How rich are you?

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
Tell me again how trickle down doesn't work, and how the free market is designed only to make rich people rich.

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Would You Give Up The Internet For 1 Million Dollars?‬‏[/ame]
What the market has done is create a tremendous gap between "worth" and "cost".

Sounds like the wealthiest are the dumbest- lining up to pay top dollar for crap technology LOL.

"Capitalism has its own built-in welfare transfer system."
"Trickle-down" is such a horrible term. Conservatives should use better terminology. They're usually much better than liberals at framing words.

Capitalism creates the most wealth for the most people, most of the time. It doesn't create all the wealth for all the people, all of the time. However, no system in the history of the world has advanced nations as capitalism has.

Oh, and as to the question, I'm fine, thanks.
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"Trickle-down" is such a horrible term. Conservatives should use better terminology. They're usually much better than liberals at framing words.

Capitalism creates the most wealth for the most people, most of the time. It doesn't create all the wealth for all the people, all of the time. However, no system in the history of the world has advanced nations as capitalism has.

Oh, and as to the question, I'm fine, thanks.

I thought 'trickle down' was originally a derisive term coined by a liberal in response to Reagan's supply side economic view. It's shortcomings are mostly due to imperfect regulations and poor gov't oversight to ensure competition and equal opprtunity. JMO.
Once again I will go to Milton Friedman...just as he stomped on Donahue here...I have halted many a thread like this with this video.

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Milton Friedman - Greed‬‏[/ame]
"Trickle-down" is such a horrible term. Conservatives should use better terminology. They're usually much better than liberals at framing words.

Capitalism creates the most wealth for the most people, most of the time. It doesn't create all the wealth for all the people, all of the time. However, no system in the history of the world has advanced nations as capitalism has.

Oh, and as to the question, I'm fine, thanks.

I thought 'trickle down' was originally a derisive term coined by a liberal in response to Reagan's supply side economic view. It's shortcomings are mostly due to imperfect regulations and poor gov't oversight to ensure competition and equal opprtunity. JMO.

Actually, I think you are right. I think a Republican politician described it as wealth created by tax cuts for the wealthy would trickle down and benefit everyone, and the liberals ran with that.
Tell me again how trickle down doesn't work, and how the free market is designed only to make rich people rich.

YouTube - ‪Would You Give Up The Internet For 1 Million Dollars?‬‏

Everyone of those people they talked it is rich. Talk to the homeless on the streets that don't have access to the internet anyway. Heck, I tried to get rid of the internet on my phone to save $30 a month but in order to do that i have to "upgrade" to a lesser phone which would cost me $60.00.

I'm still thinking about it. Anybody want to buy a slightly used Android?

Give me $1,000,000 and I'll give up the internet in a second. Of course I won't be so well informed, but to heck with it, gimmie the $million. I'll say my goodbyes to the board now.
America has the wealthiest rich and the wealthiest poor in the world. Looks to me like "trickle down" works pretty well. If it didn't really work there would be a lot fewer people able to bitch on internet message boards that it doesn't.
America has the wealthiest rich and the wealthiest poor in the world. Looks to me like "trickle down" works pretty well. If it didn't really work there would be a lot fewer people able to bitch on internet message boards that it doesn't.

There's a lot more out there that don't have access to the internet to tell you what kind of idiot you are for thinking that trickle down works.
"Trickle-down" is such a horrible term. Conservatives should use better terminology. They're usually much better than liberals at framing words.

Capitalism creates the most wealth for the most people, most of the time. It doesn't create all the wealth for all the people, all of the time. However, no system in the history of the world has advanced nations as capitalism has.

Oh, and as to the question, I'm fine, thanks.

Most of the terms you hear are made up by the left, ie. the media.

I don't think Conservatives use the term.
America has the wealthiest rich and the wealthiest poor in the world. Looks to me like "trickle down" works pretty well. If it didn't really work there would be a lot fewer people able to bitch on internet message boards that it doesn't.

There's a lot more out there that don't have access to the internet to tell you what kind of idiot you are for thinking that trickle down works.

Nope, not very many.
America has the wealthiest rich and the wealthiest poor in the world. Looks to me like "trickle down" works pretty well. If it didn't really work there would be a lot fewer people able to bitch on internet message boards that it doesn't.

There's a lot more out there that don't have access to the internet to tell you what kind of idiot you are for thinking that trickle down works.

Nope, not very many.

Guess that depends on your definition.

So, how many here, besides me, would give up the internet for $1,000,000?
What the market has done is create a tremendous gap between "worth" and "cost".

Sounds like the wealthiest are the dumbest- lining up to pay top dollar for crap technology LOL.

"Capitalism has its own built-in welfare transfer system."

That is exactly what happens, and everyone else gets the benefit of it. I used to be one of the people that lined up to get my hands on the newest technology, and I ended up buying new stuff every year. Now they have to do it every six months.
"Trickle-down" is such a horrible term. Conservatives should use better terminology. They're usually much better than liberals at framing words.

Capitalism creates the most wealth for the most people, most of the time. It doesn't create all the wealth for all the people, all of the time. However, no system in the history of the world has advanced nations as capitalism has.

Oh, and as to the question, I'm fine, thanks.

I agree that trickle down, as a term, sucks. I prefer not to use it, but I really love rubbing it in the face of the people that say it was a total failure and that think capitalism doesn't help more people than it hurts.
How rich am I? I have $8.14 cold cash on me right this minute and behind the War and Peace book on the book shelf I have another $13.87 hidden. I'm "loaded".
America has the wealthiest rich and the wealthiest poor in the world. Looks to me like "trickle down" works pretty well. If it didn't really work there would be a lot fewer people able to bitch on internet message boards that it doesn't.

There's a lot more out there that don't have access to the internet to tell you what kind of idiot you are for thinking that trickle down works.

There are not that many people who do not have access to the internet. Most shelters have internet access, then you have public libraries, some malls, and even coffee shops.

Homeless Dudes With WiFi. Awful or Awesome? - Hit & Run : Reason Magazine
Either demand side or supply will work depending on the economy. In late 2008 and 2009, business was not about to expand. Business was bad and prospects were worse. The economic stimulus did just about what the economist were predicting. It stabilized the economy but was not enough to generate robust growth.

IMHO, the economy is ready to move now, it just needs the right stimulus to get things going. Unfortunately, we've shot all our bullets, we have cut payroll taxes, provided massive jobs programs, and cut interest rates to zero. There are only a few option available. I think the best bet would be a 50 billion dollar spending cut coupled with a 40 billion dollar cut in corporate taxes and 10 billion cut for small business. Also, elimination of some tax loopholes that are encouraging investment abroad and out sourcing jobs.
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