I got another question that will stop the liberals dead in their tracks, why can a...

WHY is it that a 20 year old young man who is as clean (criminally) and pure as high country newly fallen snow can NOT walk into a gun shop and legally buy a handgun...,


a 15 y.o. slut can walk into a drug store and buy a pill that absolves her of a wild night of boozing, whoring and drugs.

if there is a liberal here who may have made an attempt at mastering the art of logic, please tell me how the above computes.

thank you !

Because there is a God?
I wondered the same thing although more in the vain of medications that you can't get compared to the morning after pill.*

"The mother of a girl who died after taking the Pill today called for a ban on giving emergency contraception to under-age girls without parental consent."

Mother calls for tougher morning after pill measures | Mail Online

How Does it Work? - Morning After Pill

"The emergency contraceptive/morning-after pill has three modes of action (as does the regular birth control pill); that is, it can work in one of three ways:

The normal menstrual cycle is altered, delaying ovulation; or
Ovulation is inhibited, meaning the egg will not be released from the ovary;
It can irritate the lining of the uterus (endometrium) so as to inhibit implantation."

29 Deaths from RU-486 "Morning After" Pill

"WASHINGTON --Use of the abortion drug RU-486 has resulted in the deaths of 29 women worldwide, according to a new report."

"Eight women's deaths in the United States have been associated with RU-486, as well as nine life-endangering situations, about 120 blood transfusions and more than 200 hospitalizations, Sen. Jim DeMint, R.-S.C., said in 2006. DeMint is a leading Senate opponent of the federal government's approval of the abortion drug."
I don't understand this thread...

ask a Conservative friend (if you have any) to explain it to you, i do not have the time to waste :up:

Uhh, that's probably why people can't make heads or tails of your thread. Explanations take time, apparently more time than you have, apparently.

welll, it's kinda like this, explaining to a liberal the fact that water is wet takes at a minimum of FIVE (5) full pages.

so in this particular case it would take at a minimum of NINETEEN (19) full pages.., do you have the time to type NINETEEN pages ?

i do not !!
WHY is it that a 20 year old young man who is as clean (criminally) and pure as high country newly fallen snow can NOT walk into a gun shop and legally buy a handgun...,


a 15 y.o. slut can walk into a drug store and buy a pill that absolves her of a wild night of boozing, whoring and drugs.

if there is a liberal here who may have made an attempt at mastering the art of logic, please tell me how the above computes.

thank you !

I'll take a swing at explaining that logic to you.

If that a nutter gets hold of a gun, it threatens everybody else.

If a 15 year old does NOT get preggers, who is harmed?

There now, that wasn't all that confusing, was it?

What do you fear more, kid?

A sexy girl or a stranger with a gun?

Clearly in your case women's (girls) sexuality is very frightening.

a "nutter", you mean like that liberal kid in Conn. or the liberal nutter in Colo. and those two liberal asshole "Boston Bombers" ?? those kind of nutters ?

and that little 15 y.o. girl swallows a pill that kills of thousands of sperm that could potentially be viable humans.

clearly in your case you are frightened by millions of peaceful gun owning American patriots.

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