How was the California election rigged ?

How did they do it ? Will the result be challenged in the court or will Goppers just accept it again ?
This is what happens now that Beijing Biden cheated. Dems will forever be known as cheaters. Beijing Biden will forever be known as a cheater. Every election from here on will be tainted by Beijing Bidens cheating. Gavin and the Dems are cheating RIGHT NOW.
How did they do it ? Will the result be challenged in the court or will Goppers just accept it again ?
It wasn't/isn't. Just as the 2020 election wasn't rigged, stolen, or widespread fraud occurring.
California will be a dry run for 2022. You'll see the same arguments, the same conspiracy theories, the same non-existent "voter fraud"
backed up by nothing....but loud screams. But make no mistake about it, the next few days will be a test bed to see how well the
message sticks with the faithful..and how many they think they can get on their side before November, 2022.
It wasn't/isn't. Just as the 2020 election wasn't rigged, stolen, or widespread fraud occurring.
California will be a dry run for 2022. You'll see the same arguments, the same conspiracy theories, the same non-existent "voter fraud"
backed up by nothing....but loud screams. But make no mistake about it, the next few days will be a test bed to see how well the
message sticks with the faithful..and how many they think they can get on their side before November, 2022.
Trump won
Conservatives have a great deal of experience when it comes to lying.
He lost. Bigly. Final score 306-232.
Deal with it. He's done.
If for some reason he lasts and comes back in 2024, he'll lose by even more.
Dems will forever be known as cheaters. Every election from here out, lefties will be reminded of Beijing Bidens cheating.
It wasn't/isn't. Just as the 2020 election wasn't rigged, stolen, or widespread fraud occurring.
California will be a dry run for 2022. You'll see the same arguments, the same conspiracy theories, the same non-existent "voter fraud"
backed up by nothing....but loud screams. But make no mistake about it, the next few days will be a test bed to see how well the
message sticks with the faithful..and how many they think they can get on their side before November, 2022.
The election means nothing because of the fraud already discovered. It is a Democrat run state and they will make sure it stays that way. It means 0 in the national picture.
How did they do it ? Will the result be challenged in the court or will Goppers just accept it again ?

There wasn't. This is the new scam by right wingers. From loser President wannabes, to talk radio vomit spewers. The Democrats stole it from me, is the new way to raise money from the Maganese, in Magatland. Of which there is no shortage of suckers to separate from their money.
The election means nothing because of the fraud already discovered. It is a Democrat run state and they will make sure it stays that way. It means 0 in the national picture.
Wow, fraud already discovered. It's a miracle, Johnny.....except it isn't.
Again, this is a dry run. Something designed to keep the idea of election fraud fresh in the minds of you pliant lemmings...and to keep your wallets exposed...:)
Apparently its all over bar the legal arguments. It isnt healthy for democracy when 1% of the population cant overthrow the Gov. How can you get stuff done under such tyranny ?

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