I live in So. Arizona and I have never seen so many homeless and they are mostly White.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
The parking lot at Safeway was partially blocked by an emergency vehicle so I took a detour around the back of Safeway. To my astonishment I saw three different groups of homeless about 20 total. Three or four may have been Hispanic the rest were White. I've lived here for over 40 years and I have never seen homeless in this shopping plaza at all until a couple years ago. Thank the Democrats' new illegal immigration process and Bidenomics for the surge in homelessness.
I am in Northeast AZ and am seeing a lot more people living in their cars and in tents than I used to. I recently was in Gallup and saw the same thing there.
I didn't talk to anyone to ask them why, so there could be ny number of reasons.
The parking lot at Safeway was partially blocked by an emergency vehicle so I took a detour around the back of Safeway. To my astonishment I saw three different groups of homeless about 20 total. Three or four may have been Hispanic the rest were White. I've lived here for over 40 years and I have never seen homeless in this shopping plaza at all until a couple years ago. Thank the Democrats' new illegal immigration process and Bidenomics for the surge in homelessness.
Tell them grab their bootstraps and get better jobs.

That's been the republican line of poor people forever, you gonna change that now just because you saw some white ones?
The parking lot at Safeway was partially blocked by an emergency vehicle so I took a detour around the back of Safeway. To my astonishment I saw three different groups of homeless about 20 total. Three or four may have been Hispanic the rest were White. I've lived here for over 40 years and I have never seen homeless in this shopping plaza at all until a couple years ago. Thank the Democrats' new illegal immigration process and Bidenomics for the surge in homelessness.
I would have thought, the severity of the heat in summer, there, would keep the numbers lower.
Locally, your city has a history of Democrat leadership?
I wonder what the percentage are from your state. It is rare to see good, reliable demographics on people that join the homeless street people crowd in cities across the US.
Why does it matter if they look white? Is it a lame argument intended to diminish the effect of millions of illegal criminals flooding the borders?
In Phoenix alone, the homeless number has risen from 5,605 in 2017 to 9,642 in 2023. That's almost doubled.

Good job, Biden.

Here's what point-in-time count found about Valley homelessness trends

The parking lot at Safeway was partially blocked by an emergency vehicle so I took a detour around the back of Safeway. To my astonishment I saw three different groups of homeless about 20 total. Three or four may have been Hispanic the rest were White. I've lived here for over 40 years and I have never seen homeless in this shopping plaza at all until a couple years ago. Thank the Democrats' new illegal immigration process and Bidenomics for the surge in homelessness.
Nice story. Yep.
There are too many variables in life for some people to be able to jump over all the hurdles placed in front of them. This is where some end up when they stumble, but the biggest factor is drug addiction, you cannot hold a 9-5 when strung out on drugs. Those folks live behind a Safeway.
Normal people living check to check with no family up on Silicon Valley can be laid off and on the streets rather quickly. They are not doped up as some ^^^ imply. They can be in their cars in no time until that doesn't run or gets impounded. Once you don't have any fixed address or utility statements or whatever, you can't get back in.

The 70F weather in PHX has probably brought out more of them or CA is bussing them over again. It is too hot 120F in July/AUG to live outside or crash the border. But now......it is liveable. If you like 30F at night to sleep outside. Have Mercy on our fellow Americans!
Homelessness is a result of overpopulation. We just don't need that many people in the workplace anymore. And with more AI on the horizon it will only get worse. We need fewer people with more education and skills, but we're getting more people, with less education and fewer skills.

So, the question remains; is there intelligent life...on earth?
I am in Northeast AZ and am seeing a lot more people living in their cars and in tents than I used to. I recently was in Gallup and saw the same thing there.
I didn't talk to anyone to ask them why, so there could be ny number of reasons.
nice to see someone open to the thought that maybe it isn't all the homeless peoples' fault!

I think a lot of people on this board think it is all their fault and/or they're all on dope or half of them maybe. I heard somewhere it is something like 20% are on drugs.

What about the other 80%

oh, they can't afford the rent required in most areas.. Gee... whoda thunk?
Homelessness is a result of overpopulation. We just don't need that many people in the workplace anymore. And with more AI on the horizon it will only get worse. We need fewer people with more education and skills, but we're getting more people, with less education and fewer skills.

So, the question remains; is there intelligent life...on earth?
Don't worry. The baby killers/advocates of same have a plan for all the useless eaters... same plan they had/have for the unborn. It's Nazi-esque but oh well... times, they be a'changin;
Don't worry. The baby killers/advocates of same have a plan for all the useless eaters... same plan they had/have for the unborn. It's Nazi-esque but oh well... times, they be a'changin;
The Four Horsemen of the Puckerlips would reduce the population.:omg:
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I am in Northeast AZ and am seeing a lot more people living in their cars and in tents than I used to. I recently was in Gallup and saw the same thing there.
I didn't talk to anyone to ask them why, so there could be ny number of reasons.
I am sure if everyone on this board was honest, they would report seeing the same thing. Thanks.
I would have thought, the severity of the heat in summer, there, would keep the numbers lower.
Locally, your city has a history of Democrat leadership?
I wonder what the percentage are from your state. It is rare to see good, reliable demographics on people that join the homeless street people crowd in cities across the US.
Yes, we have a very Leftwing Democrat Mayor. As for where they are from it's hard to say except for the African immigrants who wear their traditional colorful clothes and carry stuff on their heads.
Yes, we have a very Leftwing Democrat Mayor. As for where they are from it's hard to say except for the African immigrants who wear their traditional colorful clothes and carry stuff on their heads.
You got aliens (legal or illegal) in numbers in traditional African garb, clean down to carrying stuff on their heads right here in the USA? Just dying to fit it, eh?
Wow! I'm in a small rural West Tennessee city, nowhere near the border and of course a fairly red state. We just don't see that kind of thing, around here.
Going to see a lot more

Today's political and social climate demands illegals and blacks are our most valued resources and also demand whites sacrifice for their sake.

Going to see a lot more unemployed and homeless white people as illegals are given more and blacks demand more.

Even our own president of these united states has gone and publicly, many many times, saying white supremacy is a threat to our nation. Our countries leaders are saying white people are bad.

Most shelters are infested with black and brown thugs, mostly thieves and violent.; same with section 8 housing, so whites end up preferring the streets or being out in the Burbs than living around the feral filth.

Just look at what Biden is spending on putting up illegal aliens. Those same 'sanctuaries' aren't taking in any white citizens, no funding for them. And,many of them are working, they just can't afford the high prices the big real estate companies are charging; over half the homes in my boom town are being bought by corporations and flippers borrowing cheap Fed money at prime, essentially free money for them, or was until recently. You will find many more sleeping in their cars and are mostly invisible.

There have been more than a few new stories where hispanic Americans have had to pretend to be illegal aliens to get work. The 'woke' media doesn't run those any more for the obvious reasons.

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