How much more are you personally spending on Groceries.

About 300 more a month. But… This cost has future projection. A lot, if not most of my food I eat at hand, I bought some time ago… As a prepper, I’m eating cheaper on the day, to day. But I’m still feeling the crunch at the store; because prepping never stops.
We are buying large, cheaper cuts now more than ever.
Pork shoulder is an awesome choice. I am actually thawing one right now.
It is a 8.14lb cut, it was on sale for $14.63.
Couldnt say for sure since the Wife does the grocery shopping. I do know She's been bitching about the prices and lack of available goods.
We made a pot of seafood gumbo last week and it cost right around $300 bucks, before the biden crash it was around $150 bucks.
I just thank God we can afford it but I can imagine what it's doing to those living paycheck to paycheck.
Couldnt say for sure since the Wife does the grocery shopping. I do know She's been bitching about the prices and lack of available goods.
We made a pot of seafood gumbo last week and it cost right around $300 bucks, before the biden crash it was around $150 bucks.
I just thank God we can afford it but I can imagine what it's doing to those living paycheck to paycheck.
My upsetting thing is I am accustomed to being able to save/invest a certain % of what we earn.
That is a lot harder to do now. Well impossible, I cannot save or invest as much as I use to.
I am earning less, like many, since covid, and of course there is hellacious inflation eating into it.
In 2020 we spent about $4000 more than we made... something I had never done since I was in my early 20s. (I am 57) Covid restrictions wrecked us. Covid itself didn't, the restrictions did.
Since then, obviously, we are not negative... but what we are saving now is less than half what it was before.
No. The REAL question is how does a party that wrought an 80% increase in the cost of eating on everyone NOT get their clocks cleaned in the midterms?

Despite the fact history shows it should have happened.
I believe the massive cheating started with barry,no way in hell would America vote for a muslim so soon after 911.
And then to have him elected for a second term after his first term disaster cements it for me.
My upsetting thing is I am accustomed to being able to save/invest a certain % of what we earn.
That is a lot harder to do now. Well impossible, I cannot save or invest as much as I use to.
I am earning less, like many, since covid, and of course there is hellacious inflation eating into it.
In 2020 we spent about $4000 more than we made... something I had never done since I was in my early 20s. (I am 57) Covid restrictions wrecked us. Covid itself didn't, the restrictions did.
Since then, obviously, we are not negative... but what we are saving now is less than half what it was before.

The wife and I are the same age.
Thanks God we amassed enough money before all this shit went down
The wife and I are the same age.
Thanks God we amassed enough money before all this shit went down
I did to.
from 2005 to 2014 I had a high powered job where I earned 6 figures, plus perks.
So we are financially pretty much no matter what happens.
But... I am conservative to the core. I enjoy saving money. Conserving.
When I was earning all that money... I was driving a 10 year old pickup.
I am one of those guys.

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