Huckabee still lying


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
“More people died by hammers than by guns last year.”

OMG, there are more hammers involved in anything because there are so damn many of them compared to guns. It is beyond ridiculous to imply that hammers are more dangerous than guns. Heck, more people were killed in the US last year by hammers than by nuclear weapons. Hammers are more dangerous than nuclear weapons? Right wing idiots never cease to explain away their mistakes.

"I am the only candidate in the race who wants to Abolish the IRS, is Pro Life, Strong on Immigration.”
Obama paid about one percent of his income, Huckabee said, quoting from the Bible that tithing less is "stealing from God."
President Obama grew up "in Kenya."
President Obama is a God-hating God-hater who refuses to say the word “Creator” when quoting from the Declaration of Independence.
I supported the president in the war before you did. I supported the surge when you didn't." (Romney)

Why does this lapsed clergyman believe that bearing false witness is OK?
Why does the agnostic left quote Scripture to try to make a political point? If the radical left was interested in gun control the freaking hypocrites would indict the Attorney General for his role in the gun running of 3,000 illegal weapons to Mexico and they would demand that the jihad Major be tried, convicted and hanged for killing 13 of his own men.

Once again you lie to intentionally misrepresent the facts and demonstrate your not paying attention because these fact have already been discussed in several threads. But good try on the propaganda there commrade.
Why does the agnostic left quote Scripture to try to make a political point? If the radical left was interested in gun control the freaking hypocrites would indict the Attorney General for his role in the gun running of 3,000 illegal weapons to Mexico and they would demand that the jihad Major be tried, convicted and hanged for killing 13 of his own men.

Gun buyer connected to Fast & Furious, Brian Terry's death gets 57 months in prison | Fox News
Operation Fast and Furious started in 2009 and was run by an Arizona field office of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

The agency allowed roughly 1,400 guns to enter the black market in hopes the sales would lead them to cartel organizers. However, many of the guns turned up at crime scenes across Mexico and the United States and most were not recovered.

Mexico's drug cartels often seek out guns in the United States because gun laws in Mexico are more restrictive than in the United States.

So far, 15 of the 20 people charged in the gun case pleaded guilty to charges. Most of those who admitted guilt are straw buyers who said they falsely claimed that guns they bought were for them, when they were actually purchased for the ring. One of the ring's organizers also has pleaded guilty.

Records show a Jan. 3 trial has been set for five other alleged ring members, including a man accused of being a ring leader, two alleged recruiters and a straw buyer who is accused of illegally buying 245 guns.

Read more: Gun buyer connected to Fast & Furious, Brian Terry's death gets 57 months in prison | Fox News
“More people died by hammers than by guns last year.”

OMG, there are more hammers involved in anything because there are so damn many of them compared to guns. It is beyond ridiculous to imply that hammers are more dangerous than guns. Heck, more people were killed in the US last year by hammers than by nuclear weapons. Hammers are more dangerous than nuclear weapons? Right wing idiots never cease to explain away their mistakes.

"I am the only candidate in the race who wants to Abolish the IRS, is Pro Life, Strong on Immigration.”
Obama paid about one percent of his income, Huckabee said, quoting from the Bible that tithing less is "stealing from God."
President Obama grew up "in Kenya."
President Obama is a God-hating God-hater who refuses to say the word “Creator” when quoting from the Declaration of Independence.
I supported the president in the war before you did. I supported the surge when you didn't." (Romney)

Why does this lapsed clergyman believe that bearing false witness is OK?

If you dare to talk about "lapsed clergymen" don't forget to mention the so-called "Reverends" Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.

And for good measure you can add Louis Farrakhan.

All of them are champion liars and shake-down artists.
As always, there are 20 google pages of RW orgs, websites, papers, instututes etc etc running with the Pubcrappe. Also includes rocks, fists, uncategorized gun types, etc etc. Pub dupes!!LOL

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