How Long?

How long will democrats respond to every political question or criticism with "Trump! Trump! January 6!"? How long will the dopes believe that amounts to a serious response to anything and everything?
While I can certainly understand not wanting to be reminded of the right's fatal mistake you will not be allowed to sweep it under the rug like it never happened.
How long will democrats respond to every political question or criticism with "Trump! Trump! January 6!"? How long will the dopes believe that amounts to a serious response to anything and everything?
While I can certainly understand not wanting to be reminded of the right's fatal mistake you will not be allowed to sweep it under the rug like it never happened.
So you think you can just keep repeating that instead of actually thinking or even attempting to defend the absurd and failed ideology of the left?
How long will democrats respond to every political question or criticism with "Trump! Trump! January 6!"? How long will the dopes believe that amounts to a serious response to anything and everything?
While I can certainly understand not wanting to be reminded of the right's fatal mistake you will not be allowed to sweep it under the rug like it never happened.
you will not be allowed to sweep it under the rug like it never happened.

You'll have the same problem in 4 years...

Doubly so, considering Harris.
I suspect they'll be crying "Obstructionism!" on the Senate GOP soon enough. Manchin has come out and said he won't vote for the Infrastructure Bill as it is now, and they can't blame that on Trump.
Let's put it this way. Have you read 1984? Orwell described Fascism by Big Brother as a boot stomping you in the face - for eternity.

That long.
Good for you admitting you’re the fascist.
You can't read.
Pretty sure I got it right. Do you remember what question you were answering?
He asked how long will the Left stay mad at Trump being elected to the highest office. I said eternity.

And you started squawking about some bullshit or other, I dunno really. *smokes weed*

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