I vomit at the sound of his voice.


Probably a fake, but made me laugh
Propaganda is all Mr. Voting Present knows how to do.
Propaganda is all Mr. Voting Present knows how to do.
Most definitely. And, the majority of Americans buy it. The dumbing down is almost complete for legions of Useful Idiots.

It took them decades to accomplish the dubious feat of turning the majority of Americans into Idiocrats.
If anything, communists are patient. The plan was revealed in the 60s, and it's working marvelously.
Indeed, although it started decades earlier.

Regarding the Thread Title, I just put the telly on Mute or switch to Soundscape whenever The Won appears. The former is for brief bits - the latter is for mind cleansing if I know he is occupying large amounts of Air Time. I've decided to avoid the sound of his voice for the rest of his so-called Presidency.

I'm also wearing All Black once a week. My staff person from New Zealand approves.

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