How the GOP embraced being the party of death


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
How the GOP embraced being the Party of Death

As part of their longstanding war on the Affordable Care Act, conservatives have filed a lawsuit willfully misreading the statute to deny upwards of 10 million people subsidies to purchase insurance. This denial of insurance will almost certainly lead to significant amounts of preventable death and suffering.
Michael Strain of the American Enterprise Institute doesn't deny any of this. Instead, he argues that some suffering and death may well be a price worth paying:
In a world of scarce resources, a slightly higher mortality rate is an acceptable price to pay for certain goals —
including more cash for other programs, such as those that help the poor; less government coercion and more individual liberty; more health-care choice for consumers, allowing them to find plans that better fit their needs; more money for taxpayers to spend themselves; and less federal health-care spending. This opinion is not immoral. Such choices are inevitable. They are made all the time. [The Washington Post]
One potential line against the ACA is the radical libertarian one, holding that any effort by the government to provide health care to the non-affluent represents an unacceptable level of state coercion. The problem here is that the "freedom" to die of preventable illnesses and injuries is not one the vast majority of people value very highly. A Republican Party committed to these principles would be transformed into an electoral coalition that would make Barry Goldwater's 52 electoral votes in 1964 look robust.
Republicans have fought universal healthcare for over 50 years. Going back to Medicare and then Bill Clintons attempt to develop a national healthcare program, they have made it a party priority to stop public healthcare at all costs
How the GOP embraced being the Party of Death

As part of their longstanding war on the Affordable Care Act, conservatives have filed a lawsuit willfully misreading the statute to deny upwards of 10 million people subsidies to purchase insurance. This denial of insurance will almost certainly lead to significant amounts of preventable death and suffering.
Michael Strain of the American Enterprise Institute doesn't deny any of this. Instead, he argues that some suffering and death may well be a price worth paying:
In a world of scarce resources, a slightly higher mortality rate is an acceptable price to pay for certain goals —
including more cash for other programs, such as those that help the poor; less government coercion and more individual liberty; more health-care choice for consumers, allowing them to find plans that better fit their needs; more money for taxpayers to spend themselves; and less federal health-care spending. This opinion is not immoral. Such choices are inevitable. They are made all the time. [The Washington Post]

Really? liberal death cult Abortion and the Black Community

Anyone who doubts the GOP is actively working against the best interests of the American people is simply not paying attention.
True enough...very much like the Ds....

Which I am guessing you would disagree with, which simply means you are not paying attention.
Republicans have fought universal healthcare for over 50 years. Going back to Medicare and then Bill Clintons attempt to develop a national healthcare program, they have made it a party priority to stop public healthcare at all costs

Not a single person in the USA was denied medical care before ACA. NOT A SINGLE ONE. There was no healthcare crisis in the USA that mandated federalizing the entire medical industry.

Not having insurance did not mean not being treated. I repeat BEFORE ACA NO PERSON IN THE USA WAS DENIED MEDICAL TREATMENT.

ACA fixed nothing, there was no problem to fix. As a result of that terrible piece of legislation, more people lost insurance than gained it. Higher premiums, higher deductibles, lost coverages, forced to buy coverages that were not needed, a new beaurocracy to pay for.

The worst piece of legislation in our history, passed in the most corrupt manner.
Republicans have fought universal healthcare for over 50 years. Going back to Medicare and then Bill Clintons attempt to develop a national healthcare program, they have made it a party priority to stop public healthcare at all costs
Once again, you post misinformation...when will you learn that the Rs and Ds are part of the same criminal cabal?

I am guessing are much too far gone to think logically and intelligently.

Read this if you can...from the left wing Politico:
President Johnson signs Medicare bill on July 30 1965 - Andrew Glass -
Republicans have fought universal healthcare for over 50 years. Going back to Medicare and then Bill Clintons attempt to develop a national healthcare program, they have made it a party priority to stop public healthcare at all costs

Not a single person in the USA was denied medical care before ACA. NOT A SINGLE ONE. There was no healthcare crisis in the USA that mandated federalizing the entire medical industry.

Not having insurance did not mean not being treated. I repeat BEFORE ACA NO PERSON IN THE USA WAS DENIED MEDICAL TREATMENT.

ACA fixed nothing, there was no problem to fix. As a result of that terrible piece of legislation, more people lost insurance than gained it. Higher premiums, higher deductibles, lost coverages, forced to buy coverages that were not needed, a new beaurocracy to pay for.

The worst piece of legislation in our history, passed in the most corrupt manner.

What a ridiculous thing to say. Poor Americans have always been denied medical care and, if they don't have insurance, they still are.

Because Fox Asked Here Are Examples Of People Who Were Denied Health Care Research Media Matters for America
Republicans have fought universal healthcare for over 50 years. Going back to Medicare and then Bill Clintons attempt to develop a national healthcare program, they have made it a party priority to stop public healthcare at all costs

Not a single person in the USA was denied medical care before ACA. NOT A SINGLE ONE. There was no healthcare crisis in the USA that mandated federalizing the entire medical industry.

Not having insurance did not mean not being treated. I repeat BEFORE ACA NO PERSON IN THE USA WAS DENIED MEDICAL TREATMENT.

ACA fixed nothing, there was no problem to fix. As a result of that terrible piece of legislation, more people lost insurance than gained it. Higher premiums, higher deductibles, lost coverages, forced to buy coverages that were not needed, a new beaurocracy to pay for.

The worst piece of legislation in our history, passed in the most corrupt manner.

What a ridiculous thing to say. Poor Americans have always been denied medical care and, if they don't have insurance, they still are.

Because Fox Asked Here Are Examples Of People Who Were Denied Health Care Research Media Matters for America

that is simply not true. if you didn't have insurance you were not turned away from an ER or hospital. Medicaid or medicare paid your bills, those who had insurance also paid for those who did not.

A person may have been sent from a private hospital to a public hospital, but NO ONE was denied treatment, even those in this country illegally.
Republicans have fought universal healthcare for over 50 years. Going back to Medicare and then Bill Clintons attempt to develop a national healthcare program, they have made it a party priority to stop public healthcare at all costs

Not a single person in the USA was denied medical care before ACA. NOT A SINGLE ONE. There was no healthcare crisis in the USA that mandated federalizing the entire medical industry.

Not having insurance did not mean not being treated. I repeat BEFORE ACA NO PERSON IN THE USA WAS DENIED MEDICAL TREATMENT.

ACA fixed nothing, there was no problem to fix. As a result of that terrible piece of legislation, more people lost insurance than gained it. Higher premiums, higher deductibles, lost coverages, forced to buy coverages that were not needed, a new beaurocracy to pay for.

The worst piece of legislation in our history, passed in the most corrupt manner.

What a ridiculous thing to say. Poor Americans have always been denied medical care and, if they don't have insurance, they still are.

Because Fox Asked Here Are Examples Of People Who Were Denied Health Care Research Media Matters for America
Please inform us of the statistical data showing the millions of Americans dying, due to lack of health care in America.
Republicans have fought universal healthcare for over 50 years. Going back to Medicare and then Bill Clintons attempt to develop a national healthcare program, they have made it a party priority to stop public healthcare at all costs

Not a single person in the USA was denied medical care before ACA. NOT A SINGLE ONE. There was no healthcare crisis in the USA that mandated federalizing the entire medical industry.

Not having insurance did not mean not being treated. I repeat BEFORE ACA NO PERSON IN THE USA WAS DENIED MEDICAL TREATMENT.

ACA fixed nothing, there was no problem to fix. As a result of that terrible piece of legislation, more people lost insurance than gained it. Higher premiums, higher deductibles, lost coverages, forced to buy coverages that were not needed, a new beaurocracy to pay for.

The worst piece of legislation in our history, passed in the most corrupt manner.

What a ridiculous thing to say. Poor Americans have always been denied medical care and, if they don't have insurance, they still are.

Because Fox Asked Here Are Examples Of People Who Were Denied Health Care Research Media Matters for America

Did you even bother to read what you cited. Those are not examples of people being denied medical care. they are examples of beaurocratic screw ups---------and we can expect more of that with the govt running obozocare.
The only health care that is guaranteed is stabilization at an emergency room.

Medicaid is not automatic.
Republicans have fought universal healthcare for over 50 years. Going back to Medicare and then Bill Clintons attempt to develop a national healthcare program, they have made it a party priority to stop public healthcare at all costs

Not a single person in the USA was denied medical care before ACA. NOT A SINGLE ONE. There was no healthcare crisis in the USA that mandated federalizing the entire medical industry.

Not having insurance did not mean not being treated. I repeat BEFORE ACA NO PERSON IN THE USA WAS DENIED MEDICAL TREATMENT.

ACA fixed nothing, there was no problem to fix. As a result of that terrible piece of legislation, more people lost insurance than gained it. Higher premiums, higher deductibles, lost coverages, forced to buy coverages that were not needed, a new beaurocracy to pay for.

The worst piece of legislation in our history, passed in the most corrupt manner.

Millions avoided the healthcare system because they could not afford it

Should I pay this $1200 doctor bill or my rent?

The US is the only industrialized nation that makes people make this choice
There is no misreading of the law, there are no provisions for the payment of subsidies signing up on the federal exchange. Gruber said that was done intentionally to force States to establish exchanges, didn't work did it? Now it will bring down the whole debacle. The dems have only themselves to blame. You pass a bad law, you live with the consequences.
I'm not even going to dignify comments somehow saying the gop hasn't intentionally misread the law, it's history and the effect of Roberts' allowing the Medicaid opt out.

And, imo, it is a bad law. Not in intent, but in operation. But WHY the gop continues down this road mystifies me. Reagan was right: you cannot take away an entitlement once it is provided because the votes lost is unacceptable as a matter of practicality.
There is no misreading of the law, there are no provisions for the payment of subsidies signing up on the federal exchange. Gruber said that was done intentionally to force States to establish exchanges, didn't work did it? Now it will bring down the whole debacle. The dems have only themselves to blame. You pass a bad law, you live with the consequences.

Once again Republicans demonstrate their ability to take one sentence out of context and claim it invalidates an entire law

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