"I find nothing I can charge against him"...2000 years ago...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
It seems only fair that with the MSM sucking up to Sharpton/Jackson PRESUMING Zimmerman in cold blood with NO threat to his life killed Martin, let's be fair and PRESUME Zimmerman was attacked beaten by Martin and shot Martin in self defense.

Let's presume that OK?
Let's say the is a video of the attack unprovoked by Zimmerman totally initiated by Martin.

Will the MSM allocate as much time/content to the reality?

Will Sharpton/Jackson congresspersons .. Bobbie Rush (former black panther..) apologize?
Will the Black Panthers rescind their bounty on Zimmerman?

I'm just asking because in the first place we really have been guilty as I have of convicting Zimmerman WITHOUT all the facts!
Juan Williams on Fox wants Zimmerman arrested. He contends ANYONE who shoots anyone should be arrested.

I'm sure that millions of people want Zimmerman arrested. WHY?

How appropriate this Easter ...........

Then Jesus came out. He was wearing the crown of thorns and the purple robe. Pilate said to the Jews, "Here is the man!" When the leading priests and the Jewish guards saw Jesus they yelled, "Kill him on a cross! Kill him on a cross!" But Pilate answered, "You take him and nail him to a cross yourselves. I find nothing I can charge against him. John 19:5-6
Stick with it, healthmyths. You could be the instigator of the next Terry Schivo moment.
It seems only fair that with the MSM sucking up to Sharpton/Jackson PRESUMING Zimmerman in cold blood with NO threat to his life killed Martin, let's be fair and PRESUME Zimmerman was attacked beaten by Martin and shot Martin in self defense.

Let's presume that OK?
Let's say the is a video of the attack unprovoked by Zimmerman totally initiated by Martin.

Will the MSM allocate as much time/content to the reality?

Will Sharpton/Jackson congresspersons .. Bobbie Rush (former black panther..) apologize?
Will the Black Panthers rescind their bounty on Zimmerman?

I'm just asking because in the first place we really have been guilty as I have of convicting Zimmerman WITHOUT all the facts!
Juan Williams on Fox wants Zimmerman arrested. He contends ANYONE who shoots anyone should be arrested.

I'm sure that millions of people want Zimmerman arrested. WHY?

How appropriate this Easter ...........

Then Jesus came out. He was wearing the crown of thorns and the purple robe. Pilate said to the Jews, "Here is the man!" When the leading priests and the Jewish guards saw Jesus they yelled, "Kill him on a cross! Kill him on a cross!" But Pilate answered, "You take him and nail him to a cross yourselves. I find nothing I can charge against him. John 19:5-6

I'm sorry, did Jesus shoot an unarmed black kid with a bag of skittles? I must have missed that in Sunday School.

Incidently, the Jews were perfectly in line wanting to execute Jesus.

He broke their laws and challenged their religious authorities, which was death penalty offense.
It seems only fair that with the MSM sucking up to Sharpton/Jackson PRESUMING Zimmerman in cold blood with NO threat to his life killed Martin, let's be fair and PRESUME Zimmerman was attacked beaten by Martin and shot Martin in self defense.

Let's presume that OK?
Let's say the is a video of the attack unprovoked by Zimmerman totally initiated by Martin.

Will the MSM allocate as much time/content to the reality?

Will Sharpton/Jackson congresspersons .. Bobbie Rush (former black panther..) apologize?
Will the Black Panthers rescind their bounty on Zimmerman?

I'm just asking because in the first place we really have been guilty as I have of convicting Zimmerman WITHOUT all the facts!
Juan Williams on Fox wants Zimmerman arrested. He contends ANYONE who shoots anyone should be arrested.

I'm sure that millions of people want Zimmerman arrested. WHY?

How appropriate this Easter ...........

Then Jesus came out. He was wearing the crown of thorns and the purple robe. Pilate said to the Jews, "Here is the man!" When the leading priests and the Jewish guards saw Jesus they yelled, "Kill him on a cross! Kill him on a cross!" But Pilate answered, "You take him and nail him to a cross yourselves. I find nothing I can charge against him. John 19:5-6

I'm sorry, did Jesus shoot an unarmed black kid with a bag of skittles? I must have missed that in Sunday School.

Incidently, the Jews were perfectly in line wanting to execute Jesus.

He broke their laws and challenged their religious authorities, which was death penalty offense.

Right BUT even Jesus had a trial by the Jews and Pilate!
YOU guys especially the Black Panthers want to hang him now!
Actually if you read the Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ which consists of books that didn't make it into the Bible Jesus DID kill a young man when he was a kid!

"In Thomas' version of events, later that same day as Jesus was casually strolling around town, running divine errands, another boy accidentally bumped into him on the street. So what would Jesus do? He'd probably use his divine presence to heal the boy of being friggin' clumsy, right? Let's see:

Jesus was provoked and said unto him, "Thou shalt not finish thy course." And immediately he fell down and died.

-- Infancy Gospel of Thomas 4:1

Read more: 5 Real Deleted Bible Scenes In Which Jesus Kicks Some Ass | Cracked.com 5 Real Deleted Bible Scenes In Which Jesus Kicks Some Ass | Cracked.com

Maybe you should go back and question your sunday school teacher!!!

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