I guess it's official now


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
This is from the web site Education Week- hardly a bastion of conservatives.

'No Progress' Seen in Reading or Math on

Updated for additional state results and reaction.

The latest results of the tests known as the Nation's Report Card offer a mostly grim view of academic progress in U.S. schools.

"Over the past decade, there has been no progress in either mathematics or reading performance, and the lowest-performing students are doing worse," said Peggy Carr, the associate commissioner of the National Center for Education Statistics, which administers the NAEP. "In fact, over the long term in reading, the lowest-performing students—those readers who struggle the most—have made no progress from the first NAEP administration almost 30 years ago."

Since 2017, reading performance has dropped significantly across grades 4 and 8, with math performance mixed, based on results of the 2019 National Assessment of Educational Progress released Wednesday. Some racial achievement gaps closed—in part because of falling scores among white students—and gaps between struggling and high-achieving students continued to widen.

'No Progress' Seen in Reading or Math on Nation's Report Card

I guess one size doesn't fit all after all.
This is from the web site Education Week- hardly a bastion of conservatives.

'No Progress' Seen in Reading or Math on

Updated for additional state results and reaction.

The latest results of the tests known as the Nation's Report Card offer a mostly grim view of academic progress in U.S. schools.

"Over the past decade, there has been no progress in either mathematics or reading performance, and the lowest-performing students are doing worse," said Peggy Carr, the associate commissioner of the National Center for Education Statistics, which administers the NAEP. "In fact, over the long term in reading, the lowest-performing students—those readers who struggle the most—have made no progress from the first NAEP administration almost 30 years ago."

Since 2017, reading performance has dropped significantly across grades 4 and 8, with math performance mixed, based on results of the 2019 National Assessment of Educational Progress released Wednesday. Some racial achievement gaps closed—in part because of falling scores among white students—and gaps between struggling and high-achieving students continued to widen.

'No Progress' Seen in Reading or Math on Nation's Report Card

I guess one size doesn't fit all after all.
No surprise, unfortunately.
This is from the web site Education Week- hardly a bastion of conservatives.

'No Progress' Seen in Reading or Math on

Updated for additional state results and reaction.

The latest results of the tests known as the Nation's Report Card offer a mostly grim view of academic progress in U.S. schools.

"Over the past decade, there has been no progress in either mathematics or reading performance, and the lowest-performing students are doing worse," said Peggy Carr, the associate commissioner of the National Center for Education Statistics, which administers the NAEP. "In fact, over the long term in reading, the lowest-performing students—those readers who struggle the most—have made no progress from the first NAEP administration almost 30 years ago."

Since 2017, reading performance has dropped significantly across grades 4 and 8, with math performance mixed, based on results of the 2019 National Assessment of Educational Progress released Wednesday. Some racial achievement gaps closed—in part because of falling scores among white students—and gaps between struggling and high-achieving students continued to widen.

'No Progress' Seen in Reading or Math on Nation's Report Card

I guess one size doesn't fit all after all.

It's funny that you would expect achievement to get better when we're in the middle of a blistering teacher shortage with schools a cesspool of violence as they are.

No one wants to address either the first or the second, of course.
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This is from the web site Education Week- hardly a bastion of conservatives.

'No Progress' Seen in Reading or Math on

Updated for additional state results and reaction.

The latest results of the tests known as the Nation's Report Card offer a mostly grim view of academic progress in U.S. schools.

"Over the past decade, there has been no progress in either mathematics or reading performance, and the lowest-performing students are doing worse," said Peggy Carr, the associate commissioner of the National Center for Education Statistics, which administers the NAEP. "In fact, over the long term in reading, the lowest-performing students—those readers who struggle the most—have made no progress from the first NAEP administration almost 30 years ago."

Since 2017, reading performance has dropped significantly across grades 4 and 8, with math performance mixed, based on results of the 2019 National Assessment of Educational Progress released Wednesday. Some racial achievement gaps closed—in part because of falling scores among white students—and gaps between struggling and high-achieving students continued to widen.

'No Progress' Seen in Reading or Math on Nation's Report Card

I guess one size doesn't fit all after all.

It's funny that you would expect achievement to get better when we're in the middle of a blistering teacher shortage with schools a cesspool of violence as they are.

No one wants to address either the first or the second, of course.

I don't think it's funny. What do you think causes a "blistering teacher shortage"?
This is from the web site Education Week- hardly a bastion of conservatives.

'No Progress' Seen in Reading or Math on

Updated for additional state results and reaction.

The latest results of the tests known as the Nation's Report Card offer a mostly grim view of academic progress in U.S. schools.

"Over the past decade, there has been no progress in either mathematics or reading performance, and the lowest-performing students are doing worse," said Peggy Carr, the associate commissioner of the National Center for Education Statistics, which administers the NAEP. "In fact, over the long term in reading, the lowest-performing students—those readers who struggle the most—have made no progress from the first NAEP administration almost 30 years ago."

Since 2017, reading performance has dropped significantly across grades 4 and 8, with math performance mixed, based on results of the 2019 National Assessment of Educational Progress released Wednesday. Some racial achievement gaps closed—in part because of falling scores among white students—and gaps between struggling and high-achieving students continued to widen.

'No Progress' Seen in Reading or Math on Nation's Report Card

I guess one size doesn't fit all after all.

It's funny that you would expect achievement to get better when we're in the middle of a blistering teacher shortage with schools a cesspool of violence as they are.

No one wants to address either the first or the second, of course.

I don't think it's funny. What do you think causes a "blistering teacher shortage"?

Because society expects us both to RAISE and TEACH their children and blames us when we can't. For, in some states, around $35K per year, and also, while telling us we suck.

You sign up for it. Also do not mistake me: I love teaching with a passion. But it's become an impossible profession. As such, teachers are telling everyone they know not to go into it. So here we are.
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I don't think it's funny. What do you think causes a "blistering teacher shortage"?


Because society expects us both to RAISE and TEACH their children and blames us when we can't. For, in some states, around $35K per year, and also, while telling us we suck.

You sign up for it. Also do not mistake me: I love teaching with a passion. But it's become an impossible profession. As such, teachers are telling everyone they know not to go into it. So here we are.[/QUOTE]

And whose fault is it that society makes such demands? Answer: The purveyors of mandated public education who, in the same breath believe they are absolvers of personal responsibility- the federal godvernment. I have to ask; where did they learn that?

Anecdote: My ex told me I'd have made a good teacher, or preacher- LOL, because I took the time to explain how a clock works if you ask me the time. But, I wouldn't have lasted through the interview process- I say that because I remember when my kids brought home a paper to be signed I sent it back with *mark ups* for punctuation, spelling and legibility.

I admire those who see teaching as a calling, but, at the same time I believe in the saying; enjoy what you do and the money will come. Another but: When you enter public "service" you are at the mercy of the rule writers and believe me, they don't care about anything outside perpetuating their own little world.
The secret to "the money will come" is learning to live within your means and not wanting every latest whistle and bell. I'm not trying to be callous either. Money is a problem for a lot of people and that too can be laid at the feet of the perpetuators, i.e., the federal godvernment, the absolvers of personal responsibility.
That conversation (as all are concerning godvernment intervention in everything, foreign and domestic) is a bowl of spaghetti with no beginning or end until the whole bowl is consumed. The band width it would eat up would cause most people to, as is their wont, tune out with the ear bleeding, eyes glazed over, reception to seeing what they don't want to see-
I don't think it's funny. What do you think causes a "blistering teacher shortage"?

Because society expects us both to RAISE and TEACH their children and blames us when we can't. For, in some states, around $35K per year, and also, while telling us we suck.

You sign up for it. Also do not mistake me: I love teaching with a passion. But it's become an impossible profession. As such, teachers are telling everyone they know not to go into it. So here we are.[/QUOTE]

And whose fault is it that society makes such demands? Answer: The purveyors of mandated public education who, in the same breath believe they are absolvers of personal responsibility- the federal godvernment. I have to ask; where did they learn that?

Anecdote: My ex told me I'd have made a good teacher, or preacher- LOL, because I took the time to explain how a clock works if you ask me the time. But, I wouldn't have lasted through the interview process- I say that because I remember when my kids brought home a paper to be signed I sent it back with *mark ups* for punctuation, spelling and legibility.

I admire those who see teaching as a calling, but, at the same time I believe in the saying; enjoy what you do and the money will come. Another but: When you enter public "service" you are at the mercy of the rule writers and believe me, they don't care about anything outside perpetuating their own little world.
The secret to "the money will come" is learning to live within your means and not wanting every latest whistle and bell. I'm not trying to be callous either. Money is a problem for a lot of people and that too can be laid at the feet of the perpetuators, i.e., the federal godvernment, the absolvers of personal responsibility.
That conversation (as all are concerning godvernment intervention in everything, foreign and domestic) is a bowl of spaghetti with no beginning or end until the whole bowl is consumed. The band width it would eat up would cause most people to, as is their wont, tune out with the ear bleeding, eyes glazed over, reception to seeing what they don't want to see-[/QUOTE]

Your clock anecdote right straight through to the end tells me you like listening to yourself speak and type, and that, let me tell you, is a teaching-killer. It will last you about three years, maybe five if you're REALLY good at it. After that you stop growing, everyone notices, you stagnate, burn out, hate it and you're done.

Teaching, trust me, is a LOT more than "explaining".

25 year teaching veteran here. Highly qualified, nationally published.
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[/QUOTE] Your clock anecdote right straight through to the end tells me you like listening to yourself speak and type, and that, let me tell you, is a teaching-killer. It will last you about three years, maybe five if you're REALLY good at it. After that you stop growing, everyone notices, you stagnate, burn out, hate it and you're done.

Teaching, trust me, is a LOT more than "explaining".

25 year teaching veteran here. Highly qualified, nationally published.[/QUOTE]

Credentials don't mean squat in this age- they can be bought. A sheep skin doesn't mean you're smart, it means you stuck it out and passed some tests. What's done with the knowledge gained (if there was any) determines smart.

I do like reading what I write as I speak the truth when the truth comes to call- if you can't handle the truth that doesn't speak well to your credentials does it?

I never said that teaching is explaining, but explaining helps learning- that you don't like it speaks to your lack, not mine.
I did say it was anecdotal and a comment made by my ex, but, ask me the time I might explain how a clock works- that is passing on knowledge, therefore educational.
Educating is merely passing on of knowledge- knowledge is also opinion- passing it on as absolute because it's credentialed doesn't make it any more believable than if it isn't- a sound education has to be founded in truth. Truth isn't opinion. Truth means what was true yesterday, is true today and will be true tomorrow- knowledge (and by extension opinion) evolves- those are the facts ma'am.

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