How is government in way of Business??


Take Down ~ Tap Out
Aug 27, 2010
The rightys keep chanting from under their rocks, that somehow government is preventing the economy recovery, BECAUSE GOVERNMENT IS IN THE WAY!! I'ts all somehow governments fault that jobs are not being created with the Trillon dollars corporations are known to be hoarding. So lets eliminate a few myths;

1.That government creates jobs. No, cons know that is not true, and they tell us quite often that government does not create jobs.:lol:

2.That government is standing in the way of corporations. Yet they cannot cite anything, and when you put them on the spot, they take their Rushkie myths and dive back under their rocks.:lol:

So rightys, this is your chance to tell us Leftys, honestly, how is government in the way of business's creating jobs??
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Good luck Shint. You might as well ask a fundie...

If God created the Universe, where was he when he did it?

They don't want or need any evidence that Government is in the way of business. It's an article of faith. A self-evident truth. An a-priori if you will. To actually try to defend such a position would be to give legitimacy to those who question the faith.

How can you make a business plan when you don't know what your taxes will be, or what regulations goverment will slap on you next?

your competitors all pay taxes and follow the same regs.

None of this is what is stalling our typical business expansion regime.
see shint. They aren't ever going to get around to telling you how the government is in the way.

It's an article of faith.

They live in a fact free world. They believe Obama was born in kenya. They believe death panels ar in the healtchcare law. They believe 34 warships are accompanying the president to India. And on and on. It doesn't matter that you can absolutely prove these things aren't true. It doesn't. They believe them and that's all that matters.
How can you make a business plan when you don't know what your taxes will be, or what regulations goverment will slap on you next?

your competitors all pay taxes and follow the same regs.

None of this is what is stalling our typical business expansion regime.

Doesn't matter. You can't put a business plan together if you can't determine whether you'll lose money or not, no matter who else is losing money.
see shint. They aren't ever going to get around to telling you how the government is in the way.

It's an article of faith.

They live in a fact free world. They believe Obama was born in kenya. They believe death panels ar in the healtchcare law. They believe 34 warships are accompanying the president to India. And on and on. It doesn't matter that you can absolutely prove these things aren't true. It doesn't. They believe them and that's all that matters.
I'll score that a big "NO", as to whether you've ever operated a real business.
see shint. They aren't ever going to get around to telling you how the government is in the way.

It's an article of faith.

They live in a fact free world. They believe Obama was born in kenya. They believe death panels ar in the healtchcare law. They believe 34 warships are accompanying the president to India. And on and on. It doesn't matter that you can absolutely prove these things aren't true. It doesn't. They believe them and that's all that matters.
I'll score that a big "NO", as to whether you've ever operated a real business.

He was a unionist teacher who is using his obscene pension to buy distressed property and considers himself a self-made man.

Yeah, Obama knows what will work for your business better than you do.
Government does not create jobs but it does confiscate wealth. An entrepreneur can create a job when his revenues are greater than his expenditures and he is okay with x amount of profit. By hiring an employee, that entrepreneur is essentially saying that he is confident that production will increase along with revenues. Again, govt has nothing to do with this process other than imposing taxes and regulations. Govt is not there to help.
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Government does not create jobs

That will be news to all those people working for DoD and all those other agencies.

An entrepreneur can create a job when his revenues are greater than his expenditures and he is okay with x amount of profit.

But nobody, not even you hires a person to create a product that will not sell. There is no lack of capital. None. What exists in the real world is a lack of demand. But when has reality ever been allowed to intrude on your religion?

By hiring an employee, that entrepreneur is essentially saying that he is confident that production will increase along with revenues.

And yet over a trillion dollars sits in corporate hands and is not, i repeat not going to hire any workers. Why? The government is in the way? How? You will never get around to answering that, will you? All we will get is repetitions of the right wing prayers.
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Which one of you leftist dweebs has ever run an honest-to-goodness business?

I ran a couple and did very well at them. In 2 years I doubled the net worth of a business I bought.

Govt giving tax breaks and interest free taxpayer funded loans to businesses to locate in their area really hurts businesses.
I'm working at one of those operations right now.

So then you should be able to tell us how exactly the government is in the way of you hiring workers. We're waiting.

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