I had a biopsy yesterday...

I had three issues when I went to the specialist. Two of them were easily remediable. The other one involved having a biopsy done.

I just changed the bandage on the area of the biopsy.

14 years later, one cancerous spot. Dealt with. Done with. Earlier this year.
Why the "whistle" smiley at the end of the OP?

When I read that someone has had a "biopsy," I usually think of a test for cancer.

I hope that's not it.

I do think Dante is an ass, but I wouldn't wish illness on him.

If it's just Dante pulling the collective leg of his fellow USMB members, then I still hope he gets better. For, in the latter event, he's clearly ill.
and you've changed.

Whatever happened to you, it's terrible.
So how are you now?

thanks for asking
I'm in trouble medically but following up on things.
Shit seemed to come out of nowhere two years ago, but I know whatever it all is was there before I became aware of it.

cancer skin shit? Being monitored like everyone else. But other shit? Man-o-man, the bill is coming due. Thing is, I found out something with the arteries is not from genetics or something I did with lifestyle. Meds or an illness or combo of that shit. Small consolation, but somebody here implied I had issues because of how I lived my life. LOL
How long do you have to wait for a result? After a bladder infection I had a sky high blood count reading a couple of years ago that indicated possible prostate cancer and my doctor told me not to worry and he would see me in about three months. "Not to worry"?
thanks for asking
I'm in trouble medically but following up on things.
Shit seemed to come out of nowhere two years ago, but I know whatever it all is was there before I became aware of it.

cancer skin shit? Being monitored like everyone else. But other shit? Man-o-man, the bill is coming due. Thing is, I found out something with the arteries is not from genetics or something I did with lifestyle. Meds or an illness or combo of that shit. Small consolation, but somebody here implied I had issues because of how I lived my life. LOL

Dude, you’re like the Grinch, your heart is bigger than you think

I had a fleeting moment of sanity today.

I’ve had only a handful of these in my entire Life.

Today’s came at sundown and it was the thought: what would you do differently if you KNEW that everything ended at Sundown tomorrow, you were given absolute total confidence that my time here was limited?
I had three issues when I went to the specialist. Two of them were easily remediable. The other one involved having a biopsy done.

I just changed the bandage on the area of the biopsy.


Well any biopsi that has an external bandage is better than an INTERNAL Biopsy. Hope it was gotten early enough. much more time is needed to hear you bicker incessantly!!

Dude, you’re like the Grinch, your heart is bigger than you think

I had a fleeting moment of sanity today.

I’ve had only a handful of these in my entire Life.

Today’s came at sundown and it was the thought: what would you do differently if you KNEW that everything ended at Sundown tomorrow, you were given absolute total confidence that my time here was limited?
Cardiologist taking me in for an angiogram. The cardiac surgeon was like "don't fret yet with aneurysm". :auiqs.jpg:

Can't wait to see what Vascular surgeon goes on about

Emphysema under control for now too. :auiqs.jpg:The bill has come due. Did I forget the blood clot shit? Yet I look good Outside, like a beauty of an old car that needs some serious work on the inside.

Two/three years ago it started with Kidneys seriously high BP while on meds. Thank gawd only the good die young.
Well any biopsi that has an external bandage is better than an INTERNAL Biopsy. Hope it was gotten early enough. much more time is needed to hear you bicker incessantly!!

Had a serious g.i. bleed earlier this year. While on blood thinners. Ha, ha, ha... then bled elsewhere and EMT's freaked. Only a few weeks ago. Off the thinners now.
Had a serious g.i. bleed earlier this year. While on blood thinners. Ha, ha, ha... then bled elsewhere and EMT's freaked. Only a few weeks ago. Off the thinners now.

I think those blood thinners can only be a temporary solution. Always good to be able to get off of them. My Mother was on them for a while and had to get off. Switched to a high quality fish oil and is doing much better

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