how should i declare myself racially in the USA

what race should i declare myself as

  • tri-racial

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • asian

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
East Coast or is it actually West Coast?
Im considering filling out the green Card lottery application but i dont know what race i should put in.

caucasian or bi-racial or tri-racial?

background Information: im multi-ethnic. i have roma /"gypsy" ancestry and european ancestry, around 50/50

i did a genetic test. on the old ancestry chromosomes painting i have been 100% european, but because there were only 3 races of People.

photo sharing sites

now with the updated 22 World Populations, im 70% Southern European + 30% Southasian and Middle Eastern
I also score 0.5% Sub-Saharan African, but I havent been before so i guess it could be "noise" or not really certain if im half a percent sub-saharan and even if i were, i dont know of any black ancestor and it is too minor to brand me part african?
Im also 0.8% Ashkenazi Jewish (but they are White?)

image upload

I looked up the Definition in the US Census but it doesnt Count my ancestral Group as a Race.

The U.S. Census does not count Roma as a group, since it is neither a nationality nor a religion
Roma in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So Im not smarter then before.
Do you think I can refer myself as Caucasian/"White" in the USA despite having Middle Eastern and Southasian Genetic Components and not being fully European? Or should I Count myself as Tri-Racial or Bi-Racial?

here is a Picture of me with a good friend. Im the swarthy male. i will delete the Picture soon out, so dont Quote it. thank you. So what Race should i refer myself as in the USA? You will ask me what Race i refer myself as in my Country, but in my Country we dont Count People by Race such as "Caucasian, Asian, African-American etc." just by their nationality like "Italian, Norwegian, Somali, Chinese etc."

Once i applied for a Job in the USA and i filled out bi-racial. Do you think that was correct?
You might try Melungeon since that is a mix of European, Mediterranean, Black & American Indian...

... or go with the majority, i.e. what would be your father's race...

... or since you have a gypsy ancestry, Hungarian, Serbian, or Albanian...

... better still, call the nearest American embassy or immigration office and ask them.

Good luck!
You might try Melungeon since that is a mix of European, Mediterranean, Black & American Indian...

... or go with the majority, i.e. what would be your father's race...

... or since you have a gypsy ancestry, Hungarian, Serbian, or Albanian...

... better still, call the nearest American embassy or immigration office and ask them.

Good luck!

I think Melungeon is wrong in my case. Since im not Black & American Indian (Native American). And it seems like you try to make fun of me:eusa_eh:
How many races are there?
Which do YOU identify with the most?
can someone take me seriously. thank you
I would just put "other", and then explain it.......Make it a long answer though.....Those government employee types are most likely lazy, and will just push it on through without reading it.

Seeing your avatar, you look as though caucasion/white would also suffice.

Good luck to you.
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can someone take me seriously. thank you
I would just put "other", and then explain it.......Make it a long answer though.....Those lazy government employee types are most likely lazy, and will just push it on through without reading it.

Seeing your avatar, you look as though caucasion/white would also suffice.

Good luck to you.

thank you. it would be much easier if we all were just humans. then i wouldnt Need to declare my "race":razz:
How many races are there?

What do you mean?

Which do YOU identify with the most?

I identify as human, but if i had to fill out a paper or declare my "race" i wouldnt know what to put in.

^^^^ I like that^^^^

Demographics of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I think you are over thinking it.

I also like what Wicked J had to say...:lol:

ok i looked it up
"White. A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa. It includes people who indicate their race as "White" or report entries such as Irish, German, Scottish, Italian, Near Easterner, Arab, or Polish.[13]
"Black or African American. A person having origins in any of the Black racial groups of Africa. It includes people who indicate their race as 'Black, African Am.' or provide written entries such as Kenyan, Nigerian, or Haitian."[13]
"American Indian and Alaska Native. A person having origins in any of the original peoples of North and South America (including Central America) and who maintain tribal affiliation or community attachment."[13]

"Asian. A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent including, for example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam. It includes 'Asian Indian,' 'Chinese', 'Filipino', 'Korean', 'Japanese', 'Vietnamese', and 'Other Asian'."[13]
"Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander. A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands. It includes people who indicate their race as 'Native Hawaiian', 'Guamanian or Chamorro', 'Samoan', and 'Other Pacific Islander'."[13]
"Some other race. Includes all other responses not included in the 'White', 'Black or African American', 'American Indian and Alaska Native', 'Asian' and 'Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander' race categories described above. Respondents providing write-in entries such as multiracial, mixed, interracial, We-Sort, or a Hispanic/Latino group (for example, Mexican, Puerto Rican, or Cuban) in the "Some other race" category are included here."[13]
"Two or more races. People may have chosen to provide two or more races either by checking two or more race response check boxes, by providing multiple write-in responses, or by some combination of check boxes and write-in responses."[13]

I underlined the entries which could suffice me. White, Asian (as having ancestry in the Indian/Pakistan subcontinent/southasian), Some other Race and Two or more Races.

What would the Society in everyday life identify me as most probably? I do have a southasian genetic component but it dates back 1000 years ago. So I dont know if i could really identify myself as asian despite scoring 16.6% Southasian (Indo-Pakistani Subcontinent). It is ancient admixture. I see Middle Eastern such as Arab/Lebanese is counted as White. So I dont need to think about my 10% Middle Eastern genetic component anymore.
What do you mean?

I identify as human, but if i had to fill out a paper or declare my "race" i wouldnt know what to put in.

^^^^ I like that^^^^

Demographics of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I think you are over thinking it.

I also like what Wicked J had to say...:lol:

ok i looked it up
"White. A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa. It includes people who indicate their race as "White" or report entries such as Irish, German, Scottish, Italian, Near Easterner, Arab, or Polish.[13]
"Black or African American. A person having origins in any of the Black racial groups of Africa. It includes people who indicate their race as 'Black, African Am.' or provide written entries such as Kenyan, Nigerian, or Haitian."[13]
"American Indian and Alaska Native. A person having origins in any of the original peoples of North and South America (including Central America) and who maintain tribal affiliation or community attachment."[13]

"Asian. A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent including, for example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam. It includes 'Asian Indian,' 'Chinese', 'Filipino', 'Korean', 'Japanese', 'Vietnamese', and 'Other Asian'."[13]
"Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander. A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands. It includes people who indicate their race as 'Native Hawaiian', 'Guamanian or Chamorro', 'Samoan', and 'Other Pacific Islander'."[13]
"Some other race. Includes all other responses not included in the 'White', 'Black or African American', 'American Indian and Alaska Native', 'Asian' and 'Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander' race categories described above. Respondents providing write-in entries such as multiracial, mixed, interracial, We-Sort, or a Hispanic/Latino group (for example, Mexican, Puerto Rican, or Cuban) in the "Some other race" category are included here."[13]
"Two or more races. People may have chosen to provide two or more races either by checking two or more race response check boxes, by providing multiple write-in responses, or by some combination of check boxes and write-in responses."[13]

I underlined the entries which could suffice me. White, Asian (as having ancestry in the Indian/Pakistan subcontinent/southasian), Some other Race and Two or more Races.

What would the Society in everyday life identify me as most probably? I do have a southasian genetic component but it dates back 1000 years ago. So I dont know if i could really identify myself as asian despite scoring 16.6% Southasian (Indo-Pakistani Subcontinent). It is ancient admixture. I see Middle Eastern such as Arab/Lebanese is counted as White. So I dont need to think about my 10% Middle Eastern genetic component anymore.
I would say, WHITE IT IS.
If you're NOT white I wouldn't say white. It puts you at a serious disadvantage!

You look european, middle eastern and south Asian.

that is what a racist would say "they hate me for being White" (it is a disadvantage) and you wrote me comment on my page that you are part american Indian. so you are technically not White but you speak like a White Racist Person. I followed your comments against black People on this forum.:confused:

I seriously dont think being White is a disadvantage. But this for another debate.

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