Hunter Biden has been indicted: gun charges.

Uh no, that's the number of felonies that your boy is charged with.

Haven't you heard, loser?
Got it, that's your IQ, thanks for confirming! This thread is about the drug addict pedophile son of a pedophile president
Post in thread 'Breaking: Hunter Biden indicted on felony gun charges' by Clipper has been reported by Rawley. Reason given:
It will be awesome when you Trump asslickers have your asses handed back to you, j

Content being reported:
This is the first time in history a child of a sitting president has been indicted on felony charges.

There's a rumor that Hunter's lawyers are going to argue that the 2nd Amendment does not preclude drug users and felons from owning firearms.

This is going to be awesome!
A month ago they weren't going to prosecute the gun charge, you moron.

It will be awesome when you Trump asslickers have your asses handed back to you, just like your orange blob did.
Got it, that's your IQ, thanks for confirming! This thread is about the drug addict pedophile son of a pedophile president
Didga hear how Trimp was found liable for sexual assault in a dept. store dressing room, asswipe?

Oh btw, when have the Biden's been charged with the crime of pedophilia, dope?

Keep listening to those voices in your head, loser.
We have a big YET to your statement. This is the start.
Well golly gee. The accusations against Joe Biden have been flung around by you & your keepers for a couple years. And what have you got? Your hand on your asses.

But, but, you got him now!
I am not understanding how lying on a gun license (or registration form or a gun purchase form) about drug abuse would have been at his pappy’s direction.
His mother was killed just before Biden began his Senate career. The cops on the scene smelled something fishy about the truck that killed his mother and his sister, almost killed his brother, and sent the two sons to the emergency room. I'm with the cops and have been since the first time I heard about it the day the tragedy hit the news. It didn't seem right, it just didn't seem right. :(
Nailing Hunter's ass to the wall and conservative America compromising their ideals on guns at the same time!

It's all good!

Even better than a free ice cream cone for Marvin!
We are all going to enjoy impeachapalooza as a tenet of the banana republic Progs have ushered into this nation. It still has to play itself out with Joe. We will be watching if Republicans go through with it. And we will see if Progs continue the impeaching and destroying if Republicans get the presidency in 2024. Of course, this could of all e planned as the dirty destructive work restarted with the installation of Joe and movement further left continued. Nancy running again is a red flag.
Oh, but this is just the start for the Biden group. One crack in the dam and the flood will proceed.

And try real hard to stick with the topic instead pf trying to change it to allow for your whining.

This is unprecedented. Joe Biden is being impeached and simultaneously investigated for dozens of financial crimes, while at the same time, his son has been indicted for multiple felonies, and is also being investigated for dozens of financial crimes, along with several other members of the family.

This is what it looks like when a mafia crime family gets taken down.
His mother was killed just before Biden began his Senate career. The cops on the scene smelled something fishy about the truck that killed his mother and his sister, almost killed his brother, and sent the two sons to the emergency room. I'm with the cops.
Not seeing your point. I don’t see what that has to do with Hunter’s gun charges.
If he issues Hunter a pardon, he can forget about his 2nd term.
There is not going to be a second term and Ole Potatohead will have absolutely no qualms about giving his son a pardon as he leaves office. That is the kind of scumbag he is.

All Democrats are scumbags.
We are all going to enjoy impeachapalooza as a tenet of the banana republic Progs have ushered into this nation. It still has to play itself out with Joe. We will be watching if Republicans go through with it. And we will see if Progs continue the impeaching and destroying if Republicans get the presidency in 2024. Of course, this could of all e planned as the dirty destructive work restarted with the installation of Joe and movement further left continued. Nancy running again is a red flag.
Hey didga hear how Mitt Romney is saying in his book how Trump's Senate asslickers let him off the hook on BOTH impeachments knowing he was guilty, cuz they wuz scared of The Orange Blob & his Fascist violent herd, loser?

But you got Joe now, cultist!

Odd how you had the picture just waiting to post,

do you use it for your computer wallpaper?
Hey didga hear how Mitt Romney is saying in his book how Trump's Senate asslickers let him off the hook on BOTH impeachments knowing he was guilty, cuz they wuz scared of The Orange Blob & his Fascist violent herd, loser?

But you got Joe now, cultist!

Thanks for keeping my thread on top of the page!

What do you think of this unprecedented situation? Joe Biden is being impeached and simultaneously investigated for dozens of financial crimes, while at the same time, his son has been indicted for multiple felonies, and is also being investigated for dozens of financial crimes, along with several other members of the family.

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