i have dreaded this day for years


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2008
chicken farm





my husband planted this tree years ago...it was too close to the house and grew at an amazing rate....
we finally had a friend come by who owns a tree service to discuss cabling the tree....as it has three major trunks now....they mumbled to each other.....stood close and talked with sideways glances toward me...they hem and hawed but finally said the tree has to come down.....
I'm sorry. It's always hard to lose a tree, moreso when it's 'the tree you planted.' My condolences.
Some years ago, my Dad had to fell the tree that was our 'tree house' and 'tire swing'. It was a huge wrench for the family. Many, many happy days had been spent in and around that tree.

Now, my Dad, being a bit of a wood turner, saved the wood and made bowls and stuff from it. The pieces were given to each of us one Christmas. Into the bottom of each piece Dad burned the date the tree was taken down, and a brief note for each recipient. Maybe you could do likewise?
Well. It sucks bonez. That is the most common reason to have to cut trees down. Poor placement. Just don't let the wood go to waste.

When I had my landscape company people would ask why I planted shrubs ( and trees) so far from the house. My response was to point at a neighbors house and reply " you wanna try washing those windows ?"

Is that a locust tree ? Been many a years since I lived in that neck of the woods.
they are moving right along.....hubby has me busy cooking.....i made biscuits with bacon and sausage....and for lunch they are gonna have pulled pork with carolina bbq sauce......they are all aware that i did not want to do this....the climber is saying the tree was too dangerous and a good ice storm would have crashed it into the house....

the noise is hellish...we have a metal roof and the scraping is crazy sounding......

jake has puked..thor is hiding in the closet...buddy is where buddy always is.....on his bed behind my computer chair....
At least this didn't happen......

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vddHbbCCUC0&feature=related]The Top 10 Worst Attempts at Cutting Down a Tree - YouTube[/ame]
I'm sorry SB......I know I once lived in a house that had 2 beautiful weeping willow trees, and the gent I was living with, cut them down.
I was devastated, as I thoughtt they were so pretty...he just didn't like them.
But I hope the more light you will receive now, will help forget what was cut away :)

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