How Odd... Facebook is Down

Has nothing to do with the world ending... but there are some people that I only connect with on Facebook, AND for a place as big as Facebook to go down in the middle of the day seems not only odd, but like something might be going on.
I've never seen Facebook go down. Cyber-attack?

Sorry, something went wrong.
We're working on it and we'll get it fixed as soon as we can.

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And the world just got a lot more productive.

Nah, they just will go to twitter to tweet about facebook being down.

Which may lead to twitter going down.

Which will lead to the END OF THE WOOOORRRRLLLLDDD!!!
Thank God, now maybe these kids will lift their heads from their phones when they are crossing the street. This revelation probably saves dozens of lives today alone!
Russian hackers?. :21:

Screw Facebook. They could stay down for good and it wouldn't change my world.
Thank God, now maybe these kids will lift their heads from their phones when they are crossing the street. This revelation probably saves dozens of lives today alone!
I second this.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. The sad thing is that Face Book is just one of many things that can be gone to on a phone.

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