I See an IRS Audit Coming

Is Trump being audited this year?

If not, he can release his taxes
Trump is threatened by people like Tom Steyer, people that made their money on their own and didn't rely on their daddy's company that was given to them. Also Steyer gives back more in a year than Trump has his whole life time.
I love it when rich liberals go to these lengths to show everyone how unhinged they are. At least he's spending his own money instead of ours to do it.
Our President is obviously an honest man

Why would he not want to release his taxes?
Even crooks like Obama and Hillary released theirs
Since the left has proudly proclaimed there was no wrong doing in the IRS scandal, Trump is free to use his weaponized Federal departments at leisure.
Ummm..no he's not.

Even in this politically fucked up day and age, two wrongs still don't make a right.

"An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind." -- Mohandas K. Gandhi

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