I thought the City of Portland couldn't get any more insane, but this takes the cake......


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
So as you may have heard, the ICE building here has been under seige for weeks by these fucking leftist goons that infest this city.

The Portland police have been instructed by the mayor here to not intervene, which has forced ICE to seek federal help to get the cretins away from their building.

So, in order to be able to function, ICE has installed a chainlink fence around their building that is about 8 feet tall.
It is intended to be temporary, but who knows how long they will need it since the city refuses to stop the goons from blocking the building.

So what does the City of Portland do, they issue ICE a citation for constructing a fence without permits and the fact that it's height is in violation of city codes.

Absolutely beyond belief, they try to protect their property, and instead of helping them the goddamned city makes things even more difficult for them.

New Fence Surrounding Portland's ICE Building Not Built To Code, City Says

A large fence U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement built to keep protestors away from its southwest Portland facility was constructed without proper permits, Portland city officials said Monday.

Now ICE’s wall might have to come down.

The city’s Bureau of Development Services issued a correction notice to ICE on Monday, after inspecting the fence. The structure was erected last week, following weeks of protest outside the southwest Portland facility.

“Upon examination, the inspector found that the fence was more than eight feet tall, which is a violation of Oregon Structural Specialty Code,” the city of Portland said in a statement. “A formal letter will be sent to the property owner. The property owner is required to respond to the correction notice within 10 days of receipt.”
They should get a bunch of illegals to build another fence to code and then send them down to the border to work on the Wall.
This is just pure harrassment. The idea that the city will not lift a hand to help ICE in anyway, is bad enough, but to not give them an exemption, if only temporary, during a time of mob violence is utterly insane.
So as you may have heard, the ICE building here has been under seige for weeks by these fucking leftist goons that infest this city.

The Portland police have been instructed by the mayor here to not intervene, which has forced ICE to seek federal help to get the cretins away from their building.

So, in order to be able to function, ICE has installed a chainlink fence around their building that is about 8 feet tall.
It is intended to be temporary, but who knows how long they will need it since the city refuses to stop the goons from blocking the building.

So what does the City of Portland do, they issue ICE a citation for constructing a fence without permits and the fact that it's height is in violation of city codes.

Absolutely beyond belief, they try to protect their property, and instead of helping them the goddamned city makes things even more difficult for them.

New Fence Surrounding Portland's ICE Building Not Built To Code, City Says

A large fence U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement built to keep protestors away from its southwest Portland facility was constructed without proper permits, Portland city officials said Monday.

Now ICE’s wall might have to come down.

The city’s Bureau of Development Services issued a correction notice to ICE on Monday, after inspecting the fence. The structure was erected last week, following weeks of protest outside the southwest Portland facility.

“Upon examination, the inspector found that the fence was more than eight feet tall, which is a violation of Oregon Structural Specialty Code,” the city of Portland said in a statement. “A formal letter will be sent to the property owner. The property owner is required to respond to the correction notice within 10 days of receipt.”

ICE needs a few of these for their fence:

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I don't want to see these leftist fucks win, but I almost wish ICE would leave, and once the word got out that not only is Portland a sanctuary city, and the feds are not around either, the town would get overran by illegals. Portland deserves it.
The city will sit back and let the "homeless" set up tents, tarps, and make human feces messes all over the place, but they can't allow the feds to protect their property with a fucking fence.
Federalize the National Guard as per law, and send them there to protect ICE.

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