Hunter Biden to sue FoxNews for Defamation

That is excellent. I hope they can each make their cases, respectively. If they LIED about anything, they should pay. But I saw no lies, I just saw reporting that drew logical conclusions from facts revealed on the infamous laptop.

I wonder if he will be treated as a "public figure" under NYT v Sullivan. Big factor here.
Typical Democrat. Weasel when you're busted. I wouldn't be surprised if this loser pulls a Hamas and finds some woman or children to hide behind. This dude is a lowlife. MAGA
Hunter Biden and his attorneys have sent a letter making several demands of Fox News, including one that threatens litigation if the network does not remove content from its website that includes sexually explicit images of the president’s son.

The letter also demands that Fox News issue a retraction or correction to news coverage about allegations that the Biden family was bribed by a Ukrainian oligarch. Much of that coverage was based on information from Alexander Smirnov, an FBI informant who said he had ties to Russian intelligence and has since been charged with lying about the matter by the Justice Department.

Much of the letter focuses on a six-part fictional series called “The Trial of Hunter Biden,” which was produced by the Fox Nation streaming service and used actors to imagine what a courtroom case against the president’s son might look like. Hunter Biden’s attorneys state that while the series uses some real information — including emails, as well as images that Biden says are his — they create an unfair and false impression.

The letter, which was obtained by The Washington Post, was sent April 23 and demanded that Fox remove the material by April 26. Fox has not responded to the letter, according to representatives for Biden, and did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

“While using certain true information, the series intentionally manipulates the facts, distorts the truth, narrates happenings out of context, and invents dialogue intended to entertain,” says the 14-page letter, signed by Tina Glandian of Geragos & Geragos. “Thus, the viewer of the series cannot decipher what is fact and what is fiction, which is highly damaging to Mr. Biden.”

Glandian also says the images belong to Biden and are being used without his permission. The letter cites laws against revenge porn in demanding that Fox remove the content.

That is excellent. I hope they can each make their cases, respectively. If they LIED about anything, they should pay. But I saw no lies, I just saw reporting that drew logical conclusions from facts revealed on the infamous laptop.

I wonder if he will be treated as a "public figure" under NYT v Sullivan. Big factor here.
you saw the same smears and bull shit that they settled with dominion for. and they've done it to hundreds of others, each of whom should sue for about a billion.

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