How much is a fair share?

Ame®icano;4165591 said:
I asked this question on another thread but here we go again.


Obama keep talking about rich not paying their "fair share" but I never heard what that "fair share" really is. There is an argument on both sides, but I would like hear your opinion, how much exactly is the "fair share" rich and/or others should pay? Give me exact number.
Just take out the loopholes, disallow them to hire lawyers with degrees in accounting and make the folks pay what they owe.

Warren Buffet came out on the side of the rich paying more. 'Course he just made $63,000,000 and paid $7,000,000. 17% and that's about what my wife and I pay. The whole goddam thing is unfair. Make all of them pay the 35% their bracket indicates they should pay and it will work.

I told of my friend who started a construction business on the MS Gulf coast over 30 years ago. He has made $2 to $5 million a year since the 1980's. He told me that if he ever had to pay more than 20% he would fire his accountant.
This is addressed to adults who expect "fairness" in the tax system.

I would start with high school economics textbooks.

Since I don't know what fairness is (and it hasn't really been defined on this site), I am still a bit lost.

I check to see if any of my econ books address it.
Ame®icano;4165591 said:
I asked this question on another thread but here we go again.


Obama keep talking about rich not paying their "fair share" but I never heard what that "fair share" really is. There is an argument on both sides, but I would like hear your opinion, how much exactly is the "fair share" rich and/or others should pay? Give me exact number.
Just take out the loopholes, disallow them to hire lawyers with degrees in accounting and make the folks pay what they owe.

Warren Buffet came out on the side of the rich paying more. 'Course he just made $63,000,000 and paid $7,000,000. 17% and that's about what my wife and I pay. The whole goddam thing is unfair. Make all of them pay the 35% their bracket indicates they should pay and it will work.

I told of my friend who started a construction business on the MS Gulf coast over 30 years ago. He has made $2 to $5 million a year since the 1980's. He told me that if he ever had to pay more than 20% he would fire his accountant.

Doesn't Buffet give a bunch to charity ?

If you up his tax rate, do you think that stands ?

If you take away the tax deduction for charity (which I can't tell you is more efficient than the government), do you think the burden comes with it.

Thus requiring more taxes.
Probably the top 10% pays 100% the rest ride free and make money off their backs like de good slaves dey is.

If you ask the left how much is fair for the rich to pay, their answer will always be "more." They will never be satisfied. A parasite will suck off its host until it dies. That's the nature of a leach.

You'll notice it's the same response to all the problems they face: Obamacare, Social Security in financial crisis, the National Debt, The American Jobs Act . . . . the rich will cover the cost. After all it's always easier for others to spend what you don't have, that way you never appreciate the COST it takes to obtain what it is you need. Liberals love to take what is not theirs to supply what they can't, or WON'T, get for themselves. Of course if THEY have to lose something and learn about sacrifice, like cutting benefits or entitlements, you won't see a more hostile group of individuals.

Liberals: like the "spoiled" selfish child of rich parents. Spend and give them lots of "entitlements", and they always look to you for more. Begin to take something away, and they throw an aggressive tantrum (as if THEY have to, all of a sudden, come up with a way to pay for this new "lifestyle" on their own). After all it's all about me. Why can't I have the entitlements that I want?

Our government is addicted to spending, especially the liberal part.

You mentioned how liberals love to take what's not theirs... Latest scheme for that is Obama's jobs bill, where he proposed taxing the rich additional 5%. But wait, if that will bring only $90 billion of additional revenue, that's much less then $447 that he plans to spend. According to his plan additional $370 billion will come from allowing Bush tax cuts to expire next year. That would be OK if those $370 billion are not already in CBO revenue projection.

Another Obama's selling point for his bill is that it will be entirely paid off, and if that is not called a lie, it would be called wishful thinking. This $447 billion would be spend right away, and will be paid off over the next decade. Basically, money will have to be borrowed and returned within ten years, therefore, jobs bill is another phrase for deficit spending.

Remember TARP? We borrowed money to bail out the economy, mostly banks and auto industry. Remember the selling point, where taxpayers would make money with that investment? What we have seen is that as soon banks repaid money to the government, Democrats in Congress voted to not repay the borrowing and to instead spend the money.

BTW, while banks repaid what they borrowed thru TARP (with interest), car companies did not. Weird, isn't it... that our President Zero is still campaigning against evil banks while union thugs are getting bonuses and nice retirement packages.

One more thing about unions... they have administrators, board of directors, office workers, attorneys and most of them administer their own benefits plans, just like corporations do, yet they pay no corporations taxes. Why's that?
Another week pass by and left is still not giving the answer to a question, how much is a fair share for wealthy, or in fact for anyone else.

Since his job bill didn't pass the senate, they will break it into pieces and yet again try to sell it to us. In order to do so, our President Zero jumped on his bus and continue rollin' thru southern states.

Ame®icano;4281592 said:
Another week pass by and left is still not giving the answer to a question, how much is a fair share for wealthy, or in fact for anyone else.

Since his job bill didn't pass the senate, they will break it into pieces and yet again try to sell it to us. In order to do so, our President Zero jumped on his bus and continue rollin' thru southern states.


Ame®icano;4230890 said:
If we don't know what "fair share" is, how we can talk about solving the problem.

Left keep saying that what we have now is not fair.

OK, let's say it's not. So, tell us what would be fair.

More than that, why not discuss the issue of "fair" ?

Fair is not the objective of the Constitution.

Fair is not a measure I can really define.

Where is it written anyone has to pay their "fair share" ?

In my mind, what is fair to you and what is fair to me and what is fair to everyone else is as unique as we are as individuals. The best we can hope for is to clear the path so that we all the best input into the system we want to live under and hope against hope that the system we chose provides the best opportunity for all.

When you try to measure systems in terms of fairness, you take the conversation to a place were it can't possibly succeed.

I worry more about getting the lies out off the airwaves and motivating voters to actually get engaged than I do about fair. When people look around them and see what is going on and decide to get involved, I have every confidence that equity and fairness will the least of our worries.

As long as we have the large zombie voterhood created by the likes of the DailyKos and Rush Limbaugh........we should know we have a lot of work to do.

Nobody can define "fair". That's why "Obama fairness" is one big lie, since in the eyes of "have not's" fair is everything they want from those who have. Class warfare?
This is addressed to adults who expect "fairness" in the tax system.

I would start with high school economics textbooks.

Since I don't know what fairness is (and it hasn't really been defined on this site), I am still a bit lost.

I check to see if any of my econ books address it.

Fairness is subjective... hence why these morons love to use the terms in an attempt to quantify or justify their position... they can continually move the bar
Reagan and the two Bushes created 93% of the National Debt by lowering taxes for the rich.

Go to

This effectively transferred $10 trillion dollars from the middle class taxpayer to the wealthy.

This is also the reason we have such a great disparity of wealth in America.

Fuck off Chris.

Can you write anything else but this same thing over and over in every thread?
We all pay the "shares" the govt directs us too. This is just a bullshit trumped up term.


Ante-UP, Gramps!!!!

The 1%ers OWN the game....​

Last time I checked President Zero did not hesitate to extend $300 billion in annual tax breaks. He extended Bush's tax which resulted in an additional loss of $70 billion in federal revenues. On top of that there is a loss of revenue the President Zero also created by lowering SS taxes another 2% with result of almost $100 billion in lost revenue.
Ame®icano;4230399 said:
Two weeks into this thread... Left is not answering.

Top 1% pays 38% bottom 50% pays virtually nothing. Left claims it's not fair.

If that is not fair tell us what would be?
Probably the top 10% pays 100% the rest ride free and make money off their backs like de good slaves dey is.

Not only 100%, but then the parasites will be demanding twice as much.
Well first off, Leeches have positive use in the medical industry as well as bait.

These are more like ticks or fleas or blowflies or tapeworms with no medicinal or positive uses.

Secondly, You're right. They will demand more productivity from their slaves like every slave owner before them. And that's all they seem to desire to be, ownin' dem slaves to support dere entitlement lives.
Give me what you think would be a fair percentage (of all US wealth) for the top 1% of this nation to own?

Is there any limit to the percentage of all existing wealth that you think would be fair?

Give me an exact number.

I like to put this in terms that regular joe's can understand. Let's say that your house has 12 rooms total. Your next door neighbor has 8 rooms total. Are you willing to let him have 2 of your rooms so that your housing is "fair". Come on, man up! Practice what you preach. Are you going to give him part of your house or not? What about groceries? If you have $200 worth and he has $100, are you going to let him have $50 worth out of your pantry? What about sex. If your wife gives it to you 4 times a week and he's only getting it 2 times, are you going to turn down 1 night so he can get more? These are real questions. You have more than your neighbor and he deserves his "fair share". These things are no different than having to give your "fair share" of your wealth. Think about it.

how about sex?

My wife loves sex and I can happily say we make love no less than 5 times a week.

If a friend of mine has sex once a month becuase his wife doesnt enjoy it, should I feel obligated to offer up my wife to him 10 times a month so all can be fair?

Just a thought, money, unlike a wife being offered up to the neighbor like chattel, won't try and rip your balls off. Better to keep the wife and let the neighbor deal with his own poor luck.
Ame®icano;4508309 said:
I believe that this country succeeds when everyone gets a fair shot, when everyone does their fair share, and when everyone plays by the same rules.

Obama's speech in Kansas

It would really help if commie in chief explain what is a fair share.

I think his idea is one for you, two for me, one for you, two for me and oh yeah......we're going to take away your one.
Ame®icano;4508309 said:
I believe that this country succeeds when everyone gets a fair shot, when everyone does their fair share, and when everyone plays by the same rules.

Obama's speech in Kansas

It would really help if commie in chief explain what is a fair share.

Fair is whatever gets him re-elected.

It is about how large on the earner group he can demonize and use as a cash cow, without hurting the specific voter base needed to keep him elected... and by keep elected, I mean buying off with handouts and class warfare rhetoric, because they want someone else to pay
Ame®icano;4508309 said:
Obama's speech in Kansas

It would really help if commie in chief explain what is a fair share.

Fair is whatever gets him re-elected.

It is about how large on the earner group he can demonize and use as a cash cow, without hurting the specific voter base needed to keep him elected... and by keep elected, I mean buying off with handouts and class warfare rhetoric, because they want someone else to pay

I enjoy bringing up waivers to Obamacare when people use the term "fair".
A bump to see if the left will admit that a fair share to them simply means a bigger share for them.