Hypocritical Putin 🇷🇺🐷 is funding Nazi supporters to export his right-wing ideology | Frontline


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
Excellent analysis and diagnosis of Putin’s strategy vis a vis ‘the West’. Any attempt to bargain with IMPERIAL - FASCIST Putin would set a disastrous precedent for the future of international relations.

Prediction for Russia in 2024.

Any alternative could mean nuclear war.

There's just no way of ignoring the impact of the Brics expansion!
Excellent analysis and diagnosis of Putin’s strategy vis a vis ‘the West’. Any attempt to bargain with IMPERIAL - FASCIST Putin would set a disastrous precedent for the future of international relations.

How is Putin being "hypocritical" by funding supporters of his ideology? Go back to school and learn English.
How is Putin being "hypocritical" by funding supporters of his ideology? Go back to school and learn English.
Well you know, if you don’t buy into woke Satanic LGBTQ crap, you’re “a Nazi”.
How is Putin being "hypocritical" by funding supporters of his ideology?

Medvedev Warns of Nuclear Weapons Response.

Is this a warning to be ignored, or is it a warning to take precautions on escalating the war from agreed upon limitations.

We all must remember that either America or Russia has the ability to win this war decisively at any time.

Can anyone imagine what it's going to take to push the war to the limits? Would a Russian strike on America proper push the war to that limit? Or would it be cause for peace negotiations?
Medvedev Warns of Nuclear Weapons Response.

Is this a warning to be ignored, or is it a warning to take precautions on escalating the war from agreed upon limitations.

We all must remember that either America or Russia has the ability to win this war decisively at any time.

Can anyone imagine what it's going to take to push the war to the limits? Would a Russian strike on America proper push the war to that limit? Or would it be cause for peace negotiations?
20% of chicken eggs from the first batch of imports to the Moscow ulus 🇸🇦 🇷🇺 from Turkey and Azerbaijan may be infected with bird flu, salmonella and botulism :abgg2q.jpg:


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