason for their hostility toward him, and all their efforts to jail him. What the bozos don't seem to understand, is that no matter who runs in 2024 on the Republican ticket, they will be as conservative as Trump, if not more.
Any efforts are to ferret out the truth. Jail just may end up being a happenstance of that truth.

If you dopes had any balls at all, you wouldn’t need Trump to clear a path for whatever degeneracy you’re intending.
Any efforts are to ferret out the truth. Jail just may end up being a happenstance of that truth.

If you dopes had any balls at all, you wouldn’t need Trump to clear a path for whatever degeneracy you’re intending.
We DON'T need Trump.

Jan 6 hearings are not to "ferret out the truth". They are to distract the public from the train wreck (inflation, immigration, crime, tran loons, etc) that Biden has turned the country into.

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