*I Love Kay Granger: Halting 450 M. To Terrorists*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. I love what she's doing here.
2. Best thing she has ever done!
3. Why in Gods name are we pandering to nations who hate us?
4. If you want to call them nations, I call them *hellholes*.
5. We should back out carefully from *all* islamic nations*, and remove all our assets, and advisers.
6. Let them figure out how to get their oil out of the ground, and get it to market too.
7. They will fail in six months.
8. This would be the smartest thing we could ever do towards islam, make them stand on their own two feet, watch them fail then see them collectively burn themselves down.
9. Its a *no-brainer*.
10. LINK:US congresswoman blocks $450m. in aid for Egypt | The Times of Israel

"The chairwoman of the House committee that oversees foreign aid is blocking $450 million in US assistance to Egypt.

Rep. Kay Granger, R-Texas, said Friday that the State Department had notified Congress of plans to transfer the money to the new government of President Mohammed Morsi, a move that Granger said she would stop.

“This proposal comes to Congress at a point when the US-Egypt relationship has never been under more scrutiny, and rightly so,” the chairwoman of the Appropriations subcommittee on foreign operations said in a statement. “I am not convinced of the urgent need for this assistance and I cannot support it at this time. … I have placed a hold on these funds.”

11. Kay Granger has my vote from now on, well she always did, but for doing the right thing in this, I love her for it!:eusa_angel:

Sorry bout that,

1. I love what she's doing here.
2. Best thing she has ever done!
3. Why in Gods name are we pandering to nations who hate us?
4. If you want to call them nations, I call them *hellholes*.
5. We should back out carefully from *all* islamic nations*, and remove all our assets, and advisers.
6. Let them figure out how to get their oil out of the ground, and get it to market too.
7. They will fail in six months.
8. This would be the smartest thing we could ever do towards islam, make them stand on their own two feet, watch them fail then see them collectively burn themselves down.
9. Its a *no-brainer*.
10. LINK:US congresswoman blocks $450m. in aid for Egypt | The Times of Israel

"The chairwoman of the House committee that oversees foreign aid is blocking $450 million in US assistance to Egypt.

Rep. Kay Granger, R-Texas, said Friday that the State Department had notified Congress of plans to transfer the money to the new government of President Mohammed Morsi, a move that Granger said she would stop.

“This proposal comes to Congress at a point when the US-Egypt relationship has never been under more scrutiny, and rightly so,” the chairwoman of the Appropriations subcommittee on foreign operations said in a statement. “I am not convinced of the urgent need for this assistance and I cannot support it at this time. … I have placed a hold on these funds.”

11. Kay Granger has my vote from now on, well she always did, but for doing the right thing in this, I love her for it!:eusa_angel:



Did you research the issues in your post or are you one of Bibi's internet warriors?

Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. I love what she's doing here.
2. Best thing she has ever done!
3. Why in Gods name are we pandering to nations who hate us?
4. If you want to call them nations, I call them *hellholes*.
5. We should back out carefully from *all* islamic nations*, and remove all our assets, and advisers.
6. Let them figure out how to get their oil out of the ground, and get it to market too.
7. They will fail in six months.
8. This would be the smartest thing we could ever do towards islam, make them stand on their own two feet, watch them fail then see them collectively burn themselves down.
9. Its a *no-brainer*.
10. LINK:US congresswoman blocks $450m. in aid for Egypt | The Times of Israel

"The chairwoman of the House committee that oversees foreign aid is blocking $450 million in US assistance to Egypt.

Rep. Kay Granger, R-Texas, said Friday that the State Department had notified Congress of plans to transfer the money to the new government of President Mohammed Morsi, a move that Granger said she would stop.

“This proposal comes to Congress at a point when the US-Egypt relationship has never been under more scrutiny, and rightly so,” the chairwoman of the Appropriations subcommittee on foreign operations said in a statement. “I am not convinced of the urgent need for this assistance and I cannot support it at this time. … I have placed a hold on these funds.”

11. Kay Granger has my vote from now on, well she always did, but for doing the right thing in this, I love her for it!:eusa_angel:



Did you research the issues in your post or are you one of Bibi's internet warriors?


1. I support *ISRAEL* always!
2. But giving a hand out to those in egypt is just stupid, its always been stupid, and it always will be stupid.
3. Hey let me remind you, "Those People Hate Us*!
4. Because, "We Are A Christian Nation" er fuck you obama,......!!!
5. Two truths that can not be denied.
6. So explain why in the hell why we are so stupid to give them billions????????
7. Egypt, *FUCK YOU*!!!!!
8. And libya, as well, and syria, and lebenon, and suadia arabia, and iran, and iraq, afagastan, the list goes on.

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