How Liberals really feel about black people

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
I've been saying for years that the political left is no less racist and bigoted than the far right. The only difference is they divide and exploit minorities to advance their agenda.

I thought this one guy's comment on the video was exceptional

"Progressive white liberals are the most condescending racist beings on the planet. They treat blacks like inferior pets and if you come across with any knowledge they'll treat you like a dependant pet who bit their hand during feeding time. THIS, I know all too well. The soft bigotry of low expectation."
Progressives talk out the side of their mouths, they imagine themselves the elites and knowers of all and good....while doing the polar opposite of what they demand. They are also some of the most intolerant assholes on the planet
Both parties are embarrassingly out of touch with minorities. Democrats try so hard not to look racist when you shouldn't have to try not to look racist. Republicans claim blacks are being fooled by "free stuff", and can't figure out why they really aren't flocking to their party. I find it pretty fucking funny to watch though. :D
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It's true. Libs are often as racist as the stereotype southern neck. I moved from NYC to small town Mississippi. Lots of racism up north, you better not be in the wrong place at the wrong time. If I missed a bus stop I'd have to do the whole loop over.

In the south I was called n*gger lover since they knew where I moved from but when I was alone with a guy he'd be all apologetic about it.
It's true. Libs are often as racist as the stereotype southern neck. I moved from NYC to small town Mississippi. Lots of racism up north, you better not be in the wrong place at the wrong time. If I missed a bus stop I'd have to do the whole loop over.

In the south I was called n*gger lover since they knew where I moved from but when I was alone with a guy he'd be all apologetic about it.

When I was a kid I moved from West Virginia where I'd seen a lot of racism back to the Pittsburgh area thinking things would be better. My first or second day there I passed by two black kids and just kinda nodded a hello. In passing one of them said, "Get a haircut, you fucking cracker." At the time I was shocked, but now look back and laugh at what a naive little cracker I was. :D
It's true. Libs are often as racist as the stereotype southern neck. I moved from NYC to small town Mississippi. Lots of racism up north, you better not be in the wrong place at the wrong time. If I missed a bus stop I'd have to do the whole loop over.

In the south I was called n*gger lover since they knew where I moved from but when I was alone with a guy he'd be all apologetic about it.

When I was a kid I moved from West Virginia where I'd seen a lot of racism back to the Pittsburgh area thinking things would be better. My first or second day there I passed by two black kids and just kinda nodded a hello. In passing one of them said, "Get a haircut, you fucking cracker." At the time I was shocked, but now look back and laugh at what a naive little cracker I was. :D

Let me guess, he had a four foot tall afro stuck in a do-rag?
It's true. Libs are often as racist as the stereotype southern neck. I moved from NYC to small town Mississippi. Lots of racism up north, you better not be in the wrong place at the wrong time. If I missed a bus stop I'd have to do the whole loop over.

In the south I was called n*gger lover since they knew where I moved from but when I was alone with a guy he'd be all apologetic about it.

When I was a kid I moved from West Virginia where I'd seen a lot of racism back to the Pittsburgh area thinking things would be better. My first or second day there I passed by two black kids and just kinda nodded a hello. In passing one of them said, "Get a haircut, you fucking cracker." At the time I was shocked, but now look back and laugh at what a naive little cracker I was. :D

Let me guess, he had a four foot tall afro stuck in a do-rag?

No. It was a small afro, but he did have one of those little pick combs sticking out of it. He wasn't exactly breaking stereotypes. :lol:
Seems to depends on of whom the question is asked.

In the video, the question, when asked of white Liberals in Berkeley, California, received exactly the response on would expect of brain-washed zombies.....e.g., white Liberals.
You can hear the propaganda being rolled out like the message on an answering machine.

You have to see the response when the same query was posed to blacks here in the Big Apple, in Harlem...

"Do voter ID laws suppress the black vote?"

This is hysterical!
[Horowitz] "exposes benign racism seen in white progressives as they call out Republicans.

In the 4-minute clip, interviewees rattle off various reasons the voter ID laws are racist. However, in their attempt to prove that the laws are harmful and keep Black people from voting, they make outrageous statements that could be considered racist.

Some of the interviewees state that Black people do not have access to cell phone data to use the internet on their phone. Two men claim that Black people do not have state-issued IDs in the first place.

.... exposes benign racism seen in white progressives as they call out Republicans.

In the 4-minute clip, interviewees rattle off various reasons the voter ID laws are racist. However, in their attempt to prove that the laws are harmful and keep Black people from voting, they make outrageous statements that could be considered racist.

Some of the interviewees state that Black people do not have access to cell phone data to use the internet on their phone. Two men claim that Black people do not have state-issued IDs in the first place."
White Liberals Were Asked How Voter ID Laws Are Racist and They Fail Miserably - Atlanta Black Star
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Actually, I find it funny that the Democrats consider blacks to be too stupid or lazy to go to the DMV and get a free ID...

Go figure...
Apparently minorities are too stupid to breath without help... at least according to progressives.
I learned so much from our Liberal pals in Berkeley, that, as a public service I'm going to provide a 'cheat sheet' for Liberals so that they can have the talking points about Voter ID Laws ready at all times!

Let's call this the "Berkeley Manifesto"....

1. Voter ID Laws are pretty racist....they're bad!

2. Voter ID Laws are a way to perpetuate racism

3. Racist...fer sure! Definitely suppresses the African-American vote!

4. ...blacks are less likely to have state IDs.

5. Minorities are less likely to have the kind of IDs that are required.

6. Blacks don't live in areas that have easy access to DMVs or places where they can get identification.

7. They don't have access to the internet, they have to pay internet providers certain fees.....

8. Black people don't have the knowledge of how to go on line, of how it works.

9. Blacks may not have smart phones, the may not have data....

10 The don't know what is out there....they are not aware....they're not informed.

11. There is a repression of like felons...and that is a huge population of African-Americans.

I know they are correct....I got 'em straight from the horse's mouth...well, maybe the donkey's mouths.
Actually, I find it funny that the Democrats consider blacks to be too stupid or lazy to go to the DMV and get a free ID...

Go figure...

Thats right! You set up hoops and then claim someone is weak because they wont jump through them! :2up:
I learned so much from our Liberal pals in Berkeley, that, as a public service I'm going to provide a 'cheat sheet' for Liberals so that they can have the talking points about Voter ID Laws ready at all times!

Let's call this the "Berkeley Manifesto"....

1. Voter ID Laws are pretty racist....they're bad!

2. Voter ID Laws are a way to perpetuate racism

3. Racist...fer sure! Definitely suppresses the African-American vote!

4. ...blacks are less likely to have state IDs.

5. Minorities are less likely to have the kind of IDs that are required.

6. Blacks don't live in areas that have easy access to DMVs or places where they can get identification.

7. They don't have access to the internet, they have to pay internet providers certain fees.....

8. Black people don't have the knowledge of how to go on line, of how it works.

9. Blacks may not have smart phones, the may not have data....

10 The don't know what is out there....they are not aware....they're not informed.

11. There is a repression of like felons...and that is a huge population of African-Americans.

I know they are correct....I got 'em straight from the horse's mouth...well, maybe the donkey's mouths.

If they can cash their welfare checks, they have ID.......
I have no idea how the country ever became such a great country without them ..

oh, wait, IT DID !
Poor black people cant afford an id or even have a ride to get one. But poor whites can? :dunno:
Sounds like racism to me
Actually, I find it funny that the Democrats consider blacks to be too stupid or lazy to go to the DMV and get a free ID...

Go figure...

Thats right! You set up hoops and then claim someone is weak because they wont jump through them! :2up:
If a person is too "weak" to be able to prove that they are eligible to vote in the district they wish to vote in, then they should not be allowed to vote. I don't care what type of "ID" is required, be it photo ID issued by the state (available for a pretty small fee, in some cases even free) or a recent utility bill establishing residence in said district, some sort of "ID" or proof of eligibility to vote in said district should be required. How is this an undue hardship?

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