I warned that Pelosi would get nothing done


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
They just don't want to help this President, so they will sacrifice this country for sake of vendetta.
Well, they also lack good ideas & solutions.
I told you to look at Pelosis office desks, they never have work papers, notes, legal pads, postit reminders, no pleeding letters from the parents of victims of her imigration policy, just no work on her work desk=get nothing done.
As you open her work desk drawer you will only find her true inspiration for her immigration policy. Her grapes and prunning shears are found in her top drawer.pelosideskdrawer.jpg
Below is a Pelosi intern staffer who once sources say complained
"I don't remember this being part of my job description"

Below you'll see the many TV's in Pelosi's office so she can orchestrate the syncronized MSM narative for the day.
Goldilocks pretends he passes and signs bills - :auiqs.jpg:

a blank piece of paper = Trump legislation

They just don't want to help this President, so they will sacrifice this country for sake of vendetta.
Well, they also lack good ideas & solutions.
I told you to look at Pelosis office desks, they never have work papers, notes, legal pads, postit reminders, no pleeding letters from the parents of victims of her imigration policy, just no work on her work desk=get nothing done As you open her work desk drawer you will only find her true inspiration for her immigration policy. Her grapes and prunning shears are found in her top drawer.
Below is a Pelosi intern staffer who once sources say complained
"I don't remember this being part of my job description"
Below you'll see the many TV's in Pelosi's office so she can orchestrate the syncronized MSM narative for the day.
View attachment 258497

One minor note.....

dimocrap scum aren't really interested in vendattas.

They're afraid. For too long, decades and decades, they've had it easy.

the DISGUSTING FILTH has it super-easy anymore. They just sit by their fax machines and re-write whatever the DNC sends them. Ever notice that the DISGUSTING FILTH on every station, in every paper use the same exact words all the time? Watch for it.

Academia? Been fucking us for 40 years. They put out THE worst product, THE dumbest kids in the civilized world and get fat as fuck doing it.

No way should somebody as incompetent as these scumbags be getting $50 to $90k for teaching the same shit from the same book for the same results (shit). Then retire with fat pensions.

Hollywood? They just don't make Movies worth a shit anymore. They're concerned about The People getting tired of their bullshit. It isn't that the Comic Book movies are that good, it's that there's just nothing else to watch.

Go back in time and look at the FACT that Hollywood used to produce blockbuster after blockbuster EVERY year, ALL year.

Now? We're lucky to get one decent Movie every 5 years. I can't think of the last movie worth going to see.

Public Employees and theri Unions? Didn't we just do a thread on how incredible the pensions of too many of these free-loaders is?

Why, yes Virginia, I did.

It isn't that dimocrap FILTH want to stop Trump.

Not even close. It isn't even that they want to spit in our, the voters' eye.

They want their power back.

They want to dictate to you. They want the obama era 'New Normal' back. They want to say, "This is what you'll get and you WILL like it".


And they're willing to sink this Country to get it.

dimocraps are scum

ALL of them
They just don't want to help this President, so they will sacrifice this country for sake of vendetta.
Well, they also lack good ideas & solutions.
I told you to look at Pelosis office desks, they never have work papers, notes, legal pads, postit reminders, no pleeding letters from the parents of victims of her imigration policy, just no work on her work desk=get nothing done.View attachment 258494 As you open her work desk drawer you will only find her true inspiration for her immigration policy. Her grapes and prunning shears are found in her top drawer.View attachment 258495
Below is a Pelosi intern staffer who once sources say complained
"I don't remember this being part of my job description"View attachment 258496
Below you'll see the many TV's in Pelosi's office so she can orchestrate the syncronized MSM narative for the day.
View attachment 258497
LegiScan | US Congress State Legislative Dashboard
Goldilocks pretends he passes and signs bills - :auiqs.jpg:

a blank piece of paper = Trump legislation

Yeah he's signing his testimony of all the things he's done with Russia before the election. *L*
This is where you reply; "he's signing his tax return" and in the end you'll still be 24/7 about Trump and not how to make America Better.
Just today I found something that is a hinderance on most people especially the poor and disadvantaged and itcs gotten worse as the industry has further took advantage of the lack of oversight, but if I were to suggest it to the House they will not bother, because they are to busy going after anyone resonsible for embarassing the Dem party by helping this administration or it's campaign. Therefore if I want change I will have to find a State Legislator to form a new bill, which I've spearheaded a few times in my life with great success, because my ideas are rational, practical, and make sense in a normal world.
The left needs to come back down to earth and start governing or they should be tossed out and replaced by Sock puppets.
They just don't want to help this President, so they will sacrifice this country for sake of vendetta.
Well, they also lack good ideas & solutions.
I told you to look at Pelosis office desks, they never have work papers, notes, legal pads, postit reminders, no pleeding letters from the parents of victims of her imigration policy, just no work on her work desk=get nothing done.View attachment 258494 As you open her work desk drawer you will only find her true inspiration for her immigration policy. Her grapes and prunning shears are found in her top drawer.View attachment 258495
Below is a Pelosi intern staffer who once sources say complained
"I don't remember this being part of my job description"View attachment 258496
Below you'll see the many TV's in Pelosi's office so she can orchestrate the syncronized MSM narative for the day.
View attachment 258497
The Old Girl aint what she used to be!

All the fucking Dimms want is to expand their power. They don’t want anything to get done while Trump is in office.

They are NOT representing their constituents, they are whiny cvnts.

It’s disgusting and anyone who votes for any Dimm currently in Congress and most Pubs are cvnts, too.

Who the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck is voting for a shitbird like Nadler?
These stupid Moon Bats were absolute idiots voting for that Democrat scum that took over the House. What were those morons thinking?
These stupid Moon Bats were absolute idiots voting for that Democrat scum that took over the House. What were those morons thinking?
Paul Ryan threw the House elections.

That Democrat scum was able to get a majority for basically two reasons:

1. Many Republicans retired. Incumbents usually win elections.

2. A shitload of the Democrat scum running in red districts lied and said they were moderates and idiots believed them.

However, your point about Ryan is well taken. He was like King of the RINOS.
They just don't want to help this President, so they will sacrifice this country for sake of vendetta.
Well, they also lack good ideas & solutions.
I told you to look at Pelosis office desks, they never have work papers, notes, legal pads, postit reminders, no pleeding letters from the parents of victims of her imigration policy, just no work on her work desk=get nothing done.View attachment 258494 As you open her work desk drawer you will only find her true inspiration for her immigration policy. Her grapes and prunning shears are found in her top drawer.View attachment 258495
Below is a Pelosi intern staffer who once sources say complained
"I don't remember this being part of my job description"View attachment 258496
Below you'll see the many TV's in Pelosi's office so she can orchestrate the syncronized MSM narative for the day.
View attachment 258497
The Old Girl aint what she used to be!

She's so old that the picture shows she still has those old tube TV's.
Have you ever tried to get rid of those things, even when offering for free people ask "is it Flat Screen?"
"No? Then never mind." *L*
They have passed several bills, one senator voted to stop the disaster aid bill so ll those people affected by the floods from the wettest season in recorded history can continue to suffer..
They have passed several bills, one senator voted to stop the disaster aid bill so ll those people affected by the floods from the wettest season in recorded history can continue to suffer..
Who slowed up the relief funds to the Hurricane victims? Was that the house?

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