“I became an American citizen recently, this was a terrible mistake. What have I done?"


Gold Member
Sep 30, 2014

“I became an American citizen recently, and that night, we watched the Republican debate and I thought, ‘this was a terrible mistake. What have I done?’”

Emily Blunt apologises for poking fun at her American citizenship
I imagine her preference would be Socialist Sanders.

But I'd like to hear her opinion on Democrats backing a congenital liar like Hillary
anyone hates the country should leave.

If you don't love our fundamentals, gtfo

you want the government to take care of you? piss off, go live in S America, C America, Africa, ussr, china, N Korea. When you see what a horrible mistake you've made, you better keep it to yourself of they will fucking kill you, or worse.
was that to me? i dont hate this country.....i just think a lot of countries are better to live and work in...sorry if that truth offends you
why do you act like there are only more repressive countries out there.....why not name the ones that have better living standards than the us....

ireland , new zealand, the us, iceland, finland the list goes on....

this country is not a happy country nor is it at peace with itself....too many diversionary voices ....and the dumbing of americans as voters has been very successful by both parties....
was that to me? i dont hate this country.....i just think a lot of countries are better to live and work in...sorry if that truth offends you
no it was not, I quote people I'm talking to.

don't like it here? move.

try a country that doesn't speak english and see how tolerant they are when you tell them they need to adjust how they live to you.
why do you act like there are only more repressive countries out there.....why not name the ones that have better living standards than the us....

ireland , new zealand, the us, iceland, finland the list goes on....

this country is not a happy country nor is it at peace with itself....too many diversionary voices ....and the dumbing of americans as voters has been very successful by both parties....
you're a leftist, leftist want more government, more government brings deep misery. It's only a matter of time.

and the list is compiled by America and freedom hating leftist, so I give those things no credit.
last time i checked..canada .....french and english
not near Maine

did you know that many people living near Mexico speak Spanish?

same with Florida

Is it amazing to learn that most people in Ireland can't speak Russian?

wonder why?

yea, I've had this conversation before, with a teacher, I made her apologize for insulting the country before I relented.

You don't like America? think it's better somewhere else? then fuck off, haters won't be missed.
i think amerca could learn a lot from countries with better quality living standards...why are you so against self improvement....for a country or a person?
The blathering of Two Thumbs exemplifies why we in the mainstream GOP are doing our best to crush the far right politicall and socially.
i think amerca could learn a lot from countries with better quality living standards...why are you so against self improvement....for a country or a person?
I'm not, that's idiotic.

I'm against believing that people that hate America are right in saying other places are better.

Do any of these places have people risking their lives to get there?


America does. Part of the border patrols job is to recover bodies of people that didn't make it.

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