I see where liberals get It - Obama Continues To Push Putin Propaganda


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Obama: Reagan would roll over in his grave if he saw Republicans apologizing for Putin - Hot Air

Barry publicly declared questioning the evidence his administration's agencies and Intel groups have or don't have, questioning the rationality of his initial declaration he was about to order a Cyber Attack on Russia before ordering an investigation to find out what happened, is akin to 'defending Putin'.

Barry proved that even the President of the United States is not above engaging in cheap, childish partisan propaganda / attacks against his opposition ... as well as demonstrating he still hasn't calmly accepted he helped Hillary LOSE the election (by declaring, as in 2014, the election was REALLY about him, his policies, his way ahead...).

As usual, if you do not agree with everything the liberals say / do, you are a 'racist', a 'traitor', a 'Putin Supporter', etc.

I can't wait for this divisive a-hole to be gone....
So you speak in dualities, in one sentence you use the singular tense, then you switch to using a plural tense.......Hmmmmm, which is it?
You don't defend Putin OP. You try to be clever in your defense but have not one word to say about Russian espionage. Hey, maybe in your book that's not a defense.
You don't defend Putin OP. You try to be clever in your defense but have not one word to say about Russian espionage. Hey, maybe in your book that's not a defense.
Like Barry, you lie.

I have continually condemned EVERY nation that routinely probes, hacks, and attacks our nation WHILE I question this administration's honesty and abilities....which they have caused /earned.

Again, like Obama, you can not honestly make points or criticize those who don't agree 100% with you - you have to create false narratives and flat out LIE.
See, what I think Teagan wpuld be rooling over in his grave over is how the President of the United States...

Injected himself into the middle of Istael's election in an attempt to oust their President

Financed, supplied, atmed, and took the US Un-Constitutionally to War to help the terrorists who slaughtered 3,000 American get their own country

Financed, supplied, armed, trained, defended, and protected ISIS as well as allowing them to freely enter Iraq to take over much of the country our military had already liberated at great expense

Is such a terrorist-sympathizing, Constitution and Rule of Law-violating, hostage ransom-paying, criminal-protecting, divisive, race-baiting, Socialist...and how America has tolerated him this long without Impeaching him.
Obama: Reagan would roll over in his grave if he saw Republicans apologizing for Putin - Hot Air

Barry publicly declared questioning the evidence his administration's agencies and Intel groups have or don't have, questioning the rationality of his initial declaration he was about to order a Cyber Attack on Russia before ordering an investigation to find out what happened, is akin to 'defending Putin'.

Barry proved that even the President of the United States is not above engaging in cheap, childish partisan propaganda / attacks against his opposition ... as well as demonstrating he still hasn't calmly accepted he helped Hillary LOSE the election (by declaring, as in 2014, the election was REALLY about him, his policies, his way ahead...).

As usual, if you do not agree with everything the liberals say / do, you are a 'racist', a 'traitor', a 'Putin Supporter', etc.

I can't wait for this divisive a-hole to be gone....

Obama Destabilizes Our Democracy with Fake News

Beneath his composed and controlled presidential exterior, which is entirely fake, Obama is bitter. He’s a sore loser. He’s filled with hatred. He hates to see Obamacare criticized and threatened with destruction. He hates to see his place in history diminished. He views Russia as an adversary, so he hates to see Trump looking upon Russia as a partner."

Curious - Democrats accuse Conservatives of 'defending Putin' for interfering with our election, which is false, but...

Do liberals believe Barry's attempt to intervene in Israel's election was ok?

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