"How’d You Like the Red Lighting Behind Him Like the Devil?” – Trump Calls Biden an ‘Enemy of the State’ During Massive PA Rally

Trump was on fire last night clicking on all cylinders. He's right about Biden aka 'The Usurper '. He would be considered an enemy to the founders if they were alive today. He's put our country in serious peril. It's pure evil what he's done.

I thought it was killer.
Enemy of the state?

Trump is way off on that.

Xiden is a puppet of the state.

The state is the enemy of western civilization at this point.

True but I think Trump meant they are the enemy of a GOOD state, which is what we had when he was president and he is still president.. Stealing something does not make it yours .. contrary to what the useful dimrat idiots would have us believe.
some day someone will have to show me how to do these photo-shopped images

as stated elsewhere, I don't keep up with modern tech.

Uh... It is photo-shopped, right?

No it's real!

As far as Photoshop goes no one can show you it. It a time consuming learning affair. But there are a lot of videos on yt showing how to do certain things. I've messed around with it for 15 years and still know how to do it all. If you just want to clean up and enhance digital images and make memes and such, get Photoshop elements. It's only around 100 dollars and comes with a video editor as well

Where'd u get that ??


(but again... HOw is it we can LOL at this kind of thing.. I guess you kinda have to... )
I saw the basic image, copied it and added the Nazi hat and the floating heads using a program called Photoshop elements. It's a very powerful image editor.
That is what real men do.
So, according to you, 'real men' leave innocent people behind to be raped and murdered by the Taliban, 'real men' cut a nation's energy production, 'real men' make maniacal speeches claiming almost half the voting public fascists, 'real men' shut down a whole country for a seasonal virus, 'real men' stay in their basement and claim to be campaigning? You don't really know what a real man is do you?

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