Howard Dean Gives Away Democrat's Real Tax Plan. Across The Board Increases.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Howard Dean admitted the other day that Obama's plan to raise tax rates on the rich won't work. He said we need across the board tax increases.

Howard Dean is giving away what Democrats have been planning all along.

Now that the voters have given them another chance to make it happen don't start crying when your taxes all of the sudden go up.

Watch the video.

Howard Dean: Honestly, Everyone's Going to Have to Pay Higher Taxes Soon - Guy Benson
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For all the morons who swallowed Barry's tax the rich campaign bullshit it's going to be really interesting how they react to their own taxes going up. And the good news is some of them will actually wake up on account of it. Along with the evil rich folks they'll have their own skin in the game of paying for the goodies of the freeloaders class, and they ain't gonna like that.
dear idiots,

Obama said that right now the taxes on the majority of people need to remain lower because of the economy.

Unlike you brain dead fools they never claimed taxes should NEVER go up.
Howard Dean admitted the other day that Obama's plan to raise tax rates on the rich won't work. He said we need across the board tax increases.

Howard Dean is giving away what Democrats have been planning all along.

Now that the voters have given them another chance to make it happen don't start crying when your taxes all of the sudden go up.

Watch the video.

Howard Dean: Honestly, Everyone's Going to Have to Pay Higher Taxes Soon - Guy Benson

er.... i know you have trouble separating fact from your fantasies... but he gave his opinion... not what IS going to happen.

you're getting worse and worse.
Howard Dean admitted the other day that Obama's plan to raise tax rates on the rich won't work. He said we need across the board tax increases.

Howard Dean is giving away what Democrats have been planning all along.

Now that the voters have given them another chance to make it happen don't start crying when your taxes all of the sudden go up.

Watch the video.

Howard Dean: Honestly, Everyone's Going to Have to Pay Higher Taxes Soon - Guy Benson

er.... i know you have trouble separating fact from your fantasies... but he gave his opinion... not what IS going to happen.

you're getting worse and worse.


Why do you think they refused to make the cuts permanent?
Howard Dean admitted the other day that Obama's plan to raise tax rates on the rich won't work. He said we need across the board tax increases.

Howard Dean is giving away what Democrats have been planning all along.

Now that the voters have given them another chance to make it happen don't start crying when your taxes all of the sudden go up.

Watch the video.

Howard Dean: Honestly, Everyone's Going to Have to Pay Higher Taxes Soon - Guy Benson

er.... i know you have trouble separating fact from your fantasies... but he gave his opinion... not what IS going to happen.

you're getting worse and worse.

But he did identify what he called “tactical lessons.” He let himself look too much like “the same old tax-and-spend liberal Democrat.”
The primary reason we're about to go off a fiscal cliff is because Democrats refused to make the cuts permanent. The Repugs tried but didn't have the votes to get over Democrat filibusters. Now Obama wants to blame the Repugs for something Dems were responsible for. All he has to do is wait till Jan 1st and the cuts will expire on everyone. This is what they've wanted all along.

It started when Bush tried and failed to privatize Social Security. When he announced it's failure during a SOTU address the Dems rose and cheered. Nobody has attempted to fix the problem so the theft continued. Most of the debt came from funds borrowed from Social Security and Medicare funds also known as intragovernmental funds. The taxpayer owns most of the national debt. Both Republicans and Democrats contributed to this debt.

The only purpose of this massive debt is to raise taxes. The trick was convincing the stupid to go along with it.
dear idiots, Obama said that right now the taxes on the majority of people need to remain lower because of the economy. Unlike you brain dead fools they never claimed taxes should NEVER go up.
Dear Idiot: Obama said he'd Veto the NDAA right before he signed it on New Years Eve.

In a related story Rep. John Boner (Traitor- Ohio) is frantically trying to figger out a way to give Obama everything he wants.
Oh yeah, raising taxes on anybody not now paying taxes because that would hurt the economy? But raising taxes on almost of those who run businessses and hire people won't?

Actually, for once I thought Dean was being honest. All working Americans do need to be paying income taxes and have some skin in the game re what the policy is. But raising taxes on anybody in an economy as depressing as this one is not the time to do it.

I would have confidence in Fearless Leader if he just once suggested that the way to increase treasury revenues is a healthy, booming economy in which eveybody who wants or needs to work is working and generating income. But I have never once heard him emphasize that as the way out of recession.
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Howard Dean let the cat out of the hat. The fact is, as Howard is well aware, that the Democratic party vehemently apposed the "Bush"cut in 01, and 03. Then when it's time for political spin, the Dem's now claim they are champions of the tax cut and want to keep that portion which applies to the middle class in tact and only tax the rich. Talk about hypocrites and idiots, they fail to understand that the additional revenue falls $400+ billion short. As Howard disclosed, broadening the tax base remains the only option left, however, if in fact cuts are not made the resulting enhanced revenue resulting from the sunsetting of the 01 tax break is insignificant to offset the increase in the deficit. Oh well, time to move on and jump off this "cliff" because the Dem's will never pass up the opportunity to have someone else to blame but their ignorant hypocritical selves.
Howard Dean admitted the other day that Obama's plan to raise tax rates on the rich won't work. He said we need across the board tax increases.

Howard Dean is giving away what Democrats have been planning all along.

Now that the voters have given them another chance to make it happen don't start crying when your taxes all of the sudden go up.

Watch the video.

Howard Dean: Honestly, Everyone's Going to Have to Pay Higher Taxes Soon - Guy Benson

What a shock. Who could have possibly seen this coming?

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Without real spending cuts, ANY tax increases on ANYTHING at this time is just more money for Congress to spend and any increased revenues are justification to borrow more to spend. Obama is pushing the tax increases on anybody earning $200k or more. But I don't hear him pushing for those spending cuts.

And that's the problem with Dean's comments, however honest they might have been. You are pulling energy and resources out of the economy with taxes. And if those taxes are not used to pay down the debt, they cannot help but make things worse.

And they can use all the smoke and mirrors rhetoric they want like okay the stimulus didn't work so well, but without it things would have been much worse. And if they do raise taxes and it does hurt the economy and the deficit is not reduced, they'll just say that it would have been much much worse without the tax increase.

It is just nuts.
Agreed Mudwhistle. When you have an almost completely subserviant surrogate media repeating what you want them to say, it pretty well eliminates any opportunity for most folks to hear the whole truth. It isn't that what they say is so dishonest, but what they don't say.
Howard Dean admitted the other day that Obama's plan to raise tax rates on the rich won't work. He said we need across the board tax increases.

Howard Dean is giving away what Democrats have been planning all along.

Now that the voters have given them another chance to make it happen don't start crying when your taxes all of the sudden go up.

Watch the video.

Howard Dean: Honestly, Everyone's Going to Have to Pay Higher Taxes Soon - Guy Benson

er.... i know you have trouble separating fact from your fantasies... but he gave his opinion... not what IS going to happen.

you're getting worse and worse.

He pointed out an economic truth, we cannot keep spending like we are unless taxes go up on everyone. That is not an opinion. You are correct that it might not happen, we might actually cut spending.
Cut spending? When was the last time a Democrat cut discretionary spending? Look at the spending pie, defense has been stripped to the bone, bases closed etc, what remains trust me they will not slaughter the sacred cow, maintenance of their voting block is essential for reelection furthermore, do not have the guts. Raising taxes is all they have left and we all know increased spending is the result. Been there done that. Reminds me of the 1980's political ad showing two fat cat democrats ridding in the limo, driver saying were running out of gas, they keep laughing and saying not too worry, then the limo runs out of gas and lurches.
Howard Dean admitted the other day that Obama's plan to raise tax rates on the rich won't work. He said we need across the board tax increases.

Howard Dean is giving away what Democrats have been planning all along.

Now that the voters have given them another chance to make it happen don't start crying when your taxes all of the sudden go up.

Watch the video.

Howard Dean: Honestly, Everyone's Going to Have to Pay Higher Taxes Soon - Guy Benson

er.... i know you have trouble separating fact from your fantasies... but he gave his opinion... not what IS going to happen.

you're getting worse and worse.

He pointed out an economic truth, we cannot keep spending like we are unless taxes go up on everyone. That is not an opinion. You are correct that it might not happen, we might actually cut spending.

We cannot keep spending like we are if we taxed 100% of all income earned by those making $200k or more. We already have a deficit approaching 3/4ths of our GDP and taxing anybody will likely reduce the GDP further because it is a given that threatened with higher taxes, people change their behavior and shelter more of their income or don't bother attempting to earn it.

Spreading a trillion dollars in spending cuts over ten years when you are running trillion plus deficits every single year is like peeing in the ocean and believing you've made a difference. And that is the best Fearless Leader or any of the Democrats have offered, and they aren't emphasizing even that much.
If reducing the deficit is the national goal raise revenue and lower costs.

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