How to win a war (or not)


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
The Allied strategy of WW2 consisted of killing everyone including civilians and destroying everything including priceless monuments in order to force the maniac leaders to surrender. Bill Clinton did the same thing in Yugoslavia but we have been in Afghanistan for the better part of two decades and it seems that members of the U.S. Military have to get permission from politicians to fire a freaking shot. They even court martialled a combat Marine for the crime of pissing on a dead body. A book and a movie (Lone Survivor) seemed to celebrate a failed Seal mission and the media treats Military Veterans like victims with mental illnesses instead of heroes. Obviously we never intended to defeat the enemy in Afghanistan and still don't.
There is no uniformed force to fight. They're extremists in small cells that are hard to track. We squish them and more pop up. Do you want us to just carpet bomb the entire country and kill everybody?
There is no uniformed force to fight. They're extremists in small cells that are hard to track. We squish them and more pop up. Do you want us to just carpet bomb the entire country and kill everybody?

We could target anyone in a black mask, but we run the risk of killing innocent ninjas. :dunno:
Nobody is asking for a WW2 type carpet bombing of Afghanistan (yet) but at least let the Military do it's job without fat assed political generals threatening to hang American G.I.'s if a civilian gets caught in a crossfire. Win it or get the hell out.
.....most wars are not TOTAL wars like WW2 was -this should answer just about everything there
...FK those priceless monuments
There is no uniformed force to fight. They're extremists in small cells that are hard to track. We squish them and more pop up. Do you want us to just carpet bomb the entire country and kill everybody?

We could target anyone in a black mask, but we run the risk of killing innocent ninjas. :dunno:
these ninjas wore black, white and ''red''--a good ''stupid'' movie if you looking to watch it
The Allied strategy of WW2 consisted of killing everyone including civilians and destroying everything including priceless monuments in order to force the maniac leaders to surrender. Bill Clinton did the same thing in Yugoslavia but we have been in Afghanistan for the better part of two decades and it seems that members of the U.S. Military have to get permission from politicians to fire a freaking shot. They even court martialled a combat Marine for the crime of pissing on a dead body. A book and a movie (Lone Survivor) seemed to celebrate a failed Seal mission and the media treats Military Veterans like victims with mental illnesses instead of heroes. Obviously we never intended to defeat the enemy in Afghanistan and still don't.
the enemy is not Afghanistan--as Japan and Germany was
....we are fighting a very complicated war on terrorists/etc--similar to fighting the Viet Cong--very difficult
..we don't want to bomb Afghanistan's '''ball bearing plants'''/aircraft plants/oil/etc
The Allied strategy of WW2 consisted of killing everyone including civilians and destroying everything including priceless monuments in order to force the maniac leaders to surrender. Bill Clinton did the same thing in Yugoslavia but we have been in Afghanistan for the better part of two decades and it seems that members of the U.S. Military have to get permission from politicians to fire a freaking shot. They even court martialled a combat Marine for the crime of pissing on a dead body. A book and a movie (Lone Survivor) seemed to celebrate a failed Seal mission and the media treats Military Veterans like victims with mental illnesses instead of heroes. Obviously we never intended to defeat the enemy in Afghanistan and still don't.
the enemy is not Afghanistan--as Japan and Germany was
....we are fighting a very complicated war on terrorists/etc--similar to fighting the Viet Cong--very difficult
..we don't want to bomb Afghanistan's '''ball bearing plants'''/aircraft plants/oil/etc
The enemy wasn't Germany or the German people, it was the Nazi regime but yet we firebombed civilians in Dresden to convince Nazi maniacs to surrender. Today the caring and gentle American military arrests combat Marines for pissing on a corpse. LBJ and the CIA set up the rules in Vietnam so that we could win every battle and still lose the freaking war. Didn't we learn anything in fifty years?
The Allied strategy of WW2 consisted of killing everyone including civilians and destroying everything including priceless monuments in order to force the maniac leaders to surrender. Bill Clinton did the same thing in Yugoslavia but we have been in Afghanistan for the better part of two decades and it seems that members of the U.S. Military have to get permission from politicians to fire a freaking shot. They even court martialled a combat Marine for the crime of pissing on a dead body. A book and a movie (Lone Survivor) seemed to celebrate a failed Seal mission and the media treats Military Veterans like victims with mental illnesses instead of heroes. Obviously we never intended to defeat the enemy in Afghanistan and still don't.
the enemy is not Afghanistan--as Japan and Germany was
....we are fighting a very complicated war on terrorists/etc--similar to fighting the Viet Cong--very difficult
..we don't want to bomb Afghanistan's '''ball bearing plants'''/aircraft plants/oil/etc
The enemy wasn't Germany or the German people, it was the Nazi regime but yet we firebombed civilians in Dresden to convince Nazi maniacs to surrender. Today the caring and gentle American military arrests combat Marines for pissing on a corpse. LBJ and the CIA set up the rules in Vietnam so that we could win every battle and still lose the freaking war. Didn't we learn anything in fifty years?
There never was any need to occupy Afghanistan. Just as there was no need to occupy Japan, but the Empire does like to conquer.

Nothing enriches the Ruling Class like they want perpetual war and that is what we have. Proof of this is evident with our absurdly long involvement in Afghanistan.
The Allied strategy of WW2 consisted of killing everyone including civilians and destroying everything including priceless monuments in order to force the maniac leaders to surrender. Bill Clinton did the same thing in Yugoslavia but we have been in Afghanistan for the better part of two decades and it seems that members of the U.S. Military have to get permission from politicians to fire a freaking shot. They even court martialled a combat Marine for the crime of pissing on a dead body. A book and a movie (Lone Survivor) seemed to celebrate a failed Seal mission and the media treats Military Veterans like victims with mental illnesses instead of heroes. Obviously we never intended to defeat the enemy in Afghanistan and still don't.
the enemy is not Afghanistan--as Japan and Germany was
....we are fighting a very complicated war on terrorists/etc--similar to fighting the Viet Cong--very difficult
..we don't want to bomb Afghanistan's '''ball bearing plants'''/aircraft plants/oil/etc
The enemy wasn't Germany or the German people, it was the Nazi regime but yet we firebombed civilians in Dresden to convince Nazi maniacs to surrender. Today the caring and gentle American military arrests combat Marines for pissing on a corpse. LBJ and the CIA set up the rules in Vietnam so that we could win every battle and still lose the freaking war. Didn't we learn anything in fifty years?
There never was any need to occupy Afghanistan. Just as there was no need to occupy Japan, but the Empire does like to conquer.

Nothing enriches the Ruling Class like they want perpetual war and that is what we have. Proof of this is evident with our absurdly long involvement in Afghanistan.
We did occupy Japan (still do) as we occupied Germany.
The Allied strategy of WW2 consisted of killing everyone including civilians and destroying everything including priceless monuments in order to force the maniac leaders to surrender. Bill Clinton did the same thing in Yugoslavia but we have been in Afghanistan for the better part of two decades and it seems that members of the U.S. Military have to get permission from politicians to fire a freaking shot. They even court martialled a combat Marine for the crime of pissing on a dead body. A book and a movie (Lone Survivor) seemed to celebrate a failed Seal mission and the media treats Military Veterans like victims with mental illnesses instead of heroes. Obviously we never intended to defeat the enemy in Afghanistan and still don't.
the enemy is not Afghanistan--as Japan and Germany was
....we are fighting a very complicated war on terrorists/etc--similar to fighting the Viet Cong--very difficult
..we don't want to bomb Afghanistan's '''ball bearing plants'''/aircraft plants/oil/etc
The enemy wasn't Germany or the German people, it was the Nazi regime but yet we firebombed civilians in Dresden to convince Nazi maniacs to surrender. Today the caring and gentle American military arrests combat Marines for pissing on a corpse. LBJ and the CIA set up the rules in Vietnam so that we could win every battle and still lose the freaking war. Didn't we learn anything in fifty years?
There never was any need to occupy Afghanistan. Just as there was no need to occupy Japan, but the Empire does like to conquer.

Nothing enriches the Ruling Class like they want perpetual war and that is what we have. Proof of this is evident with our absurdly long involvement in Afghanistan.
We did occupy Japan (still do) as we occupied Germany.
Of course, and it is way past the time this should end.

Imagine a candidate for POTUS who campaigns on bringing our troops home from all these countries we occupy. They would get my vote, but the MSM would ravage such a candidate per directions from the 1% Ruling Class, who owns and controls the MSM.
The Allied strategy of WW2 consisted of killing everyone including civilians and destroying everything including priceless monuments in order to force the maniac leaders to surrender. Bill Clinton did the same thing in Yugoslavia but we have been in Afghanistan for the better part of two decades and it seems that members of the U.S. Military have to get permission from politicians to fire a freaking shot. They even court martialled a combat Marine for the crime of pissing on a dead body. A book and a movie (Lone Survivor) seemed to celebrate a failed Seal mission and the media treats Military Veterans like victims with mental illnesses instead of heroes. Obviously we never intended to defeat the enemy in Afghanistan and still don't.
the enemy is not Afghanistan--as Japan and Germany was
....we are fighting a very complicated war on terrorists/etc--similar to fighting the Viet Cong--very difficult
..we don't want to bomb Afghanistan's '''ball bearing plants'''/aircraft plants/oil/etc
The enemy wasn't Germany or the German people, it was the Nazi regime but yet we firebombed civilians in Dresden to convince Nazi maniacs to surrender. Today the caring and gentle American military arrests combat Marines for pissing on a corpse. LBJ and the CIA set up the rules in Vietnam so that we could win every battle and still lose the freaking war. Didn't we learn anything in fifty years?
There never was any need to occupy Afghanistan. Just as there was no need to occupy Japan, but the Empire does like to conquer.

Nothing enriches the Ruling Class like they want perpetual war and that is what we have. Proof of this is evident with our absurdly long involvement in Afghanistan.
We did occupy Japan (still do) as we occupied Germany.
Of course, and it is way past the time this should end.

Imagine a candidate for POTUS who campaigns on bringing our troops home from all these countries we occupy. They would get my vote, but the MSM would ravage such a candidate per directions from the 1% Ruling Class, who owns and controls the MSM.
We train American Troops in countries that we occupied. There is nothing wrong with that concept and it increases our NATO strength and also the capability to respond to problems in the Asian arena. American Troops train all over the world. The strange idiotic concept of "bringing them back"seems to be the mantra of our enemies. What we need to do is give the Troops the support to do the job that we gave them.
the enemy is not Afghanistan--as Japan and Germany was
....we are fighting a very complicated war on terrorists/etc--similar to fighting the Viet Cong--very difficult
..we don't want to bomb Afghanistan's '''ball bearing plants'''/aircraft plants/oil/etc
The enemy wasn't Germany or the German people, it was the Nazi regime but yet we firebombed civilians in Dresden to convince Nazi maniacs to surrender. Today the caring and gentle American military arrests combat Marines for pissing on a corpse. LBJ and the CIA set up the rules in Vietnam so that we could win every battle and still lose the freaking war. Didn't we learn anything in fifty years?
There never was any need to occupy Afghanistan. Just as there was no need to occupy Japan, but the Empire does like to conquer.

Nothing enriches the Ruling Class like they want perpetual war and that is what we have. Proof of this is evident with our absurdly long involvement in Afghanistan.
We did occupy Japan (still do) as we occupied Germany.
Of course, and it is way past the time this should end.

Imagine a candidate for POTUS who campaigns on bringing our troops home from all these countries we occupy. They would get my vote, but the MSM would ravage such a candidate per directions from the 1% Ruling Class, who owns and controls the MSM.
We train American Troops in countries that we occupied. There is nothing wrong with that concept and it increases our NATO strength and also the capability to respond to problems in the Asian arena. American Troops train all over the world. The strange idiotic concept of "bringing them back"seems to be the mantra of our enemies. What we need to do is give the Troops the support to do the job that we gave them.
Fuck all that.

Our troops fight ONLY for the Ruling Class. They are not protecting our freedoms. That is all bull shit designed to dupe the masses, and amazingly it works on many.

NATO is nothing more than a war making enterprise designed solely to enrich the extreme wealthy.

Constant war aboard leads to tyranny at home...always has and always will. We are witnessing it first hand. Somehow Americans have forgotten this age old truism.
The Allied strategy of WW2 consisted of killing everyone including civilians and destroying everything including priceless monuments in order to force the maniac leaders to surrender. Bill Clinton did the same thing in Yugoslavia but we have been in Afghanistan for the better part of two decades and it seems that members of the U.S. Military have to get permission from politicians to fire a freaking shot. They even court martialled a combat Marine for the crime of pissing on a dead body. A book and a movie (Lone Survivor) seemed to celebrate a failed Seal mission and the media treats Military Veterans like victims with mental illnesses instead of heroes. Obviously we never intended to defeat the enemy in Afghanistan and still don't.
the enemy is not Afghanistan--as Japan and Germany was
....we are fighting a very complicated war on terrorists/etc--similar to fighting the Viet Cong--very difficult
..we don't want to bomb Afghanistan's '''ball bearing plants'''/aircraft plants/oil/etc
The enemy wasn't Germany or the German people, it was the Nazi regime but yet we firebombed civilians in Dresden to convince Nazi maniacs to surrender. Today the caring and gentle American military arrests combat Marines for pissing on a corpse. LBJ and the CIA set up the rules in Vietnam so that we could win every battle and still lose the freaking war. Didn't we learn anything in fifty years?
you do not understand after I explained it
WW2 = total war
...Germany had oil/plants/etc that produced weapons/etc for that war--Afghanistan does not do the same
...we could NOT win in VIetnam
The Allied strategy of WW2 consisted of killing everyone including civilians and destroying everything including priceless monuments in order to force the maniac leaders to surrender. Bill Clinton did the same thing in Yugoslavia but we have been in Afghanistan for the better part of two decades and it seems that members of the U.S. Military have to get permission from politicians to fire a freaking shot. They even court martialled a combat Marine for the crime of pissing on a dead body. A book and a movie (Lone Survivor) seemed to celebrate a failed Seal mission and the media treats Military Veterans like victims with mental illnesses instead of heroes. Obviously we never intended to defeat the enemy in Afghanistan and still don't.
the enemy is not Afghanistan--as Japan and Germany was
....we are fighting a very complicated war on terrorists/etc--similar to fighting the Viet Cong--very difficult
..we don't want to bomb Afghanistan's '''ball bearing plants'''/aircraft plants/oil/etc
The enemy wasn't Germany or the German people, it was the Nazi regime but yet we firebombed civilians in Dresden to convince Nazi maniacs to surrender. Today the caring and gentle American military arrests combat Marines for pissing on a corpse. LBJ and the CIA set up the rules in Vietnam so that we could win every battle and still lose the freaking war. Didn't we learn anything in fifty years?
There never was any need to occupy Afghanistan. Just as there was no need to occupy Japan, but the Empire does like to conquer.

Nothing enriches the Ruling Class like they want perpetual war and that is what we have. Proof of this is evident with our absurdly long involvement in Afghanistan.
......yes--we needed to occupy it and CHANGE it--or the same people would be in power to start crap again
The Allied strategy of WW2 consisted of killing everyone including civilians and destroying everything including priceless monuments in order to force the maniac leaders to surrender. Bill Clinton did the same thing in Yugoslavia but we have been in Afghanistan for the better part of two decades and it seems that members of the U.S. Military have to get permission from politicians to fire a freaking shot. They even court martialled a combat Marine for the crime of pissing on a dead body. A book and a movie (Lone Survivor) seemed to celebrate a failed Seal mission and the media treats Military Veterans like victims with mental illnesses instead of heroes. Obviously we never intended to defeat the enemy in Afghanistan and still don't.
the enemy is not Afghanistan--as Japan and Germany was
....we are fighting a very complicated war on terrorists/etc--similar to fighting the Viet Cong--very difficult
..we don't want to bomb Afghanistan's '''ball bearing plants'''/aircraft plants/oil/etc
The enemy wasn't Germany or the German people, it was the Nazi regime but yet we firebombed civilians in Dresden to convince Nazi maniacs to surrender. Today the caring and gentle American military arrests combat Marines for pissing on a corpse. LBJ and the CIA set up the rules in Vietnam so that we could win every battle and still lose the freaking war. Didn't we learn anything in fifty years?
There never was any need to occupy Afghanistan. Just as there was no need to occupy Japan, but the Empire does like to conquer.

Nothing enriches the Ruling Class like they want perpetual war and that is what we have. Proof of this is evident with our absurdly long involvement in Afghanistan.
conquer --???!!hahahahahah
I thought the Japanese STARTED it by bombing Pearl
I guess that was just a fairytale
If you carpet bombed Afghanistan back to the stone age ... would anyone even notice?


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