How the fall of Qaddafi gave rise to Europe's migrant crisis (+video)


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
It doesn't take much of a memory to remember that the left keeps blaming the Iraq war for destabilizing the ME. They do so without regard to the fact that the removal of Kadaffi really has destabilized the ME. Thanks Mr. President.

How the fall of Qaddafi gave rise to Europe s migrant crisis video -

Two horrible tragedies in or at least near Libya: Up to 800 migrants trying to reach Europe from Africa die after their boat sinks off the coast, and 30 migrants are murdered by the so-called Islamic State on the shore in the troubled country.

Libya's chaos has once more made it a major way station for Africans seeking a better life, as the European Union grapples with the morality of cutting back on patrols to rescue migrants. The argument for doing less is that increasing the risk of crossing the Mediterranean would save lives. Word that there was no safety net would filter back to people, many of them fleeing persecution, and they'd stop coming.
Berlusconi sp? of Italy had actually made an agreement with Gaddafi to control the flow of illegal errrrrrrrrrr undocumented immigrants from Africa to the European continent.

The EU in general wanted help from Gaddafi as well. I bet they're sorry as hell they let Obama and Hillary take out Gaddafi.

Europe has a real crisis on their hands.

To make matters worse after Berlusconi the new left wing government declared that there would be no such thing as an illegal immigrant anymore and it opened the flood gates big time to Europe.

Pretty sure that was 2013. It's a nightmare.
Ok this is how bad it is with the number of immigrants who have died in transit. People don't like the thought of eating fish from the Mediterranean.

"The next time you eat a fish from the Mediterranean, just remember that it may well have eaten a corpse. As the Italian author Aldo Busi told the press just the other day:

‘I don’t buy fish from the Mediterranean any more for fear of eating Libyans, Somalis, Syrians and Iraqis. I’m not a cannibal and so now I stick with farmed fish, or else Atlantic cod.’"

Article is worth the read.

Libya s boat people and Italy s tragic folly The Spectator
It doesn't take much of a memory to remember that the left keeps blaming the Iraq war for destabilizing the ME. They do so without regard to the fact that the removal of Kadaffi really has destabilized the ME. Thanks Mr. President.

How the fall of Qaddafi gave rise to Europe s migrant crisis video -

Two horrible tragedies in or at least near Libya: Up to 800 migrants trying to reach Europe from Africa die after their boat sinks off the coast, and 30 migrants are murdered by the so-called Islamic State on the shore in the troubled country.

Libya's chaos has once more made it a major way station for Africans seeking a better life, as the European Union grapples with the morality of cutting back on patrols to rescue migrants. The argument for doing less is that increasing the risk of crossing the Mediterranean would save lives. Word that there was no safety net would filter back to people, many of them fleeing persecution, and they'd stop coming.
I'm from the "Left" and I was disappointed when the President flirted with acting like a neo-con republican. Just today at around 3-4pm , queen neo-con hannity (who never had any skin in the game) was lamenting at the fact that Saudi Arabia and Egypt were handling the conflict in THEIR region without Our "leadership". Do you remember the Conservatives crying about us not interfering and support Iran's "green revolution" and not supporting the "free syrian army"???

I think that we need to step back and let them sort their own shit out. China pretty much does that and look at how they are profiting from Iraqi oil, whatever happened to our "payment" in oil from the Iraqis after we "freed" them from sadaam? :lol:
This is a Hillary Clinton mess. Give her some money and she's at your disposal. The world can't afford her ignorance on foreign policy. She's for whoever pays her the most...
I'm not a hillary fan but how is an internal revolution that happened in Libya her fault?

Surely you jest. An internal revolution. No way. The rebels were jihadists.


There was never a true Arab Spring in any of these countries. Obama and Hillary were joined at the hip along with many other hawks like McCain on this new mid east policy of regime change.

Remember Hillary cackling "we came, we saw, he died" after Gaddafi was slaughtered?

Now Egypt to their credit came to their senses and toppled Obama's Muslim Brotherhood and Morsi.

We in the west were playing with fire believing that the Muslim Brotherhood was going to play footsies with us in the region. They are and were and always have been a terrorist organization.

But Obama wanted his man in.

Who by the way is at least getting 20 years thank goodness for the hell he raised in that country. He could still get the death penalty and I won't shed a tear over that bastard.

Libya's bullshit "revolution" was such a lie. From the get go the "revolutionaries" just as in Syria were factions of local terrorists groups that we as NATO assisted in the butchering of Gaddafi and the destruction of Libya.

Syria's terrorists errrrrrrrr rebels were financed by Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia to topple Assad for their own purposes and they were aided and abetted by the CIA funneling money and weapons with guess who?

The Muslim Brotherhood of Syria. Because of this idiocy, America and other western leaders were the mid wives for the birth of ISIS.

How many links do you want? I can back everything I just posted.
This is a Hillary Clinton mess. Give her some money and she's at your disposal. The world can't afford her ignorance on foreign policy. She's for whoever pays her the most...
I'm not a hillary fan but how is an internal revolution that happened in Libya her fault?

Surely you jest. An internal revolution. No way. The rebels were jihadists.


There was never a true Arab Spring in any of these countries. Obama and Hillary were joined at the hip along with many other hawks like McCain on this new mid east policy of regime change.

Remember Hillary cackling "we came, we saw, he died" after Gaddafi was slaughtered?

Now Egypt to their credit came to their senses and toppled Obama's Muslim Brotherhood and Morsi.

We in the west were playing with fire believing that the Muslim Brotherhood was going to play footsies with us in the region. They are and were and always have been a terrorist organization.

But Obama wanted his man in.

Who by the way is at least getting 20 years thank goodness for the hell he raised in that country. He could still get the death penalty and I won't shed a tear over that bastard.

Libya's bullshit "revolution" was such a lie. From the get go the "revolutionaries" just as in Syria were factions of local terrorists groups that we as NATO assisted in the butchering of Gaddafi and the destruction of Libya.

Syria's terrorists errrrrrrrr rebels were financed by Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia to topple Assad for their own purposes and they were aided and abetted by the CIA funneling money and weapons with guess who?

The Muslim Brotherhood of Syria. Because of this idiocy, America and other western leaders were the mid wives for the birth of ISIS.

How many links do you want? I can back everything I just posted.
Where were the majority those "jihadists" who fought and killed Qaddafi from? I would like to see a link to back your assertion regarding this matter, the rest is all good Tiny. :)
This is a Hillary Clinton mess. Give her some money and she's at your disposal. The world can't afford her ignorance on foreign policy. She's for whoever pays her the most...
I'm not a hillary fan but how is an internal revolution that happened in Libya her fault?

Surely you jest. An internal revolution. No way. The rebels were jihadists.


There was never a true Arab Spring in any of these countries. Obama and Hillary were joined at the hip along with many other hawks like McCain on this new mid east policy of regime change.

Remember Hillary cackling "we came, we saw, he died" after Gaddafi was slaughtered?

Now Egypt to their credit came to their senses and toppled Obama's Muslim Brotherhood and Morsi.

We in the west were playing with fire believing that the Muslim Brotherhood was going to play footsies with us in the region. They are and were and always have been a terrorist organization.

But Obama wanted his man in.

Who by the way is at least getting 20 years thank goodness for the hell he raised in that country. He could still get the death penalty and I won't shed a tear over that bastard.

Libya's bullshit "revolution" was such a lie. From the get go the "revolutionaries" just as in Syria were factions of local terrorists groups that we as NATO assisted in the butchering of Gaddafi and the destruction of Libya.

Syria's terrorists errrrrrrrr rebels were financed by Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia to topple Assad for their own purposes and they were aided and abetted by the CIA funneling money and weapons with guess who?

The Muslim Brotherhood of Syria. Because of this idiocy, America and other western leaders were the mid wives for the birth of ISIS.

How many links do you want? I can back everything I just posted.
Where were the majority those "jihadists" who fought and killed Qaddafi from? I would like to see a link to back your assertion regarding this matter, the rest is all good Tiny. :)

This is a Hillary Clinton mess. Give her some money and she's at your disposal. The world can't afford her ignorance on foreign policy. She's for whoever pays her the most...
I'm not a hillary fan but how is an internal revolution that happened in Libya her fault?

Surely you jest. An internal revolution. No way. The rebels were jihadists.


There was never a true Arab Spring in any of these countries. Obama and Hillary were joined at the hip along with many other hawks like McCain on this new mid east policy of regime change.

Remember Hillary cackling "we came, we saw, he died" after Gaddafi was slaughtered?

Now Egypt to their credit came to their senses and toppled Obama's Muslim Brotherhood and Morsi.

We in the west were playing with fire believing that the Muslim Brotherhood was going to play footsies with us in the region. They are and were and always have been a terrorist organization.

But Obama wanted his man in.

Who by the way is at least getting 20 years thank goodness for the hell he raised in that country. He could still get the death penalty and I won't shed a tear over that bastard.

Libya's bullshit "revolution" was such a lie. From the get go the "revolutionaries" just as in Syria were factions of local terrorists groups that we as NATO assisted in the butchering of Gaddafi and the destruction of Libya.

Syria's terrorists errrrrrrrr rebels were financed by Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia to topple Assad for their own purposes and they were aided and abetted by the CIA funneling money and weapons with guess who?

The Muslim Brotherhood of Syria. Because of this idiocy, America and other western leaders were the mid wives for the birth of ISIS.

How many links do you want? I can back everything I just posted.
Where were the majority those "jihadists" who fought and killed Qaddafi from? I would like to see a link to back your assertion regarding this matter, the rest is all good Tiny. :)

Sorry for the delay. Raven was telling me her back teeth were singing anchors away and she needed her evening run.

There are so many groups that weren't just your Abdul six pack jihadists but even had AQ ties.

Here's like one of the most blatant. Jaw droppingly blatant because the US and Britain had declared them a terrorist organization. US in 2004.
They were called the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIGF). Changed their name but our intelligence would have flagged the players because so many had fought in Afghanistan against the Soviets and were well known.

Of course they denied the AQ links but check this out.

Relationship with al Qaeda
The LIFG links to Al-Qaeda hail from Afghanistan, where hundreds joined Al-Qaeda. High ranking LIFG operatives inside Al-Qaeda, are the leader of the insurgency Abdel-Hakim Belhadj (also known as Abu Abdullah al-Sadiq), and the recently killed Atiyah Abd al-Rahman, who was killed in a CIA drone strike, and Al-Qaeda's Abu Yahya al-Libi.

The Telegraph reported that senior Al Qaeda members Abu Yahya al-Libi and Abu Laith al-Libi were LIFG members.

One of al-Qaeda's most senior members, Atiyah Abdul-Rahman, was purportedly a member of LIFG as well.

Libyan Islamic Fighting Group - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

And they fought under this band of jihadists to take out Gaddafi. They were called the National Transitional Council.

Sounds nice and democratic doesn't it? :lol: They sure know how to play the west. And by the way, I rip into my very conservative Prime Minister and my party big time over their dalliances in the ME.

Not just blaming Obama. I'm currently going after Harper over supporting the coup in the Ukraine too. I blame all the western leaders for the bullshit we're knee deep in.

I'm pissed off in a very bipartisan way. :)
Quaddafi was not a threat to the United states but the freaking idiots who worked for Barry Hussein decided that the U.S. should support the muslem brotherhood revolution in Libya. How did it work out?
This is a Hillary Clinton mess. Give her some money and she's at your disposal. The world can't afford her ignorance on foreign policy. She's for whoever pays her the most...
I'm not a hillary fan but how is an internal revolution that happened in Libya her fault?

Surely you jest. An internal revolution. No way. The rebels were jihadists.


There was never a true Arab Spring in any of these countries. Obama and Hillary were joined at the hip along with many other hawks like McCain on this new mid east policy of regime change.

Remember Hillary cackling "we came, we saw, he died" after Gaddafi was slaughtered?

Now Egypt to their credit came to their senses and toppled Obama's Muslim Brotherhood and Morsi.

We in the west were playing with fire believing that the Muslim Brotherhood was going to play footsies with us in the region. They are and were and always have been a terrorist organization.

But Obama wanted his man in.

Who by the way is at least getting 20 years thank goodness for the hell he raised in that country. He could still get the death penalty and I won't shed a tear over that bastard.

Libya's bullshit "revolution" was such a lie. From the get go the "revolutionaries" just as in Syria were factions of local terrorists groups that we as NATO assisted in the butchering of Gaddafi and the destruction of Libya.

Syria's terrorists errrrrrrrr rebels were financed by Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia to topple Assad for their own purposes and they were aided and abetted by the CIA funneling money and weapons with guess who?

The Muslim Brotherhood of Syria. Because of this idiocy, America and other western leaders were the mid wives for the birth of ISIS.

How many links do you want? I can back everything I just posted.
Where were the majority those "jihadists" who fought and killed Qaddafi from? I would like to see a link to back your assertion regarding this matter, the rest is all good Tiny. :)

This is a Hillary Clinton mess. Give her some money and she's at your disposal. The world can't afford her ignorance on foreign policy. She's for whoever pays her the most...
I'm not a hillary fan but how is an internal revolution that happened in Libya her fault?

Surely you jest. An internal revolution. No way. The rebels were jihadists.


There was never a true Arab Spring in any of these countries. Obama and Hillary were joined at the hip along with many other hawks like McCain on this new mid east policy of regime change.

Remember Hillary cackling "we came, we saw, he died" after Gaddafi was slaughtered?

Now Egypt to their credit came to their senses and toppled Obama's Muslim Brotherhood and Morsi.

We in the west were playing with fire believing that the Muslim Brotherhood was going to play footsies with us in the region. They are and were and always have been a terrorist organization.

But Obama wanted his man in.

Who by the way is at least getting 20 years thank goodness for the hell he raised in that country. He could still get the death penalty and I won't shed a tear over that bastard.

Libya's bullshit "revolution" was such a lie. From the get go the "revolutionaries" just as in Syria were factions of local terrorists groups that we as NATO assisted in the butchering of Gaddafi and the destruction of Libya.

Syria's terrorists errrrrrrrr rebels were financed by Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia to topple Assad for their own purposes and they were aided and abetted by the CIA funneling money and weapons with guess who?

The Muslim Brotherhood of Syria. Because of this idiocy, America and other western leaders were the mid wives for the birth of ISIS.

How many links do you want? I can back everything I just posted.
Where were the majority those "jihadists" who fought and killed Qaddafi from? I would like to see a link to back your assertion regarding this matter, the rest is all good Tiny. :)

Sorry for the delay. Raven was telling me her back teeth were singing anchors away and she needed her evening run.

There are so many groups that weren't just your Abdul six pack jihadists but even had AQ ties.

Here's like one of the most blatant. Jaw droppingly blatant because the US and Britain had declared them a terrorist organization. US in 2004.
They were called the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIGF). Changed their name but our intelligence would have flagged the players because so many had fought in Afghanistan against the Soviets and were well known.

Of course they denied the AQ links but check this out.

Relationship with al Qaeda
The LIFG links to Al-Qaeda hail from Afghanistan, where hundreds joined Al-Qaeda. High ranking LIFG operatives inside Al-Qaeda, are the leader of the insurgency Abdel-Hakim Belhadj (also known as Abu Abdullah al-Sadiq), and the recently killed Atiyah Abd al-Rahman, who was killed in a CIA drone strike, and Al-Qaeda's Abu Yahya al-Libi.

The Telegraph reported that senior Al Qaeda members Abu Yahya al-Libi and Abu Laith al-Libi were LIFG members.

One of al-Qaeda's most senior members, Atiyah Abdul-Rahman, was purportedly a member of LIFG as well.

Libyan Islamic Fighting Group - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

And they fought under this band of jihadists to take out Gaddafi. They were called the National Transitional Council.

Sounds nice and democratic doesn't it? :lol: They sure know how to play the west. And by the way, I rip into my very conservative Prime Minister and my party big time over their dalliances in the ME.

Not just blaming Obama. I'm currently going after Harper over supporting the coup in the Ukraine too. I blame all the western leaders for the bullshit we're knee deep in.

I'm pissed off in a very bipartisan way. :)
They are pretty much grass roots Libyans and one of their attempts on Qadaffi was funded by MI6.................
This is a Hillary Clinton mess. Give her some money and she's at your disposal. The world can't afford her ignorance on foreign policy. She's for whoever pays her the most...
I'm not a hillary fan but how is an internal revolution that happened in Libya her fault?

Surely you jest. An internal revolution. No way. The rebels were jihadists.


There was never a true Arab Spring in any of these countries. Obama and Hillary were joined at the hip along with many other hawks like McCain on this new mid east policy of regime change.

Remember Hillary cackling "we came, we saw, he died" after Gaddafi was slaughtered?

Now Egypt to their credit came to their senses and toppled Obama's Muslim Brotherhood and Morsi.

We in the west were playing with fire believing that the Muslim Brotherhood was going to play footsies with us in the region. They are and were and always have been a terrorist organization.

But Obama wanted his man in.

Who by the way is at least getting 20 years thank goodness for the hell he raised in that country. He could still get the death penalty and I won't shed a tear over that bastard.

Libya's bullshit "revolution" was such a lie. From the get go the "revolutionaries" just as in Syria were factions of local terrorists groups that we as NATO assisted in the butchering of Gaddafi and the destruction of Libya.

Syria's terrorists errrrrrrrr rebels were financed by Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia to topple Assad for their own purposes and they were aided and abetted by the CIA funneling money and weapons with guess who?

The Muslim Brotherhood of Syria. Because of this idiocy, America and other western leaders were the mid wives for the birth of ISIS.

How many links do you want? I can back everything I just posted.
Where were the majority those "jihadists" who fought and killed Qaddafi from? I would like to see a link to back your assertion regarding this matter, the rest is all good Tiny. :)

This is a Hillary Clinton mess. Give her some money and she's at your disposal. The world can't afford her ignorance on foreign policy. She's for whoever pays her the most...
I'm not a hillary fan but how is an internal revolution that happened in Libya her fault?

Surely you jest. An internal revolution. No way. The rebels were jihadists.


There was never a true Arab Spring in any of these countries. Obama and Hillary were joined at the hip along with many other hawks like McCain on this new mid east policy of regime change.

Remember Hillary cackling "we came, we saw, he died" after Gaddafi was slaughtered?

Now Egypt to their credit came to their senses and toppled Obama's Muslim Brotherhood and Morsi.

We in the west were playing with fire believing that the Muslim Brotherhood was going to play footsies with us in the region. They are and were and always have been a terrorist organization.

But Obama wanted his man in.

Who by the way is at least getting 20 years thank goodness for the hell he raised in that country. He could still get the death penalty and I won't shed a tear over that bastard.

Libya's bullshit "revolution" was such a lie. From the get go the "revolutionaries" just as in Syria were factions of local terrorists groups that we as NATO assisted in the butchering of Gaddafi and the destruction of Libya.

Syria's terrorists errrrrrrrr rebels were financed by Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia to topple Assad for their own purposes and they were aided and abetted by the CIA funneling money and weapons with guess who?

The Muslim Brotherhood of Syria. Because of this idiocy, America and other western leaders were the mid wives for the birth of ISIS.

How many links do you want? I can back everything I just posted.
Where were the majority those "jihadists" who fought and killed Qaddafi from? I would like to see a link to back your assertion regarding this matter, the rest is all good Tiny. :)

Sorry for the delay. Raven was telling me her back teeth were singing anchors away and she needed her evening run.

There are so many groups that weren't just your Abdul six pack jihadists but even had AQ ties.

Here's like one of the most blatant. Jaw droppingly blatant because the US and Britain had declared them a terrorist organization. US in 2004.
They were called the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIGF). Changed their name but our intelligence would have flagged the players because so many had fought in Afghanistan against the Soviets and were well known.

Of course they denied the AQ links but check this out.

Relationship with al Qaeda
The LIFG links to Al-Qaeda hail from Afghanistan, where hundreds joined Al-Qaeda. High ranking LIFG operatives inside Al-Qaeda, are the leader of the insurgency Abdel-Hakim Belhadj (also known as Abu Abdullah al-Sadiq), and the recently killed Atiyah Abd al-Rahman, who was killed in a CIA drone strike, and Al-Qaeda's Abu Yahya al-Libi.

The Telegraph reported that senior Al Qaeda members Abu Yahya al-Libi and Abu Laith al-Libi were LIFG members.

One of al-Qaeda's most senior members, Atiyah Abdul-Rahman, was purportedly a member of LIFG as well.

Libyan Islamic Fighting Group - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

And they fought under this band of jihadists to take out Gaddafi. They were called the National Transitional Council.

Sounds nice and democratic doesn't it? :lol: They sure know how to play the west. And by the way, I rip into my very conservative Prime Minister and my party big time over their dalliances in the ME.

Not just blaming Obama. I'm currently going after Harper over supporting the coup in the Ukraine too. I blame all the western leaders for the bullshit we're knee deep in.

I'm pissed off in a very bipartisan way. :)
They are pretty much grass roots Libyans and one of their attempts on Qadaffi was funded by MI6.................

Grass roots that we were helping that were AQ. Come on! Are we going to refer to all terrorist groups as "disenfranchised grass roots movements".? :lol:

(Don't give CNN ideas ssssshhhhhhhhhh.)

You do know why Bengazi happened right?

One of your drones killed the second in command the summer before Benghazi. The Al Qaeda #2 was Libyan.

Benghazi was in retaliation for his death.
Just so there is no doubt whatsoever that AQ Libyans were working to topple and butcher Gaddafi.....

Libyan rebel commander admits his fighters have al-Qaeda links

Abdel-Hakim al-Hasidi, the Libyan rebel leader, has said jihadists who fought against allied troops in Iraq are on the front lines of the battle against Muammar Gaddafi's regime.

In an interview with the Italian newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore, Mr al-Hasidi admitted that he had recruited "around 25" men from the Derna area in eastern Libya to fight against coalition troops in Iraq. Some of them, he said, are "today are on the front lines in Adjabiya".

Mr al-Hasidi insisted his fighters "are patriots and good Muslims, not terrorists," but added that the "members of al-Qaeda are also good Muslims and are fighting against the invader".

His revelations came even as Idriss Deby Itno, Chad's president, said al-Qaeda had managed to pillage military arsenals in the Libyan rebel zone and acquired arms, "including surface-to-air missiles, which were then smuggled into their sanctuaries"

More at link:
Libyan rebel commander admits his fighters have al-Qaeda links - Telegraph

I'm not a hillary fan but how is an internal revolution that happened in Libya her fault?

Surely you jest. An internal revolution. No way. The rebels were jihadists.


There was never a true Arab Spring in any of these countries. Obama and Hillary were joined at the hip along with many other hawks like McCain on this new mid east policy of regime change.

Remember Hillary cackling "we came, we saw, he died" after Gaddafi was slaughtered?

Now Egypt to their credit came to their senses and toppled Obama's Muslim Brotherhood and Morsi.

We in the west were playing with fire believing that the Muslim Brotherhood was going to play footsies with us in the region. They are and were and always have been a terrorist organization.

But Obama wanted his man in.

Who by the way is at least getting 20 years thank goodness for the hell he raised in that country. He could still get the death penalty and I won't shed a tear over that bastard.

Libya's bullshit "revolution" was such a lie. From the get go the "revolutionaries" just as in Syria were factions of local terrorists groups that we as NATO assisted in the butchering of Gaddafi and the destruction of Libya.

Syria's terrorists errrrrrrrr rebels were financed by Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia to topple Assad for their own purposes and they were aided and abetted by the CIA funneling money and weapons with guess who?

The Muslim Brotherhood of Syria. Because of this idiocy, America and other western leaders were the mid wives for the birth of ISIS.

How many links do you want? I can back everything I just posted.
Where were the majority those "jihadists" who fought and killed Qaddafi from? I would like to see a link to back your assertion regarding this matter, the rest is all good Tiny. :)

I'm not a hillary fan but how is an internal revolution that happened in Libya her fault?

Surely you jest. An internal revolution. No way. The rebels were jihadists.


There was never a true Arab Spring in any of these countries. Obama and Hillary were joined at the hip along with many other hawks like McCain on this new mid east policy of regime change.

Remember Hillary cackling "we came, we saw, he died" after Gaddafi was slaughtered?

Now Egypt to their credit came to their senses and toppled Obama's Muslim Brotherhood and Morsi.

We in the west were playing with fire believing that the Muslim Brotherhood was going to play footsies with us in the region. They are and were and always have been a terrorist organization.

But Obama wanted his man in.

Who by the way is at least getting 20 years thank goodness for the hell he raised in that country. He could still get the death penalty and I won't shed a tear over that bastard.

Libya's bullshit "revolution" was such a lie. From the get go the "revolutionaries" just as in Syria were factions of local terrorists groups that we as NATO assisted in the butchering of Gaddafi and the destruction of Libya.

Syria's terrorists errrrrrrrr rebels were financed by Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia to topple Assad for their own purposes and they were aided and abetted by the CIA funneling money and weapons with guess who?

The Muslim Brotherhood of Syria. Because of this idiocy, America and other western leaders were the mid wives for the birth of ISIS.

How many links do you want? I can back everything I just posted.
Where were the majority those "jihadists" who fought and killed Qaddafi from? I would like to see a link to back your assertion regarding this matter, the rest is all good Tiny. :)

Sorry for the delay. Raven was telling me her back teeth were singing anchors away and she needed her evening run.

There are so many groups that weren't just your Abdul six pack jihadists but even had AQ ties.

Here's like one of the most blatant. Jaw droppingly blatant because the US and Britain had declared them a terrorist organization. US in 2004.
They were called the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIGF). Changed their name but our intelligence would have flagged the players because so many had fought in Afghanistan against the Soviets and were well known.

Of course they denied the AQ links but check this out.

Relationship with al Qaeda
The LIFG links to Al-Qaeda hail from Afghanistan, where hundreds joined Al-Qaeda. High ranking LIFG operatives inside Al-Qaeda, are the leader of the insurgency Abdel-Hakim Belhadj (also known as Abu Abdullah al-Sadiq), and the recently killed Atiyah Abd al-Rahman, who was killed in a CIA drone strike, and Al-Qaeda's Abu Yahya al-Libi.

The Telegraph reported that senior Al Qaeda members Abu Yahya al-Libi and Abu Laith al-Libi were LIFG members.

One of al-Qaeda's most senior members, Atiyah Abdul-Rahman, was purportedly a member of LIFG as well.

Libyan Islamic Fighting Group - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

And they fought under this band of jihadists to take out Gaddafi. They were called the National Transitional Council.

Sounds nice and democratic doesn't it? :lol: They sure know how to play the west. And by the way, I rip into my very conservative Prime Minister and my party big time over their dalliances in the ME.

Not just blaming Obama. I'm currently going after Harper over supporting the coup in the Ukraine too. I blame all the western leaders for the bullshit we're knee deep in.

I'm pissed off in a very bipartisan way. :)
They are pretty much grass roots Libyans and one of their attempts on Qadaffi was funded by MI6.................

Grass roots that we were helping that were AQ. Come on! Are we going to refer to all terrorist groups as "disenfranchised grass roots movements".? :lol:

(Don't give CNN ideas ssssshhhhhhhhhh.)

You do know why Bengazi happened right?

One of your drones killed the second in command the summer before Benghazi. The Al Qaeda #2 was Libyan.

Benghazi was in retaliation for his death.
I never referred to them as "disenfranchised grass roots movements" , I referred to them as "grassroots" meaning that they were Libyan indigs.
Just so there is no doubt whatsoever that AQ Libyans were working to topple and butcher Gaddafi.....

Libyan rebel commander admits his fighters have al-Qaeda links

Abdel-Hakim al-Hasidi, the Libyan rebel leader, has said jihadists who fought against allied troops in Iraq are on the front lines of the battle against Muammar Gaddafi's regime.

In an interview with the Italian newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore, Mr al-Hasidi admitted that he had recruited "around 25" men from the Derna area in eastern Libya to fight against coalition troops in Iraq. Some of them, he said, are "today are on the front lines in Adjabiya".

Mr al-Hasidi insisted his fighters "are patriots and good Muslims, not terrorists," but added that the "members of al-Qaeda are also good Muslims and are fighting against the invader".

His revelations came even as Idriss Deby Itno, Chad's president, said al-Qaeda had managed to pillage military arsenals in the Libyan rebel zone and acquired arms, "including surface-to-air missiles, which were then smuggled into their sanctuaries"

More at link:
Libyan rebel commander admits his fighters have al-Qaeda links - Telegraph
Who is the "invader" that they were referring to? Was the "invader" not an invader?
Surely you jest. An internal revolution. No way. The rebels were jihadists.


There was never a true Arab Spring in any of these countries. Obama and Hillary were joined at the hip along with many other hawks like McCain on this new mid east policy of regime change.

Remember Hillary cackling "we came, we saw, he died" after Gaddafi was slaughtered?

Now Egypt to their credit came to their senses and toppled Obama's Muslim Brotherhood and Morsi.

We in the west were playing with fire believing that the Muslim Brotherhood was going to play footsies with us in the region. They are and were and always have been a terrorist organization.

But Obama wanted his man in.

Who by the way is at least getting 20 years thank goodness for the hell he raised in that country. He could still get the death penalty and I won't shed a tear over that bastard.

Libya's bullshit "revolution" was such a lie. From the get go the "revolutionaries" just as in Syria were factions of local terrorists groups that we as NATO assisted in the butchering of Gaddafi and the destruction of Libya.

Syria's terrorists errrrrrrrr rebels were financed by Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia to topple Assad for their own purposes and they were aided and abetted by the CIA funneling money and weapons with guess who?

The Muslim Brotherhood of Syria. Because of this idiocy, America and other western leaders were the mid wives for the birth of ISIS.

How many links do you want? I can back everything I just posted.
Where were the majority those "jihadists" who fought and killed Qaddafi from? I would like to see a link to back your assertion regarding this matter, the rest is all good Tiny. :)

Surely you jest. An internal revolution. No way. The rebels were jihadists.


There was never a true Arab Spring in any of these countries. Obama and Hillary were joined at the hip along with many other hawks like McCain on this new mid east policy of regime change.

Remember Hillary cackling "we came, we saw, he died" after Gaddafi was slaughtered?

Now Egypt to their credit came to their senses and toppled Obama's Muslim Brotherhood and Morsi.

We in the west were playing with fire believing that the Muslim Brotherhood was going to play footsies with us in the region. They are and were and always have been a terrorist organization.

But Obama wanted his man in.

Who by the way is at least getting 20 years thank goodness for the hell he raised in that country. He could still get the death penalty and I won't shed a tear over that bastard.

Libya's bullshit "revolution" was such a lie. From the get go the "revolutionaries" just as in Syria were factions of local terrorists groups that we as NATO assisted in the butchering of Gaddafi and the destruction of Libya.

Syria's terrorists errrrrrrrr rebels were financed by Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia to topple Assad for their own purposes and they were aided and abetted by the CIA funneling money and weapons with guess who?

The Muslim Brotherhood of Syria. Because of this idiocy, America and other western leaders were the mid wives for the birth of ISIS.

How many links do you want? I can back everything I just posted.
Where were the majority those "jihadists" who fought and killed Qaddafi from? I would like to see a link to back your assertion regarding this matter, the rest is all good Tiny. :)

Sorry for the delay. Raven was telling me her back teeth were singing anchors away and she needed her evening run.

There are so many groups that weren't just your Abdul six pack jihadists but even had AQ ties.

Here's like one of the most blatant. Jaw droppingly blatant because the US and Britain had declared them a terrorist organization. US in 2004.
They were called the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIGF). Changed their name but our intelligence would have flagged the players because so many had fought in Afghanistan against the Soviets and were well known.

Of course they denied the AQ links but check this out.

Relationship with al Qaeda
The LIFG links to Al-Qaeda hail from Afghanistan, where hundreds joined Al-Qaeda. High ranking LIFG operatives inside Al-Qaeda, are the leader of the insurgency Abdel-Hakim Belhadj (also known as Abu Abdullah al-Sadiq), and the recently killed Atiyah Abd al-Rahman, who was killed in a CIA drone strike, and Al-Qaeda's Abu Yahya al-Libi.

The Telegraph reported that senior Al Qaeda members Abu Yahya al-Libi and Abu Laith al-Libi were LIFG members.

One of al-Qaeda's most senior members, Atiyah Abdul-Rahman, was purportedly a member of LIFG as well.

Libyan Islamic Fighting Group - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

And they fought under this band of jihadists to take out Gaddafi. They were called the National Transitional Council.

Sounds nice and democratic doesn't it? :lol: They sure know how to play the west. And by the way, I rip into my very conservative Prime Minister and my party big time over their dalliances in the ME.

Not just blaming Obama. I'm currently going after Harper over supporting the coup in the Ukraine too. I blame all the western leaders for the bullshit we're knee deep in.

I'm pissed off in a very bipartisan way. :)
They are pretty much grass roots Libyans and one of their attempts on Qadaffi was funded by MI6.................

Grass roots that we were helping that were AQ. Come on! Are we going to refer to all terrorist groups as "disenfranchised grass roots movements".? :lol:

(Don't give CNN ideas ssssshhhhhhhhhh.)

You do know why Bengazi happened right?

One of your drones killed the second in command the summer before Benghazi. The Al Qaeda #2 was Libyan.

Benghazi was in retaliation for his death.

I never referred to them as "disenfranchised grass roots movements" , I referred to them as "grassroots" meaning that they were Libyan indigs.

Just joking on the "are we going to refer to....." because I can see someone using it in the media.

This is what so damn frustrating about right wingers' mentality....Your rabid hatred of Obama, Clinton and anything concerning democrats completely clouds your judgment resulting in this thread.

NOT ONE mention of what Cheney and his sidekick Bush destabilized the region by taking out Hussein....thereby allowing the belligerent Iran to have free reins with Syria, Iraq, Yemen, etc.

Further, to blame Obama or Hillary for the downfall of Ghadaffi borders on insanity......and here, again, not one mention of how McCain, Graham and a host of other neocons urged and instigated the limited US intervention in Libya.....
It doesn't take much of a memory to remember that the left keeps blaming the Iraq war for destabilizing the ME. They do so without regard to the fact that the removal of Kadaffi really has destabilized the ME. Thanks Mr. President.

How the fall of Qaddafi gave rise to Europe s migrant crisis video -

Two horrible tragedies in or at least near Libya: Up to 800 migrants trying to reach Europe from Africa die after their boat sinks off the coast, and 30 migrants are murdered by the so-called Islamic State on the shore in the troubled country.

Libya's chaos has once more made it a major way station for Africans seeking a better life, as the European Union grapples with the morality of cutting back on patrols to rescue migrants. The argument for doing less is that increasing the risk of crossing the Mediterranean would save lives. Word that there was no safety net would filter back to people, many of them fleeing persecution, and they'd stop coming.
I'm from the "Left" and I was disappointed when the President flirted with acting like a neo-con republican. Just today at around 3-4pm , queen neo-con hannity (who never had any skin in the game) was lamenting at the fact that Saudi Arabia and Egypt were handling the conflict in THEIR region without Our "leadership". Do you remember the Conservatives crying about us not interfering and support Iran's "green revolution" and not supporting the "free syrian army"???

I think that we need to step back and let them sort their own shit out. China pretty much does that and look at how they are profiting from Iraqi oil, whatever happened to our "payment" in oil from the Iraqis after we "freed" them from sadaam? :lol:

Funny, you seem to condemn what is going on without condemnation of Mrs. Clinton or Obama. Obama leading from the rear, which is what cowards do, ain't working out well.
This is what so damn frustrating about right wingers' mentality....Your rabid hatred of Obama, Clinton and anything concerning democrats completely clouds your judgment resulting in this thread.

NOT ONE mention of what Cheney and his sidekick Bush destabilized the region by taking out Hussein....thereby allowing the belligerent Iran to have free reins with Syria, Iraq, Yemen, etc.

Further, to blame Obama or Hillary for the downfall of Ghadaffi borders on insanity......and here, again, not one mention of how McCain, Graham and a host of other neocons urged and instigated the limited US intervention in Libya.....

The reason there was no mention of taking out Hussein and destabilizing the reason is because that is a liberal fairy tale. Saddam and his sons raped tortured, murdered, used WMD against their own people, fought a war with Iran and invaded Kuwait. If that is a stable situation then I call BS. Why do you think that the protest from all Arab nations was ZERO when we removed Saddam? Because they knew he was the most destabilizing man in the region. Just because liberals invent lies doesn't mean they have to be taken seriously.

Mrs,Clinton was SOS and Obama potus who authorized the bombing of Libya leading to the torture and death of their leader. Obama also had Stevens running guns to the Syrian rebels which lead to the rise of ISIS. Face the facts.

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