How Many People Can You Name in This Photo of Obama’s Cabinet?

Without cheating, I got 12: Duncan, Holder, Chu, LaHood, Geithner, Lew, Obama, Biden, Clinton, Panetta, Vilsack, Napolitano

That puts me on the high end of "you read the news every day" and just below "you read the news all day", which seems about right. There were others whose names I knew but whose faces I didn't recognize. If I'd been thinking more carefully, I probably could have figured out who Shinseki and Rice were.

Incidentally, many of these people are not actually members of Obama's cabinet. Many of them are of Cabinet-rank but not in the Cabinet (The Cabinet | The White House). And Obama himself is neither in the Cabinet or of Cabinet-rank (he outranks the Cabinet).

EDIT: Whoops, I forgot to list Sebelius. I guess that puts me on the low end of "you read the news all day".
I didn't get Lew or Vilsack, although I recognized Vilsack. But I did get Ken Salazar, next to Sebelius.

I didn't get, but looked for and didn't find, Lisa Jackson of EPA. She's across from Salazar, with really short hair. It doesn't look a thing like her.
There's the guy who is withholding evidence on his involvement with the murder of a US Border Guard.

There's the guy who says "We have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe,"

You mean because it would be against the law for him to do so?

Sean Hannity never tells you that part, does he? :lol:

Keep profiting off of that dead Border Agent's death, Frank. Print more t-shirts!!!

You mean it's legal for the AG to provide criminals with weapons that are then used in the murder of US citizens?


Live and learn
No, dumbass. It would have been illegal for Holder to turn over the documents that Issa insisted on, and made a big deal about.

But Sean doesn't tell you that.
You know what's nice about that photo?

Every single one of them can travel abroad without being arrested!

There's not a war criminal in the bunch!

There are at least 4 in the previous administration.
You mean because it would be against the law for him to do so?

Sean Hannity never tells you that part, does he? :lol:

Keep profiting off of that dead Border Agent's death, Frank. Print more t-shirts!!!

You mean it's legal for the AG to provide criminals with weapons that are then used in the murder of US citizens?


Live and learn
No, dumbass. It would have been illegal for Holder to turn over the documents that Issa insisted on, and made a big deal about.

But Sean doesn't tell you that.

So it's OK for the AG to place untraceable automatic weapons in the hands of known criminals?


Are you sure about that?
You know what's nice about that photo?

Every single one of them can travel abroad without being arrested!

There's not a war criminal in the bunch!

There are at least 4 in the previous administration.
Good observation. ;)
You mean it's legal for the AG to provide criminals with weapons that are then used in the murder of US citizens?


Live and learn
No, dumbass. It would have been illegal for Holder to turn over the documents that Issa insisted on, and made a big deal about.

But Sean doesn't tell you that.

Do you watch Sean Frank?
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Obama meets with them so rarely, the question should be, how many can HE name?

c'mon now, what with golf and campaigning who has time for cabinet meetings. He had one last year and might have another one late in November.
Where are all the goddamned Czars? Show us a picture of Obama's Communist/Marxist shapers of American behavior.
You know what's nice about that photo?

Every single one of them can travel abroad without being arrested!

There's not a war criminal in the bunch!

There are at least 4 in the previous administration.

There weren't any war criminals in Bush's Administration, only patriots protecting sorry bastards like you.

This weekend marked a new milestone for the war in Afghanistan: the number of US troops killed in the war since President Obama took office is now twice the number that were killed during Bush's term, according to and our US Troops in Afghanistan: Obama vs Bush web counter. That means that two-thirds of the total US troop deaths have occurred in the last two years and eight months, which accounts for roughly a third of the duration of the war to date.

1728 US troops have died in Afghanistan since October 7, 2001, with 1153 of those deaths having occurred since President Obama's inauguration. 575 US troops died in Afghanistan during President Bush's term in office.

Obama is very good at getting our soldiers killed.
You mean it's legal for the AG to provide criminals with weapons that are then used in the murder of US citizens?


Live and learn
No, dumbass. It would have been illegal for Holder to turn over the documents that Issa insisted on, and made a big deal about.

But Sean doesn't tell you that.

So it's OK for the AG to place untraceable automatic weapons in the hands of known criminals?


Are you sure about that?

That wasn't your post. This was your post:

There's the guy who is withholding evidence on his involvement with the murder of a US Border Guard.

Are you changing the subject because you made an idiotic statement, based on what Sean tells you?

Are you just really embarrassed?
You know what's nice about that photo?

Every single one of them can travel abroad without being arrested!

There's not a war criminal in the bunch!

There are at least 4 in the previous administration.

There weren't any war criminals in Bush's Administration
, only patriots protecting sorry bastards like you.

Moron - Bush has already been convicted of it in Indonesia. :lol:
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No, dumbass. It would have been illegal for Holder to turn over the documents that Issa insisted on, and made a big deal about.

But Sean doesn't tell you that.

So it's OK for the AG to place untraceable automatic weapons in the hands of known criminals?


Are you sure about that?

That wasn't your post. This was your post:

There's the guy who is withholding evidence on his involvement with the murder of a US Border Guard.

Are you changing the subject because you made an idiotic statement, based on what Sean tells you?

Are you just really embarrassed?

Are you defending Holder role as an accessory to murder or his covering it up or both?

"A criminal charge of aiding and abetting or accessory can usually be brought against anyone who helps in the commission of a crime, though legal distinctions vary by state. A person charged with aiding and abetting or accessory is usually not present when the crime itself is committed, but he or she has knowledge of the crime before or after the fact, and may assist in its commission through advice, actions, or financial support. Depending on the degree of involvement, the offender's participation in the crime may rise to the level of conspiracy."

Clearly, Holder's conduct in arming violent criminals in the Mexican drug cartel makes him at least an accessory in Brian Terry's murder. And Obama and Holder could be charged with conspiracy to commit murder.

"A criminal conspiracy exists when two or more people agree to commit almost any unlawful act, then take some action toward its completion. The action taken need not itself be a crime, but it must indicate that those involved in the conspiracy knew of the plan and intended to break the law. One person may be charged with and convicted of both conspiracy and the underlying crime based on the same circumstances."
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I recognize quite a few.

But the big surprise for me was seeing Al Roker in that class photo. (Far right of frame.)
So it's OK for the AG to place untraceable automatic weapons in the hands of known criminals?


Are you sure about that?

That wasn't your post. This was your post:
There's the guy who is withholding evidence on his involvement with the murder of a US Border Guard.
Are you changing the subject because you made an idiotic statement, based on what Sean tells you?

Are you just really embarrassed?

Are you defending Holder role as an accessory to murder or his covering it up or both?

I'm showing - very effectively - that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about when you claim that Holder is withholding documents from Issa to protect his own ass.

Now, if you wish to concede that point, we can talk about other parts of the case. But I'm not going to waste my time on a liar who continues to try to spread a lie. Why should I?

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