I hope the douche bag gets fired.

Skull Pilot

Diamond Member
Nov 17, 2007
I was at the supermarket today at the seafood counter.

I decided to get some lobster when I saw the cooked shelled tails and claws on ice so I asked the guy behind the counter if they were Maine lobster.

He looks at me and says as he rolls his eyes, "Well it says so on that big sign over there."

Now I'll admit I was a bit distracted today and didn't really bother to read any of the signage in the store and said, "Well I didn't notice the sign."

Wise ass clerk replies," Well, what about these two other signs that say Maine lobster?"

Now I don't know about you but I'm not about to shell out good money for lobster and take attitude off a douche bag clerk so I said rather loudly, "Well since I had that brain tumor removed last year I have a little trouble reading signs so maybe you want to think about that the next time a person politely asks you a yes or no question and you won't be such an asshole."

The deli manager came out and asked what the problem was and I said, "It seems your smart mouthed smart ass clerk can't answer a yes or no question without giving attitude to paying customers."

I took my lobster and left.

I hope that douche ends up looking for a new job and someone who really wants a job will get hired.

BTW I would fire any one of my employees for pulling a stunt like that.
What about the deli counter douchebags who give you fucking ham steaks after you asked for it extra thin?

They're not too happy when I ask them to do it again. :lol:
sorry 'bout your experience with the prissy clerk...

but, gotta ask, why does lobster hafta come from Maine to be acceptable...?
Dude sounds like an asshole, I noticed a few people like that at Sams Club near my house, I asked a girl who worked there once if her register was open and she just pointed her finger at the open sign above her station, alot of these people who work these minimum wage jobs are bitches and angry at the world for real.
sorry 'bout your experience with the prissy clerk...

but, gotta ask, why does lobster hafta come from Maine to be acceptable...?

Canadian would be fine but hey I'm from New England so to me lobster means Maine lobster.
i hate working with the public...esp when they have to be spoon feed information

3 fucking signs and you cant read one of them?

Hey it's his fucking job to answer a customer's question. If he is annoyed by that fact that I shop in the store where he works thereby making his employment possible then he can go fuck himself and find a job where he can sit by himself all day and pull his pud.
i hate working with the public...esp when they have to be spoon feed information

3 fucking signs and you cant read one of them?

On the one hand you're right: someone needs to use his eyes a little better. On the other hand, that employee's sole raison d'etre in that establishment is to serve customers. Now, if there were another sign nearby that read "Our Employees are Smartasses, and We Don't Give a Crap--Mngmt." that would be another story.
i hate working with the public...esp when they have to be spoon feed information

3 fucking signs and you cant read one of them?

Hey it's his fucking job to answer a customer's question. If he is annoyed by that fact that I shop in the store where he works thereby making his employment possible then he can go fuck himself and find a job where he can sit by himself all day and pull his pud.


It took no more energy on his part to give you a smartass answer than it would to have said "yes".
i hate working with the public...esp when they have to be spoon feed information

3 fucking signs and you cant read one of them?

Hey it's his fucking job to answer a customer's question. If he is annoyed by that fact that I shop in the store where he works thereby making his employment possible then he can go fuck himself and find a job where he can sit by himself all day and pull his pud.


It took no more energy on his part to give you a smartass answer than it would to have said "yes".

I'm pretty sure you didn't word that quite right. ;)
I was at the supermarket today at the seafood counter.

I decided to get some lobster when I saw the cooked shelled tails and claws on ice so I asked the guy behind the counter if they were Maine lobster.

He looks at me and says as he rolls his eyes, "Well it says so on that big sign over there."

Now I'll admit I was a bit distracted today and didn't really bother to read any of the signage in the store and said, "Well I didn't notice the sign."

Wise ass clerk replies," Well, what about these two other signs that say Maine lobster?"

Now I don't know about you but I'm not about to shell out good money for lobster and take attitude off a douche bag clerk so I said rather loudly, "Well since I had that brain tumor removed last year I have a little trouble reading signs so maybe you want to think about that the next time a person politely asks you a yes or no question and you won't be such an asshole."

The deli manager came out and asked what the problem was and I said, "It seems your smart mouthed smart ass clerk can't answer a yes or no question without giving attitude to paying customers."

I took my lobster and left.

I hope that douche ends up looking for a new job and someone who really wants a job will get hired.

BTW I would fire any one of my employees for pulling a stunt like that.

He should have just answered you in a nice way. They don't call it customer service for nothing. Answering questions is part of the service, unbelievable how some people act these days.
I was at the supermarket today at the seafood counter.

I decided to get some lobster when I saw the cooked shelled tails and claws on ice so I asked the guy behind the counter if they were Maine lobster.

He looks at me and says as he rolls his eyes, "Well it says so on that big sign over there."

Now I'll admit I was a bit distracted today and didn't really bother to read any of the signage in the store and said, "Well I didn't notice the sign."

Wise ass clerk replies," Well, what about these two other signs that say Maine lobster?"

Now I don't know about you but I'm not about to shell out good money for lobster and take attitude off a douche bag clerk so I said rather loudly, "Well since I had that brain tumor removed last year I have a little trouble reading signs so maybe you want to think about that the next time a person politely asks you a yes or no question and you won't be such an asshole."

The deli manager came out and asked what the problem was and I said, "It seems your smart mouthed smart ass clerk can't answer a yes or no question without giving attitude to paying customers."

I took my lobster and left.

I hope that douche ends up looking for a new job and someone who really wants a job will get hired.

BTW I would fire any one of my employees for pulling a stunt like that.

Did his name tag say Mal?
i hate working with the public...esp when they have to be spoon feed information

3 fucking signs and you cant read one of them?

Some people may have problems with their vision or even not able to read, these things have to be taken into consideration when someone asks a question.
He looks at me and says as he rolls his eyes, "Well it says so on that big sign over there."

Now I'll admit I was a bit distracted today and didn't really bother to read any of the signage in the store and said, "Well I didn't notice the sign."

Wise ass clerk replies," Well, what about these two other signs that say Maine lobster?"

He was just being a smart-ass asshole. Seems to be a pretty common phenomenon in our society these days, unfortuately. :(

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