I bet Obamas poll numbers will drop dramatically post worker permit position

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
Not only that, this bumbass AMERICAN JOB KILLING POSITION may be the final nail in his re-election bid.

Romney needs to get out in front of this issue. Point out that it doesnt help America or its LEGAL residents in any fashion. In fact it is going to hurt.
I have always maintained that Obama has terrible judgment. And this proves it.
He is looking for any political advantage, but since he is out of touch with average Americans he thinks he can pick up Hispanic votes in FL and the like without losing working class votes in OH etc.
Not gonna happen. Never mind the enormous arrogation of power he has committed.
Not only that, this bumbass AMERICAN JOB KILLING POSITION may be the final nail in his re-election bid.

Romney needs to get out in front of this issue. Point out that it doesnt help America or its LEGAL residents in any fashion. In fact it is going to hurt.

Rubio wants a more permanent fix along these lines. Deporting everybody costs money too, yours is a knee jerk reaction.
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Not only that, this bumbass AMERICAN JOB KILLING POSITION may be the final nail in his re-election bid.

Romney needs to get out in front of this issue. Point out that it doesnt help America or its LEGAL residents in any fashion. In fact it is going to hurt.

Rubio wants a more permanent fix along these lines. Deporting everybody costs money too, yours is a knee jerk reaction.

And what are MY KNEE JERK REACTIONS? I bet you dont even know my thoughts on this and what the best way to handle it is. But ill wait to see your response before judging YOUR knee jerk reaction to me.
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Not only that, this bumbass AMERICAN JOB KILLING POSITION may be the final nail in his re-election bid.

Romney needs to get out in front of this issue. Point out that it doesnt help America or its LEGAL residents in any fashion. In fact it is going to hurt.

Rubio wants a more permanent fix along these lines. Deporting everybody costs money too, yours is a knee jerk reaction.

And what are MY KNEE JERK REACTIONS? I bet you dont even know my thoughts on this and what the best way to handle it is. But ill wait to see your response before judging YOUR knee jerk reaction to me.

They had to have been here for 5 years and have come here before they were 16. They have to graduate high school, they can't have a criminal record.

These kids do not automatically get to become citizens, it is a temporary measure. The president has asked congress to act.

It's time for them to do something about illegal immigration and this is a good thing. You seem shrill and knee jerk to me. Sue me.
At least he'll get all the ILLEGAL votes .... that's what he wants. He know he's lost a lot of his 2008 supporters, he needs to replentish them...quickly! Between the Illegals, the dead people, and all the "celebrity" contributions he might just do it.

Has he done ANY campaigning in middle America, with the low and middle class people??
At least he'll get all the ILLEGAL votes .... that's what he wants. He know he's lost a lot of his 2008 supporters, he needs to replentish them...quickly! Between the Illegals, the dead people, and all the "celebrity" contributions he might just do it.

Has he done ANY campaigning in middle America, with the low and middle class people??

He wrote them off months ago.
Rubio wants a more permanent fix along these lines. Deporting everybody costs money too, yours is a knee jerk reaction.

And what are MY KNEE JERK REACTIONS? I bet you dont even know my thoughts on this and what the best way to handle it is. But ill wait to see your response before judging YOUR knee jerk reaction to me.

They had to have been here for 5 years and have come here before they were 16. They have to graduate high school, they can't have a criminal record.

These kids do not automatically get to become citizens, it is a temporary measure. The president has asked congress to act.

It's time for them to do something about illegal immigration and this is a good thing. You seem shrill and knee jerk to me. Sue me.

All of those things could easily be negotiated along with closing the border better AFTER our country recovers from an economic disaster that can afford no more hungry mouths to feed at this time. Or do you know of some magic job creator thats going to provide an avenue to support both the illegals and citizens with jobs and other necessities?
And what are MY KNEE JERK REACTIONS? I bet you dont even know my thoughts on this and what the best way to handle it is. But ill wait to see your response before judging YOUR knee jerk reaction to me.

They had to have been here for 5 years and have come here before they were 16. They have to graduate high school, they can't have a criminal record.

These kids do not automatically get to become citizens, it is a temporary measure. The president has asked congress to act.

It's time for them to do something about illegal immigration and this is a good thing. You seem shrill and knee jerk to me. Sue me.

All of those things could easily be negotiated along with closing the border better AFTER our country recovers from an economic disaster that can afford no more hungry mouths to feed at this time. Or do you know of some magic job creator thats going to provide an avenue to support both the illegals and citizens with jobs and other necessities?

They aren't automatically going to be given jobs either. They have to do that themselves. We need a lot of jobs for everyone right now and congress isn't doing a thing about that. Let's put the pressure on them to get a jobs bill through.
Most of my customers asre hispanic and about 50% of the Houston population is Hispanic. Most are hard workinhg people but to give work permits to illegals when so many native born Americans are out of work it rediculus but still the Hispanic vote will go to Obama as will the black vote. It is no surprise that when you pander hard enough and promise enough stuff to a voter they go along like rats to the sea. If yoiu don't believe it look what Shelia Jackson Lee has done for her voters in Houston. She is doing very well, her constituent no so good.
Pubs who LOVE cheap labor are playing you like a violin. Talk about useless harassment laws and fences that won't work are a joke. Pass Schumer work/ss ID card and semi-amnesty- stop the influx. The 11 million illegals, 67% pay taxes, 35 % own homes, thanks to Pubs- give it up haters....

Course after the Great Recession, you'll want your cheap maids, gardeners, and dishwashers again....Pub dupes...
"A man that can speak two languages is blessed! A nation that has to speak two languages is cursed!"
I haven't listened to Michael savage for many years now, but the most pertinent thing I took away from listening to him was his statement "Language! Borders! Culture!"
None of that means anything to Mr Obama. The only thing that matters to him is his re election and his longed for "Fundamental Transformation Of America" by destroying the country of today. With today's backdoor amnesty by quite possibly illegal Executive Fiat, he hopes to have moved one step closer to both, gaining much of the other 33 per cent Hispanic Vote and serially diluting the prevailing American culture, the Culture Of American Exceptionalism, the culture that allowed America to survive from the Revolution, through its Civil War, two World Wars, and the Cold War, to the point of dissappearance.
There are serious dangers for a country in which resides an alien culture within its borders. a culture that neither speaks the prevailing language, knows the history and traditions of the country it resides in, nor respects or recognizes any allegiance to the country within it resides but still holds allegiance to and respect for the country from whence it was from.
That was the problem 1938 Czechoslovokia was dealing with with its Sudeten German population and look what resulted from that. It gave another nation the right to claim Czechoslovokia's territory and domain over its citizens.
The Penicillin based antibiotics and their relatives, the cephalosporins, work by tricking bacteria into inserting a non functional chemical component that closely resembles the real functional component into its cell wall. This non functional component, once in place, fails to adequately hold the bacterial cell wall together intact and the bacteria literally explodes under the osmotic pressures generated by the life processes going on inside the cell.
Mr Obama was very busy today putting in place similar components that will eventually lead to America's destruction as well.
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