I Finally Figured Out How the Loony Lefties Define Racism


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
It's basically whenever a white person talks about race without admitting that whites are wrong for everything we ever did to nonwhites.

I started a thread to discuss the rash of racist remarks I have heard from whites lately and this idiot I saw wearing a Swastika on a T-Shirt, and had five libtards staate or imply I was a racist for even bringing the subject up. One stated that I should confess that I was really trying to DEFEND racist whites by starting the thread, lol.

So even if a whihte person is criticizing other whites for racist thinking, if it isnt mea culpa enough they see it as racism.

I guess it makes sense in that if you can make individual words out of any context 'racist' then the next step is to make simple neutral thought racist too.

Basically, one could sum it all up as 'white people are evil and are so racist that every thought on racial topics is by definition racist unless they are admitting whites are evil and racist by nature.'

I am so sick of leftist morons obscuring any discussion of race, but apparently I am not alone.
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Point me to the isle on the left. I was raised Repub so the direction thing is confusing. ( no chillunz B leff behine) Keepin it real !
Right now I'm on top of da fence trying not to fall into the pit of savages surrounding me.
Point me to the isle on the left. I was raised Repub so the direction thing is confusing. ( no chillunz B leff behine) Keepin it real !
Right now I'm on top of da fence trying not to fall into the pit of savages surrounding me.

Good luck with that.

With the looney left on one side deracinating whites and demanding complete surrender by them to everyone else, and the racist right who despise everything about blacks and refer to them as feral savages who cant help being thugs and criminals (ITNOTB), the middle ground seems to be eroding away so fast there might not be much room left for our fence for very long.

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