I am so freakin' tired of the media


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
Today all over the economic news is "February added more jobs than expected" or "More jobs added to the private sector, showing continued recovery".


At least Rueters has the honesty in their article to tell the truth and state this is based on ADP data - and - that ADP data has been terribly unreliable to predict labor for the last year.
In fact the article goes on to say that "when actual data is reported Friday, it is unlikely that the data will show this improvement".

The worse? Fox News. Laughably right under this headline is another article -- "February planned layoffs highest in 11 months".

I am so sick of inaccurate headlines and false articles from EVERY outlet.
Today all over the economic news is "February added more jobs than expected" or "More jobs added to the private sector, showing continued recovery".


At least Rueters has the honesty in their article to tell the truth and state this is based on ADP data - and - that ADP data has been terribly unreliable to predict labor for the last year.
In fact the article goes on to say that "when actual data is reported Friday, it is unlikely that the data will show this improvement".

The worse? Fox News. Laughably right under this headline is another article -- "February planned layoffs highest in 11 months".
I am so sick of inaccurate headlines and false articles from EVERY outlet.

How is that the worse?
Today all over the economic news is "February added more jobs than expected" or "More jobs added to the private sector, showing continued recovery".


At least Rueters has the honesty in their article to tell the truth and state this is based on ADP data - and - that ADP data has been terribly unreliable to predict labor for the last year.
In fact the article goes on to say that "when actual data is reported Friday, it is unlikely that the data will show this improvement".

The worse? Fox News. Laughably right under this headline is another article -- "February planned layoffs highest in 11 months".

I am so sick of inaccurate headlines and false articles from EVERY outlet.


Your life will get better if you do.
Today all over the economic news is "February added more jobs than expected" or "More jobs added to the private sector, showing continued recovery".


At least Rueters has the honesty in their article to tell the truth and state this is based on ADP data - and - that ADP data has been terribly unreliable to predict labor for the last year.
In fact the article goes on to say that "when actual data is reported Friday, it is unlikely that the data will show this improvement".

The worse? Fox News. Laughably right under this headline is another article -- "February planned layoffs highest in 11 months".

I am so sick of inaccurate headlines and false articles from EVERY outlet.

So in other words, media shouldn't announce any good news, only the bad. Yes, let's continue dragging down the American public with nothing but bad news.

Of course if this were some Republican administration, you people would be hoot'n & hollerin' over the "good news." I seem to recall a lot of fudging of employment numbers prior to 2009, where reclassification of jobs made the percentages look swimming, when in reality, they sucked.

And btw, I heard the same analysis Reuters gave on CNBC this morning. So much for the accusation. You just need to know how to LISTEN.
Today all over the economic news is "February added more jobs than expected" or "More jobs added to the private sector, showing continued recovery".


At least Rueters has the honesty in their article to tell the truth and state this is based on ADP data - and - that ADP data has been terribly unreliable to predict labor for the last year.
In fact the article goes on to say that "when actual data is reported Friday, it is unlikely that the data will show this improvement".

The worse? Fox News. Laughably right under this headline is another article -- "February planned layoffs highest in 11 months".

I am so sick of inaccurate headlines and false articles from EVERY outlet.

So in other words, media shouldn't announce any good news, only the bad. Yes, let's continue dragging down the American public with nothing but bad news.

Of course if this were some Republican administration, you people would be hoot'n & hollerin' over the "good news." I seem to recall a lot of fudging of employment numbers prior to 2009, where reclassification of jobs made the percentages look swimming, when in reality, they sucked.

And btw, I heard the same analysis Reuters gave on CNBC this morning. So much for the accusation. You just need to know how to LISTEN.

No, they should just report it accurately, without putting a pro or anti spin on it. Americans are grown ups, we can handle honest information. Good or bad.
News is now slanted thanks to Fox.

The right screamed about the media being left leaning so they could air a Fox station which slants everything to the right.

When your information is coltrolled by the wealthiest members in your country ( hell or not even your country) you get what the wealthy want you to hear.

That is how we got marched to war in Iraq on a stack of lies.
Today all over the economic news is "February added more jobs than expected" or "More jobs added to the private sector, showing continued recovery".


At least Rueters has the honesty in their article to tell the truth and state this is based on ADP data - and - that ADP data has been terribly unreliable to predict labor for the last year.
In fact the article goes on to say that "when actual data is reported Friday, it is unlikely that the data will show this improvement".

The worse? Fox News. Laughably right under this headline is another article -- "February planned layoffs highest in 11 months".

I am so sick of inaccurate headlines and false articles from EVERY outlet.

Turn 'it' off, go to the public library (if it isn't now closed) and get a book. I recommend a long biography, one on John Marshall or another 'founder' other than a president. Bios are great reading and usually (the good ones) are filled with quotes and notes from primary sources, leading to an understanding of the man or women in historical context.
Today all over the economic news is "February added more jobs than expected" or "More jobs added to the private sector, showing continued recovery".


At least Rueters has the honesty in their article to tell the truth and state this is based on ADP data - and - that ADP data has been terribly unreliable to predict labor for the last year.
In fact the article goes on to say that "when actual data is reported Friday, it is unlikely that the data will show this improvement".

The worse? Fox News. Laughably right under this headline is another article -- "February planned layoffs highest in 11 months".

I am so sick of inaccurate headlines and false articles from EVERY outlet.

So in other words, media shouldn't announce any good news, only the bad. Yes, let's continue dragging down the American public with nothing but bad news.

Of course if this were some Republican administration, you people would be hoot'n & hollerin' over the "good news." I seem to recall a lot of fudging of employment numbers prior to 2009, where reclassification of jobs made the percentages look swimming, when in reality, they sucked.

And btw, I heard the same analysis Reuters gave on CNBC this morning. So much for the accusation. You just need to know how to LISTEN.

I'm tired of them spinning the news rather then just reporting the news.
So in other words, media shouldn't announce any good news, only the bad. Yes, let's continue dragging down the American public with nothing but bad news...

You seriously just said this?
First - it wasn't "good" news...or for that matter news at all.
They did the exact same damn thing with retail spending in January - HUGE headlines everywhere (and then consequently several threads here) stating how retail spending in January was highest in so many months. This was based only on a tiny slice of the whole retail data - they just decided amongst themselves to go ahead and assume the rest of the data was going to be the same. Well it wasn't. January retail was not only not up - but DOWN. Of course this news (the real story) was not so huge in the headlines but ran as a sideline story.
ADP data has shown to be a lousy predictor. But they use it anyway. And when the real data comes out - mark my word - if it is bad, it will not be the headline story for that day.

As Cali. Girl states - their job, NO - their DUTY - is to report news - good or bad.

Jesus - I can't believe you said the above.
It's not their duty to report, it's their duty to entertain and raise ratings and revenue. Real journalism is on life support; it exists, but very little of it is broadcast on the TV or radio. It's obvious from reading most of the posts on this MB, very few posts suggest the author fully understands the issues, and even fewer posts reflect critical, creative perspectives.

Maybe a new thread category needs to be offered, one where a written article can be linked to and discussed, debated and dissected; of course that won't eliminate the would-be comedians, or those who seek attenton with glib comments, or those who attack anything or anyone who holds opinons which challenge their own, but such a thread well-moderated might challenge all of us to think more critically and listen more carerfully to the opinons which differ from our own.
Today all over the economic news is "February added more jobs than expected" or "More jobs added to the private sector, showing continued recovery".


At least Rueters has the honesty in their article to tell the truth and state this is based on ADP data - and - that ADP data has been terribly unreliable to predict labor for the last year.
In fact the article goes on to say that "when actual data is reported Friday, it is unlikely that the data will show this improvement".

The worse? Fox News. Laughably right under this headline is another article -- "February planned layoffs highest in 11 months".

I am so sick of inaccurate headlines and false articles from EVERY outlet.

So in other words, media shouldn't announce any good news, only the bad. Yes, let's continue dragging down the American public with nothing but bad news.

Of course if this were some Republican administration, you people would be hoot'n & hollerin' over the "good news." I seem to recall a lot of fudging of employment numbers prior to 2009, where reclassification of jobs made the percentages look swimming, when in reality, they sucked.

And btw, I heard the same analysis Reuters gave on CNBC this morning. So much for the accusation. You just need to know how to LISTEN.

No, they should just report it accurately, without putting a pro or anti spin on it. Americans are grown ups, we can handle honest information. Good or bad.

Oh please, you've been around long enough to know "grown-ups" who are able to decipher this or any other fact are becoming fewer and fewer.
So in other words, media shouldn't announce any good news, only the bad. Yes, let's continue dragging down the American public with nothing but bad news...

You seriously just said this?
First - it wasn't "good" news...or for that matter news at all.
They did the exact same damn thing with retail spending in January - HUGE headlines everywhere (and then consequently several threads here) stating how retail spending in January was highest in so many months. This was based only on a tiny slice of the whole retail data - they just decided amongst themselves to go ahead and assume the rest of the data was going to be the same. Well it wasn't. January retail was not only not up - but DOWN. Of course this news (the real story) was not so huge in the headlines but ran as a sideline story.
ADP data has shown to be a lousy predictor. But they use it anyway. And when the real data comes out - mark my word - if it is bad, it will not be the headline story for that day.

As Cali. Girl states - their job, NO - their DUTY - is to report news - good or bad.

Jesus - I can't believe you said the above.

Every economic report I read or hear that has even a slight tinge of hope to it propels people out from under their fears to go out and spend a llittle more. I don't think that positive attitude needs to be warped by announcing that, well, this isn't really good news at all, boys and girls.

Is the economy getting seriously stronger yet? NO. No one is disputing that. But every inch forward helps. I'm just fucking sick of all the fearmongering, period.
So in other words, media shouldn't announce any good news, only the bad. Yes, let's continue dragging down the American public with nothing but bad news.

Of course if this were some Republican administration, you people would be hoot'n & hollerin' over the "good news." I seem to recall a lot of fudging of employment numbers prior to 2009, where reclassification of jobs made the percentages look swimming, when in reality, they sucked.

And btw, I heard the same analysis Reuters gave on CNBC this morning. So much for the accusation. You just need to know how to LISTEN.

No, they should just report it accurately, without putting a pro or anti spin on it. Americans are grown ups, we can handle honest information. Good or bad.

Oh please, you've been around long enough to know "grown-ups" who are able to decipher this or any other fact are becoming fewer and fewer.

Which is precisely why I think they have a responsibility to just provide facts. They can provide the facts without the spin in at least one program each day. That wouldn't kill them. It's not a question of either/or.... they could do both. Would not be hard. Ask yourself why they don't.
they are all corporate owned

What isnt corporate owned you idiot.... without corporations, you'd be out on the street w/o a job.

IDIOT :cuckoo:

"It's obvious from reading most of the posts on this MB, very few posts suggest the author fully understands the issues, and even fewer posts reflect critical, creative perspectives."; and the beat goes on.

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