How Obama Won the Upcoming Debate


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
How Obama Won the Upcoming Debate

By Timothy C. Daughtry

For seasoned political observers on both sides of the aisle, it is not particularly surprising that the media's narrative for Wednesday's presidential debate has already been written. If Obama were to show up in a clown suit and flip-flops, the media narrative would be that his unconventional attire was a daring and brilliant move designed to challenge the status quo and to reveal his human side, or possibly a laudable effort to make politics more interesting to children. Romney, of course, would be cast as the dull guy who dressed like an accountant and who failed to reach the audience with his talk of budgets and debt and restoring the private sector.

Wardrobe choices aside, by Thursday morning, as long as Obama shows up for the debate, the narrative will be that Obama has closed the deal with the electorate. After that narrative is repeated enough, it stands a good chance of becoming reality.

So the superficial answer to how Obama won the upcoming debate is that liberals control the news media that shape the thinking of voters in the middle, the ones who do not define themselves as liberal or conservative and who supposedly are still making up their minds. The deeper -- and more significant -- answer is that conservatives do not understand political strategy, and the left does.


Perhaps the fundamental reason, then, for America's precarious state is that conservatives, by nature, mind our own business. We have been too busy taking care of our families and our businesses and running our own lives to devote much time to meddling in what the next generation of voters will be taught, or in changing the direction of the news media. Obama, on the other hand, won the upcoming debate because earlier generations of liberals made it their business to make sure that, one day, leftists like him could not lose.

Read more: Articles: How Obama Won the Upcoming Debate
People will get the President they deserve, but I'm not yet convinced it will be Obama.
How Obama Won the Upcoming Debate

By Timothy C. Daughtry

For seasoned political observers on both sides of the aisle, it is not particularly surprising that the media's narrative for Wednesday's presidential debate has already been written. If Obama were to show up in a clown suit and flip-flops, the media narrative would be that his unconventional attire was a daring and brilliant move designed to challenge the status quo and to reveal his human side, or possibly a laudable effort to make politics more interesting to children. Romney, of course, would be cast as the dull guy who dressed like an accountant and who failed to reach the audience with his talk of budgets and debt and restoring the private sector.

Wardrobe choices aside, by Thursday morning, as long as Obama shows up for the debate, the narrative will be that Obama has closed the deal with the electorate. After that narrative is repeated enough, it stands a good chance of becoming reality.

So the superficial answer to how Obama won the upcoming debate is that liberals control the news media that shape the thinking of voters in the middle, the ones who do not define themselves as liberal or conservative and who supposedly are still making up their minds. The deeper -- and more significant -- answer is that conservatives do not understand political strategy, and the left does.


Perhaps the fundamental reason, then, for America's precarious state is that conservatives, by nature, mind our own business. We have been too busy taking care of our families and our businesses and running our own lives to devote much time to meddling in what the next generation of voters will be taught, or in changing the direction of the news media. Obama, on the other hand, won the upcoming debate because earlier generations of liberals made it their business to make sure that, one day, leftists like him could not lose.

Read more: Articles: How Obama Won the Upcoming Debate

Ha! Pre-soured grapes!

If Romney loses, it will be because Romney and the GOP are such incompetents they can't even beat a piece of shit like Obama by a country mile.

Media bias has always been there. It was there for Kerry, but even a dumbfuck like Dubya was able to beat him.

It was there for Carter, and yet Reagan kicked his ass anyway. It was there for Mondale, and Reagan kicked HIS ass the hardest anyone's ass has been kicked in history.

Now, if a dumbfuck like Dubya can beat Kerry, then you know Romney and the GOP have fallen awfully damned far if they can't even beat a collosal loser like Obama!

Don't be blaming others for Romney and the GOP's failings.

Ha! Pre-soured grapes!

If Romney loses, it will be because Romney and the GOP are such incompetents they can't even beat a piece of shit like Obama by a country mile.

Media bias has always been there. It was there for Kerry, but even a dumbfuck like Dubya was able to beat him.

It was there for Carter, and yet Reagan kicked his ass anyway. It was there for Mondale, and Reagan kicked HIS ass the hardest anyone's ass has been kicked in history.

Now, if a dumbfuck like Dubya can beat Kerry, then you know Romney and the GOP have fallen awfully damned far if they can't even beat a collosal loser like Obama!

Don't be blaming others for Romney and the GOP's failings.


Sorry, but that just doesn't cut it.

It's never been this bad before.

But Obama is still gonna lose.
If you get your ass kicked in a fight, it isn't because the sportscaster liked the other guy more.

Perhaps the fundamental reason, then, for America's precarious state is that conservatives, by nature, mind our own business.
They do? Since when?

If they’re not busy trying to get government in our bedrooms concerning contraception and abortion then they’re interfering with same-sex couples who wish to marry, or low income voters trying to vote, or forcing public assistance applicants to take drug tests, or attempting to expand the ‘Christian Nation,’ or telling women when they have, and when they have not, been raped.

If conservatives would indeed mind their own business, and stay out of everyone else’s, this country would truly be better off.
The simple truth is that the GOP no longer has superior ideas. It has become a party of screaming hypocrisy and hatred. We now have two major parties of bad ideas.

Warminster Dems say Obama wins debate

Thu Oct 4, 2012

Just moments after President Barack Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney finished their first debate Wednesday night, a former Democratic Warminster supervisor weighed in on who won.

“Split decision, the president,” said Ray Regan, who is also a former local school board member.

But Regan’s decision didn’t come without some criticism.

“I would have hit Romney harder,” Regan said. “Obama held back too much. He was much too congenial.”

Regan was one of about a dozen local Democrats who watched the debate on television — specifically, on MSNBC — from the basement of Democratic committeewoman Diane Gatley’s Warminster home. The small crowd cheered when the two smiling men met at center stage at the onset of the debate. But moments in, onlookers commented among themselves about Obama’s demeanor.

The president continuously looked down at his notes. “Look up,” a few people were heard saying.

Warminster Dems say Obama wins debate - Courier Times: warminster, presidential debate,

From what I'm reading even the pundits are flabbergasted.

I didn't envy Obama's tough job last night. Defending that record must have been tough.




Obama is so bad in comparison to Romney that if he doesn't shit his pants and drool all over himself in the next debate the media will jump for joy at the "win".
I'm not convinced yet that Romney's win is real though. I mean, it's hard to debate with a guy who slips out of his fundamental core and turns into a Democrat before our very eyes.

Romney says he'll spend $716 more on the Medicare entitlement, which is really nice of him since his party's plan is to privatize it.

Says he will scrap Obamacare while he keeps everything that's in it.

Says he'll raise the defense budget.

And now he says he's "never heard of" the $5 trillion tax cut proposal he himself put forward and says that he won't give tax cuts to the wealthy.

Well, Mitt Romney has my ear now, and he has the ear of a few million people out there who are still undecided. It is time for him to explain how he will be the white Obama, doing everything Obama did, doing it bigger and better, while it costs me nothing. Time for him to explain that.

The Empty Chair Speaks

By Arnold Cusmariu
October 9, 2012


The president did a Holly Martins in Denver.

But wait -- it's worse than that.

President Obama after nearly four years in office is supposed to know a great deal about the subject matter of the evening's debate. It should have been easy for him to assess the status of economy and explain why re-electing him would fix the problems his first-term policies had failed to fix, while claiming that Romney would make things worse.

Instead, Obama was unfocused and ill at ease; he got lost in convoluted sentences and reacted with criticisms that Romney had addressed but minutes earlier. There was a clear and distinct impression that Obama was reading off a mental teleprompter rather than going with the flow. His body language suggested arrogance and condescension.

Many explanations have been offered for the president's incompetent performance. Al Gore wiped out the little credibility he had left by suggesting the altitude was to blame. Racist excuse-mongers claimed in all seriousness that Obama couldn't match Romney's vigorous performance without coming across as an angry black man.

Once the left's blood pressure returned more or less to normal -- except maybe Chris Matthews', owing to his near-apoplectic rant -- the line of march turned to pure Marxism. Romney and the rich in general manage to win only because of immoral tactics (such as lying) against the pure-as-the-driven-snow proletariat they exploit mercilessly.


Read more: Articles: The Empty Chair Speaks
I'm not convinced yet that Romney's win is real though. I mean, it's hard to debate with a guy who slips out of his fundamental core and turns into a Democrat before our very eyes.

And yet Romney managed to debate Obama without any problems.

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