How Many People Actually Lie On ATF Gun Purchase Forms? Is Hunter Really In The Minority?

If it's not an issue .. then why have background checks and / or validity of the information provided by a prospective gun owner? Why is Hunter only being indicted for a background form, which everyone else would get years of jail, and Hunter will get off scott free? Why isn't Hunter being charged for tax evasion or the other crimes that would tie his father to him?
Justice doesn't move at the pace you want. Hunter will pay for any bad acts. But, you wanting him to be crucified will not happen
Your hatred for anything military shows. When you look at the last 30 years of mass shootings you will find almost none were done by vets. I more worry about you owning a gun since you are showing some mental problems.
Mass shootings?

Police depts will tell you how many threats and shootings and crazy shit from vets with ptsd and guns,

Brutal honesty. I see it disturbs you.

You made a blanket statement without any supporting information to support you. Let me do the same thing.

You wear tutus (fourfours actually), you eat off other peoples plates because all your money goes to your gay wardrobe and internet connection (snap only goes so far). This all must be true because you read it on the internet.
Mass shootings?

Police depts will tell you how many threats and shootings and crazy shit from vets with ptsd and guns,

No, YOU are telling me, not the Police depts. You keep showing your hatred for the US military over and over. Okay, you had your say, move on to your next QAnon conspiracy. I demand that you entertain me better.
Criminals don't register their guns and if they do, it will be under a pseudo-name. You you know like: 'Robert Peters' (one of Biden's fake names).
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Justice doesn't move at the pace you want. Hunter will pay for any bad acts. But, you wanting him to be crucified will not happen
Who is asking for a crucifix? Americans are asking questions -- like why are the rules different for Hunter? We all know he'll get off scott free or with some slap on the risk, and this is just a distraction from charges that would implicate Joe Biden.
I had absolutely no issues with buying a sweet handgun, and waiting while being checked out. It was not a hassle. Not sure what others whine about so much, as if they fear being discovered to being whackos. And my other things was a concealed carry permit.

I was living nearby a huge VA hospitals. Far too many people I know with ptsd ended up with permits.

recipe for disaster.
There are far too many people diagnosed with PTSD who really don’t have PTSD.
How Many People Actually Lie On ATF Gun Purchase Forms? Is Hunter Really In The Minority?

What about ex military and others with ptsd?

Are we to believe that a majority of people in rural areas especially, are not using drugs when they seek a permit?

Dunno, but the forms are pretty strict. FFL have to use 2 or 3 salespeople to review. 1 mistake and ATF shuts them down. When I go to gun sites they ask if 18 or older. Guns are like porn now. I've seen quite a few guns sales being declined in guns stores over the last few months.

The number of people stopped from buying guns through the U.S. background check system hit an all-time high of more than 300,000 last year amid a surge of firearm sales, according to new records obtained by the group Everytown for Gun Safety. Jun 22, 2021

Almost anyone could buy a gun back in the day, no questions asked via mail order.

Iver Johnson 1909.jpg
I see .. most likely because the Biden-ites appear not to care about corruption or are too stupid to understand it -- unless a Republican does it.
GOP Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO) penned a scathing assessment of his Republican colleagues’ efforts to impeach President Joe Biden, arguing their efforts are a baseless distraction based on a “narrative in right-wing media.” In an opinion piece for The Washington Post, he said the government is headed for shutdown and Republicans are flailing in their efforts to adjust federal spending, instead wasting valuable time on a “flimsy excuse” for an impeachment inquiry. The very basis of Republicans’ efforts to pursue impeachment is not based in reality, according to Buck, in perhaps the most drastic denunciation of impeachment by any House Republican thus far.

“Republicans in the House who are itching for an impeachment are relying on an imagined history,” Buck wrote. “What’s missing, despite years of investigation, is the smoking gun that connects Joe Biden to his ne’er-do-well son’s corruption.”

How many men fuck their dead brother's widow? Is Hunter really a scumbag?
Your mind is always focused on creepy thing. You are so sick that when you make shit up or hear made up shit, you wet yourself.

Please, stay home this Halloween. People will be on the look out for sicko clowns in their neighborhoods. You could end up in very serious trouble.
Your mind is always focused on creepy thing. You are so sick that when you make shit up or hear made up shit, you wet yourself.

Please, stay home this Halloween. People will be on the look out for sicko clowns in their neighborhoods. You could end up in very serious trouble.
You’re such a fag. Lighten up.

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