"I am my brother's Keeper refuses help his Brother...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
President proudly said:
"It is that fundamental belief — I am my brother's keeper, I am my sister's keeper —"

One of Obama’s favorite phrases comes right out of the Bible: “We are our brother’s keeper.”

Yet he has not contributed a penny to help his own brother.
And evidently George does not believe, even in times of emergency, that he can turn to his brother in the White House for help.
He pleaded with me to send him $1,000 to cover the medical bills.
Since George was at the hospital I asked him to let me speak to a nurse, and she confirmed that George’s son was indeed ill. So I agreed to send George the money through Western Union. He was profusely grateful. But before I hung up I asked George, “Why are you coming to me?” He said, “I have no one else to ask.” Then he said something that astounded me, “Dinesh, you are like a brother to me.”

How I became George Obama's 'brother' | Fox News

How many of you (even if you weren't a Millionaire as Obama is and Obama has all his food, clothing,shelter,travel,medical care paid for by taxpayers...) would refuse your own brother help with medical bills ?
Then how many of you would have the gall, the audacity to frequently piously pontificate "I am my brother's keeper"....?

I am sure Obama supporters don't care. But to those of you that were fooled and voted for Obama..
isn't this alone an embarrassment that should convince you Obama fooled you once but you will be the fools if you vote again???
President proudly said:
"It is that fundamental belief — I am my brother's keeper, I am my sister's keeper

wow... about 500 threads created in less than a year.

being a shill must pay really well. :thup:
Yes be a "shill" or pointing out pompous people who tell other people how to live, want to manage all our lives takes a lot of "shilling" as there are SO many examples of this really stupid President! And I don't get paid because there are so many people out of work due to this pompous arrogant butt, that there are plenty of people like me that want the bum out of office so they can get jobs!

For people that STILL haven't understood the disaster this IDIOT has done - you and them are not the people that need to think about this "do as I say, not as I do" tax dodger!

There are more people that fooled by this fool to vote the first time but are now realizing they don't want to be FOOLS and vote the 2nd time!

This people like you that voted the first time OBVIOUSLY didn't KNOW that this unqualified, inexperienced, incompetent can't even give a speech without a teleprompter!

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