How long before US lefties start to riot? What may spark it?


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
We've now witnessed riots by radical lefties in London, Greece, France, G20s and other hot spots. Some "flash mobs" are starting to spring up in the US now. London lefties said they are doing it "because of conservatives" and "because of the rich people and business owners". They are fighting the police and burning down businesses and rich people's homes.

Our liberals are just as radical and just as crazy as theirs. How long before our lefties start this crap? I say not until after the 2012 elections. They are still delusional with hope under Obama. But what if the GOP takes the White House in 2012? Will that spark lefties, realizing their liberal dream is now passed and unfulfilled? The left is becoming more and more radical, and more desparate by the day. Their dreams lay in the hands of a big, left wing government that is failing. What happens when that "hope" is gone?

I just thank God that the cops of America appear to be much more capable and willing than those in London. When the left attacks here, they'll handle it much quicker and much better.
Here is my scenario, one drunk meth head starts trouble,

then every home thats underwater suddenly spontaneously immolates itself as a result.

Our liberals are just as radical and just as crazy as theirs.
You envious-kiddies who...


....are toooooooo amusing.

In three weeks time, a member of the Tea Party will be walking around, and will forgot to have put the safety on his gun, he'll trip over a frog and his gun will go off, accidentally shooting a Hispanic, lesbian, Muslim woman in the arse, from which the entire population of the civil rights lawyers in the US will have a collective orgasm, and in the resulting stickiness the doors of every Walmart will be stuck shut, and liberals everywhere will riot.
The answer to lies in your question. No liberals have rioting on their minds. Which means that it's ,more than likely, you and bottom feeding, backwards, inbred, trouble-makers, like you, that are going to riot. Kinda like the Dougherty gang mentality. Ya know?
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The answer to lies in your question. No liberals have rioting on their minds. Which means that it's ,more than likely, you and bottom feeding, backwards, inbred, trouble-makers, like you, that are going to riot. Kinda like the Dougherty gang mentality. Ya know?

They don't? Have you missed the last 50 years worth of American left wing ideology? Left wing ideology ends in only 2 ways: They get their way, or, they get violent.
They don't? Have you missed the last 50 years worth of American left wing ideology? Left wing ideology ends in only 2 ways: They get their way, or, they get violent.

Really? Then why don't we see Liberals packing guns at political events like the righties?
They don't? Have you missed the last 50 years worth of American left wing ideology? Left wing ideology ends in only 2 ways: They get their way, or, they get violent.

Really? Then why don't we see Liberals packing guns at political events like the righties?


Easy. Because liberals believe guns only belong in the hands of government, not private citizens.

But we do see liberals rioting in London, Greece, France, Philly, Milwaukee, G20 summits. La Raza and immigration rallies have become violent. Union rallies have become violent. Left wing politicians have advocated violence. Left wing regimes have become violents in far left governments like Cuba, Venezuela, Burma, Vietnam, North Korea, China, the Soviet Union, the National Socialist Party of Germany, etc, etc, etc.

I fear it's coming here.
Easy. Because liberals believe guns only belong in the hands of government, not private citizens.

Do you just pull this shit out of your ass, or what? I'm a Liberal, and I and my Liberal friends own as many guns and hunt as much as our looney friends on the right.
Easy. Because liberals believe guns only belong in the hands of government, not private citizens.

Do you just pull this shit out of your ass, or what? I'm a Liberal, and I and my Liberal friends own as many guns and hunt as much as our looney friends on the right.

Then why do you keep supporting politicians who want to take that right away from you?:eusa_whistle:

Besides, water guns and bb guns don't count. We all know the typical liberals is a limp wristed noodle neck who shreeks and runs at the sight of cold blue gun steel.
That’s it. It MUST be about race.

At least for those that see everything in this world as a matter or race. You know, those that are always claiming they are not racist but that you are…
The answer to lies in your question. No liberals have rioting on their minds. Which means that it's ,more than likely, you and bottom feeding, backwards, inbred, trouble-makers, like you, that are going to riot. Kinda like the Dougherty gang mentality. Ya know?

They don't? Have you missed the last 50 years worth of American left wing ideology? Left wing ideology ends in only 2 ways: They get their way, or, they get violent.
....While "conservatives" manage BOTH outcomes.....

[ame=]WMD LIES - Bush Cheney Rumsfeld etc. - THE ULTIMATE CLIP - YouTube[/ame]​
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We've now witnessed riots by radical lefties in London, Greece, France, G20s and other hot spots. Some "flash mobs" are starting to spring up in the US now. London lefties said they are doing it "because of conservatives" and "because of the rich people and business owners". They are fighting the police and burning down businesses and rich people's homes.

Our liberals are just as radical and just as crazy as theirs. How long before our lefties start this crap? I say not until after the 2012 elections. They are still delusional with hope under Obama. But what if the GOP takes the White House in 2012? Will that spark lefties, realizing their liberal dream is now passed and unfulfilled? The left is becoming more and more radical, and more desparate by the day. Their dreams lay in the hands of a big, left wing government that is failing. What happens when that "hope" is gone?

I just thank God that the cops of America appear to be much more capable and willing than those in London. When the left attacks here, they'll handle it much quicker and much better.

Same reasons in Europe...

The government can't steal from the rich anymore, hence can't afford to provide for them any longer.

18-24 months at this track...

The unions will riot first and the rest of the progressive fucks (especially the public school brainwashed youth 15-30 yo's) will just follow along...

Of course real Americans won't tolerate that shit and wont look to their government to put an end to it like they do in Europe. They'll take matters into their own hands and capture the little rock throwing flamers.
Yeah, I guess unions will riot first. Probably burn down their place of employment, then demand a raise.

Next will probably be anti-war activists.................oh, wait, they don't exist anymore, war is cool now.

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