I dunno....this does not appear to match the reports from Western Media at all

I simply ignore the massive propaganda war the MSM is waging against their own readers. I only care for facts on the ground. They don´t deliver at all. They are pure fraud.
I mean look at these guys....they actually appear to be in good spirits. War sucks no matter what but they don't look cold, hungry or even tired.
I mean look at these guys....they actually appear to be in good spirits. War sucks no matter what but they don't look cold, hungry or even tired.
They are propagating all kinds off bullshit. Currently, the Russians destroy their own tanks and refuse to fight, according to German truth news.
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Now hear me out.....

You're going to take the word of the Russians??


The same nation that we were in a propaganda war with since 1945???


The same nation that has an entire Battalion, tasked with making Tik Toks showing Russian spirits are up, despite these soldiers being stationed in the rear guard area???
This is necessary, it is why the US has now implemented a government disinformation board, it works with big tech to cut off sources of funding to independent journalists, so folks in the west have less and less sources of factual information, in which to make informed decision on this mess.

If folks really knew how things were going, what triggered the invasion, and why both corporations and politicians were gas-lighting them, they might with drawl their support for military aid to Ukraine.

This aid, is only prolonging the conflict, which, in the end, creates more shortages of energy, food and other goods, and long as making distortions in the economy even more assured.

One thing I can not find any real investigative work on, is any corruption and kick-backs occurring in the EU aid. I have seen a first hand account from mid-level military leadership in Ukraine, that they are not getting the aid, but that corrupt politicians in Europe and Ukraine are skimming off the top. I have not been able to verify this narrative, either from the EU or the US. Folks are whispering this rumor. . . but it has not been verified.

IMO, I don't think any independent journalist really wants to dig into that story, the risks are probably too high in a nation where the press is now all controlled by the government, and the price for trying to dig into that type of corruption, could be your life.

If Americans don't put pressure on their reps. to stop funding this madness, it will probably will continue, and I do think there is probably a fair amount of corruption going on.

In the end, Russia will probably win, and Zelenskyy will end up fleeing with a shit load of cash to a western nation.

Either that, or we will all end up with Armageddon. I think the former is more likely.
Now hear me out.....

You're going to take the word of the Russians??


The same nation that we were in a propaganda war with since 1945???


The same nation that has an entire Battalion, tasked with making Tik Toks showing Russian spirits are up, despite these soldiers being stationed in the rear guard area???
Well the dodgy dossier did come from UKRAINE right?

This is necessary, it is why the US has now implemented a government disinformation board, it works with big tech to cut off sources of funding to independent journalists, so folks in the west have less and less sources of factual information, in which to make informed decision on this mess.

If folks really knew how things were going, what triggered the invasion, and why both corporations and politicians were gas-lighting them, they might with drawl their support for military aid to Ukraine.

This aid, is only prolonging the conflict, which, in the end, creates more shortages of energy, food and other goods, and long as making distortions in the economy even more assured.

One thing I can not find any real investigative work on, is any corruption and kick-backs occurring in the EU aid. I have seen a first hand account from mid-level military leadership in Ukraine, that they are not getting the aid, but that corrupt politicians in Europe and Ukraine are skimming off the top. I have not been able to verify this narrative, either from the EU or the US. Folks are whispering this rumor. . . but it has not been verified.

IMO, I don't think any independent journalist really wants to dig into that story, the risks are probably too high in a nation where the press is now all controlled by the government, and the price for trying to dig into that type of corruption, could be your life.

If Americans don't put pressure on their reps. to stop funding this madness, it will probably will continue, and I do think there is probably a fair amount of corruption going on.

In the end, Russia will probably win, and Zelenskyy will end up fleeing with a shit load of cash to a western nation.

Either that, or we will all end up with Armageddon. I think the former is more likely.
Yeah this is what it looks like to me:

1.) Ukraine is the favorite playground for corrupt American politicians of all parties to launder American Tax payer money back into their own banks.
2.) Ukraine is the local hub of European wide organized crime that includes prostitution, drug trade and human trafficking and needs to be protected to continue the provide illicit revenues.
3.) You don't have to like either Putin or Russia to understand that Russia is more on the Defense than the offense here. That does not mean you support Russia...it means you are not fooled by NATO bullshit stories.
4.) NATO...no longer needed... has become a hungry self-serving entity that is looking to codify its own revenue stream, appoint its own officials and fight its own Wars. It actually needs UKRAINE to become the country of NATO Geographically. ( IMO )
Well the dodgy dossier did come from UKRAINE right?


Yes it did. Bidens ties with Ukraine are corrupt, but the U.S. was committed to this long before the war. I'm just a bit curious as to why you'd believe the Russian side of the story, since they are well known story twisters at best, liars at worst.


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