"I have said repeatedly I want those emails out," Clinton said.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
How do Billary supporters stand by such a lying, deceptive witch? She ran the gd-dmn mail server out of her own house!!! And somehow she doesn't have control over the email? Where's the server? Every week she just keeps telling bigger lies. Next week what is it going to be? That she killed Bin Laden? That would be more believable than the horseshit she is shoveling about these emails.
She wants the ones she already turned over released, the ones that help her. The others that would hang her she destroyed.
Have they looked in the Hildebeast's bedroom yet?

Recall the Rose law firm billing records were missing for a long time, couldn't be found anywhere. Until they finally discovered them stashed away in her dresser drawer next to her battery operated toys, latex novelties, strap-ons, etc.
Hillary only turned over the emails she wanted to. There won't be anything to find and she will declare it a victory over the vast right wing conspiracy. And the libs will suck it up.
Hillary only turned over the emails she wanted to. There won't be anything to find and she will declare it a victory over the vast right wing conspiracy. And the libs will suck it up.

Really that's about the size of it during the primary elections because the left will give her a pass so long as there aren't to many more scandals rearing their ugly head in the near future. If that happens she'll be deemed unelectable and kicked to the curb.
Have they looked in the Hildebeast's bedroom yet?

Recall the Rose law firm billing records were missing for a long time, couldn't be found anywhere. Until they finally discovered them stashed away in her dresser drawer next to her battery operated toys, latex novelties, strap-ons, etc.

That must be some drawer to hold that much stuff.

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