How's about a POLL?

Yeah, she looks good. I saw her on TV last night, looks like she died her hair blonde. Too bad, she looked good as a brunette.
Originally posted by Dan
I really hate to admit this, but I thought of some more teen movies that I liked a lot: Bring it On, Sugar and Spice, She's All That (God, that even stars Satan himself, Freddie Prinze Jr., and i still like it!), and Drive Me Crazy. Plus every teen movie from the 80's was awesome. Well, the ones direced by John Hughes, anyway.

Hey, I loved She's All That... but that's because I'm such a huge Rachael Leigh Cook fan. As proof, I bought Josie and the Pussycats on DVD, plus the soundtrack on CD. Imagine my chagrin when I found out that it wasn't Rachael singing on the CD (or in the movie)!
Yeah, I've got the Josie and the Pussycats soundtrack, too, I actually like most of the songs a lot! I haven't been able to find the DVD cheaper than $25, but I've been meaning to get that. I actually have a Josie and the Pussycats movie poster hanging over my bed, too. It's a great movie, a lot better than I expected.
1) Out of all that I've seen, I'd have to say Halloween 2

2) Halloween 3

3) Eddie Money (Shakin)

4) Yes.

5) I'd like 3 friends first.

6) It exists. I talk to it often. It also resides in me.

7) I do believe in ghosts. Ghosts tend to be spirits or souls that either don't realize they are departed or have unfinished business.

8) I barely remember graduating, much less if we had a quote or not.

9) big lie or little lie?

10) 2 weeks ago.

11) Please wake me up from this nightmare.

12) Getting my stepson to believe that someone we all knew never really existed. "whos kyle"?

13) Wildlife Veterinarian.
Aight here we go, I'll warn you, some of these are sort of deep. But some aren't.

1) What is the best horror sequel ever made?

2) What is the worst horror sequel ever made?

3) What's the first album you ever bought?

4) Have you ever bought more than one version or copy of the same movie?

5) Name three things that make your friends look at you and say "dude, you need help!"

6) Briefly, what are your beliefs as far as God, or some sort of omniscient power in the world?

7) Do you believe in ghosts? If you do, and you believe in heaven and hell, how does that all fit?

8) Did you have a senior quote? What was it?

9) When was the last time you lied?

10) When was the last time you got angry, not just irritated, but angry?

11) If life were really like The Matrix (ie. This whole world just exists in our heads and our bodies are hooked up to a huge machine) would you want to be woken up, or just exist in this world?

12) What's the funniest prank you've ever pulled on somebody?

13) What did you want to do when you were a little kid? (there can be more than one here, since kids change their minds a lot)

This seems to be a good stopping point, Lucky 13 and all that.

push. ….

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