How Powerful Is America's Military Really?

John Marston

Senior Member
Oct 23, 2014
Politicians are fond of telling Americans that they have the most powerful military in the history of mankind. However, they rarely can explain how they reached that conclusion.
As it turns out, despite the seemingly endless number of government and think-tank reports being published daily, there isn’t a single index measuring America’s military power. Until now, that is.

The Heritage Foundation released the first of what will be an annual report on America’s military might. The report, entitled 2015 Index of U.S. Military Strength: Assessing America’s Ability to Provide for the Common Defense, is modeled on Heritage's widely successful Index of Economic Freedom

The new index assesses America’s hard power, which is measured in terms of “capability or modernity, capacity for operations, and readiness,” against threats to vital U.S. interests. It also looks at “the ease or difficulty of operating in key regions based on existing alliances, regional political stability, the presence of U.S. military forces, and the condition of key infrastructure.”


700 Billion from budget goes to the Military Industrial Complex. Reasonable? Of course, who else can save Europe(again!) from Russia, Asia from China, Middle East from ISIS and Israel from everyone? (sarcastic)
Politicians are fond of telling Americans that they have the most powerful military in the history of mankind. However, they rarely can explain how they reached that conclusion.
As it turns out, despite the seemingly endless number of government and think-tank reports being published daily, there isn’t a single index measuring America’s military power. Until now, that is.

The Heritage Foundation released the first of what will be an annual report on America’s military might. The report, entitled 2015 Index of U.S. Military Strength: Assessing America’s Ability to Provide for the Common Defense, is modeled on Heritage's widely successful Index of Economic Freedom

The new index assesses America’s hard power, which is measured in terms of “capability or modernity, capacity for operations, and readiness,” against threats to vital U.S. interests. It also looks at “the ease or difficulty of operating in key regions based on existing alliances, regional political stability, the presence of U.S. military forces, and the condition of key infrastructure.”


700 Billion from budget goes to the Military Industrial Complex. Reasonable? Of course, who else can save Europe(again!) from Russia, Asia from China, Middle East from ISIS and Israel from everyone? (sarcastic)

I only copy right now because I do not know what to think, but it seems not sarcasm.

"Russia could detonate nuclear weapons over Yellowstone supervolcano and San Andreas fault to completely annihilate America says retired Kremlin military analyst

  1. Konstantin Sivkov wrote that Russia needs a new 'asymmetric' weapon
  2. He says detonating nuclear weapons on seafloor would unleash tsunamis
  3. Seismic activity would trigger volcano, pour feet of ash over the US
  4. He says tsunamis could affect 240 million Americans and hit Europe too
  5. Analyst says new weapons could be ready within 10 years
  6. TV presenter previously said Russia could turn US to 'radioactive dust'

A Russian military analyst has said that his country should develop weapons that can cause a nightmare scenario of tsunamis and volcano eruptions in the US, potentially killing hundreds of millions.

Konstantin Sivkov, who writes a column for the Military-Industrial Courier, wrote earlier this month that Russia needed new 'megaweapons' to unleash chaos and guarantee destruction of its enemies.
In an article titled 'Nuclear Special Forces' he said that Russia should develop nuclear weapons manned by a small force that can cause tsunamis on the US coasts and force a volcano in Yellowstone National Park to erupt.

He said that the main objective of the new system would serve as an asymmetric threat against the US, which is 'moving to the borders or Russia'
Sivkov headlines sections of his article with headers such as 'Specifications for Megaweapons', 'One Day Without America,' 'The Day After Tomorrow' and 'The Apocalypse- Simply and Cheaply'

The Russian analyst reasoned that because 80 per cent US population lives near the coast, generating tsunamis on the San Andreas fault and in the Atlantic would be an effective way of causing massive damage to 240 million people.

He references Hurricane Katrina's impact on New Orleans and says that detonating nuclear bombs near the bottom of the ocean would create waves almost a mile high that would sweep inland.

The military man says that all the seismic activity could release another wave that would wipe out the US's European allies.
Sivkov, the president of the Academy of Geopolitical Problems, says that Russia's large inland territory in Siberia will protect it from receiving too much harm.

He raises the stakes for the apocalyptic scenario even further by saying that the tsunami could trigger the Yellowstone Caldera, a supervolcano that last exploded 640,000 years ago."

Read more: Russia could detonate nuclear weapons to completely annihilate America Daily Mail Online

Russia Prioritizes Military Buildup as NATO Cuts Back Business The Moscow Times

Considering the supposed #1 threat to our country is a bunch broke people running around in the sand on the other side of the planet, I'd say our military might is just fine right now.

Maggdy's nightmare scenarios are certainly interesting, but MAD comes into play for all of them and I think the newer and better generations are too aware of that to let it happen.

We have by far the most capable military on the entire planet. But if we ever have to use it to its fullest extent then we'll all probably be glass by then.
Considering the supposed #1 threat to our country is a bunch broke people running around in the sand on the other side of the planet, I'd say our military might is just fine right now.

Maggdy's nightmare scenarios are certainly interesting, but MAD comes into play for all of them and I think the newer and better generations are too aware of that to let it happen.

We have by far the most capable military on the entire planet. But if we ever have to use it to its fullest extent then we'll all probably be glass by then.

Thank you, but I ask your attention and understanding further. I'm a mother, I have a son 3. Hungary is member the NATO since 1997. In the image the neighboring country Ukraine part (the red areas). Hungarian peoples live also there, and many people escape to Hungary to here. I talked to young people who have come from there. The government sent to them the military call-up orders in Ukraine. In Ukraine dangerously dwindle the food. Already now there is shortage of food. Who in Ukraine receives a military command, its mandatory to go to the battlefield. I hope you understand this is : COMPULSORY. Do not allow that they out come the
country's borders, who received this.
Military leadership might seem to be be lax sometimes but in the greatest Country in the world the Military is run by civilians. There is absolutely no question that the American Military is the most awesome power in the world even if it's hard for pop-culture video game educated idiots to comprehend.

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