How obama lost the Middle East by Charles Krauthammer...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
The man is wise and intelligent and explains what has happened to the Middle East because of obama.....

Iraq s Decline into Chaos Traces Back to 2011 Not 2003 National Review Online

This is nonsense. The fact is that by the end of Bush’s tenure, the war had been won. You can argue that the price of that victory was too high. Fine. We can debate that until the end of time. But what is not debatable is that it was a victory. Bush bequeathed to Obama a success. By whose measure? By Obama’s. As he told the troops at Fort Bragg on December 14, 2011, “We are leaving behind a sovereign, stable, and self-reliant Iraq, with a representative government that was elected by its people.” This was, said the president, a “moment of success.” Which Obama proceeded to fully squander. With the 2012 election approaching, he chose to liquidate our military presence in Iraq. We didn’t just withdraw our forces.

We abandoned, destroyed, or turned over our equipment, stores, installations, and bases. We surrendered our most valuable strategic assets, such as control of Iraqi airspace, soon to become the indispensable conduit for Iran to supply and sustain the Assad regime in Syria and cement its influence all the way to the Mediterranean. And, most relevant to the fall of Ramadi, we abandoned the vast intelligence network we had so painstakingly constructed in Anbar province, without which our current patchwork operations there are largely blind and correspondingly feeble.

The current collapse was not predetermined in 2003 but in 2011. Isn’t that what should be asked of Hillary Clinton? We know you think the invasion of 2003 was a mistake. But what about the abandonment of 2011? Was that not a mistake?
You're assuming that Obama shares our values and goals and considers Iraq a "loss"

Remember, when Obama promised to "transform America" he never said it would be for the better.

Obama's Brothers in Jihad control a lot or Middle East real estate, so that's a win for him
1. The only true beneficiary of the Iraq war was Iran.

2. The wars end was set in stone by the bush administration and it should come as no surprise the whole thing fell apart because of that.

3. Like it or not, just about everything significant the bush administration touched turned to shit. Iraq included.

god dam our CIA for hatching chickens overseas that come home to roost

God dam the Clinton administration for failing to take the bin laden threat seriously

God dam the bush administration for turning this into a free for all.

God dam the obama administration for going with the flow.

And most important of all:

God bless our troops, and thank you for your outstanding service to this great nation. You've done everything asked of you and more.
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You partisan, anonymous scumbags couldn't care less about the people who live in these middle eastern countries.

And if you are so concerned for their welfare, what are you doing about it to make a difference besides posting on a message board? I'll tell you what you are doing, nothing, because you don't give a fuck about them.

Let's be honest here and state what this thread really is about. It is just another mindless, boring, pathetic circle-jerk bash Obama thread in the making.
I see even "Tingles" Matthews admits it's a mess and Obama doesn't have a plan. When MSNBC bails on Obama you know it's bad
1. The only true beneficiary of the Iraq war was Iran.

2. The wars end was set in stone by the bush administration and it should come as no surprise the whole thing fell apart because of that.

3. Like it or not, just about everything significant the bush administration touched turned to shit. Iraq included.

god dam our CIA for hatching chickens overseas that come home to roost

God dam the Clinton administration for failing to take the bin laden threat seriously

God dam the bush administration for turning this into a free for all.

God dam the obama administration for going with the flow.

And most important of all:

God bless our troops, and thank you for your outstanding service to this great nation. You've done everything asked of you and more.

No, Iraq and Afghanistan were stable and under control. obama is an idiot who blames the west for the nut jobs in the middle east and simply thinks pulling us out of there will make it all better....and the result is exactly where that stupidity has gotten us.......and he is about to give a terrorist government the most destructive weapon the world has....simply because he is stupid.....
1. The only true beneficiary of the Iraq war was Iran.

2. The wars end was set in stone by the bush administration and it should come as no surprise the whole thing fell apart because of that.

3. Like it or not, just about everything significant the bush administration touched turned to shit. Iraq included.

god dam our CIA for hatching chickens overseas that come home to roost

God dam the Clinton administration for failing to take the bin laden threat seriously

God dam the bush administration for turning this into a free for all.

God dam the obama administration for going with the flow.

And most important of all:

God bless our troops, and thank you for your outstanding service to this great nation. You've done everything asked of you and more.

No, Iraq and Afghanistan were stable and under control. obama is an idiot who blames the west for the nut jobs in the middle east and simply thinks pulling us out of there will make it all better....and the result is exactly where that stupidity has gotten us.......and he is about to give a terrorist government the most destructive weapon the world has....simply because he is stupid.....

We left because the Iraqi government, the Iraqi people, and the American people wanted us to leave.
1. The only true beneficiary of the Iraq war was Iran.

2. The wars end was set in stone by the bush administration and it should come as no surprise the whole thing fell apart because of that.

3. Like it or not, just about everything significant the bush administration touched turned to shit. Iraq included.

god dam our CIA for hatching chickens overseas that come home to roost

God dam the Clinton administration for failing to take the bin laden threat seriously

God dam the bush administration for turning this into a free for all.

God dam the obama administration for going with the flow.

And most important of all:

God bless our troops, and thank you for your outstanding service to this great nation. You've done everything asked of you and more.

No, Iraq and Afghanistan were stable and under control. obama is an idiot who blames the west for the nut jobs in the middle east and simply thinks pulling us out of there will make it all better....and the result is exactly where that stupidity has gotten us.......and he is about to give a terrorist government the most destructive weapon the world has....simply because he is stupid.....

We left because the Iraqi government, the Iraqi people, and the American people wanted us to leave.

Yes...just like we left Germany, Italy, Japan and South Korea after those wars ended..................Iraq is the only place we left before they were completely stable......much of the problem was having Iran on the border sending in killers and supporting the bad guys....they should have been dealt with when they were causing the problem...should have supported the Green Revolution....
1. The only true beneficiary of the Iraq war was Iran.

2. The wars end was set in stone by the bush administration and it should come as no surprise the whole thing fell apart because of that.

3. Like it or not, just about everything significant the bush administration touched turned to shit. Iraq included.

god dam our CIA for hatching chickens overseas that come home to roost

God dam the Clinton administration for failing to take the bin laden threat seriously

God dam the bush administration for turning this into a free for all.

God dam the obama administration for going with the flow.

And most important of all:

God bless our troops, and thank you for your outstanding service to this great nation. You've done everything asked of you and more.

No, Iraq and Afghanistan were stable and under control. obama is an idiot who blames the west for the nut jobs in the middle east and simply thinks pulling us out of there will make it all better....and the result is exactly where that stupidity has gotten us.......and he is about to give a terrorist government the most destructive weapon the world has....simply because he is stupid.....

We left because the Iraqi government, the Iraqi people, and the American people wanted us to leave.

Yes...just like we left Germany, Italy, Japan and South Korea after those wars ended..................Iraq is the only place we left before they were completely stable......much of the problem was having Iran on the border sending in killers and supporting the bad guys....they should have been dealt with when they were causing the problem...should have supported the Green Revolution....

So your plan was to militarily force an extended occupation on the democratic government of Iraq.

Motheroo!!!!!! That is priceless.
Krauthammers 'intelligence':

Iraq is Hitlerian Germany, a truly mad police state with external ambitions and a menacing arsenal.

Saddam survived, rearmed, defeated the inspections regime and is now back in the business of building weapons of mass destruction.

...Time is running short. Saddam has weapons of mass destruction. He is working on nuclear weapons. And he has every incentive to pass them on to terrorists who will use them against us. We cannot hold the self-defense of the United States hostage to the solving of a century-old regional conflict.

Krauthammer is hideously wrongheaded Neocon fossil.

Krauthammer s revisionism on Iraq - Brendan Nyhan
Yes...just like we left Germany, Italy, Japan and South Korea after those wars ended..................Iraq is the only place we left before they were completely stable......much of the problem was having Iran on the border sending in killers and supporting the bad guys....they should have been dealt with when they were causing the problem...should have supported the Green Revolution....
I notice that you conveniently omitted Vietnam from your post war stability list. ...... :cool:
Yes...just like we left Germany, Italy, Japan and South Korea after those wars ended..................Iraq is the only place we left before they were completely stable......much of the problem was having Iran on the border sending in killers and supporting the bad guys....they should have been dealt with when they were causing the problem...should have supported the Green Revolution....
I notice that you conveniently omitted Vietnam from your post war stability list. ...... :cool:

Vietnam was one big ass mistake
Yes...just like we left Germany, Italy, Japan and South Korea after those wars ended..................Iraq is the only place we left before they were completely stable......much of the problem was having Iran on the border sending in killers and supporting the bad guys....they should have been dealt with when they were causing the problem...should have supported the Green Revolution....
I notice that you conveniently omitted Vietnam from your post war stability list. ...... :cool:

Yeah, the democrats lost that one too......
Nobody "lost" the middle east and the US never "won" anything.

The people were just waiting for the western invaders to exit their land. ...... :cool:
This is correct. We built a house of cards there and any stability was a fiction. Peace only comes when people are sick of fighting and not one minute sooner. The sectarians want their war and there is nothing we can do to change that.

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