How Hillary Clinton will deal with Donald Trump




Hillary has been smeared by Republicans since the 70's and she has come out on top on every so called and imaginary scandal.

Republicans say Trump will tear Hillary apart. Yea, like he did Obama. The same Obama who made Trump look like the biggest fool in the world.

Imagine all the new jokes:

Hillary is already saying Trump isn't strong, he's wrong. And we know what Trump thinks of women. And now he's running against one.
Can you imagine when they actually have a debate? I can't wait.

Hillary has been smeared by Republicans since the 70's and she has come out on top on every so called and imaginary scandal.

Republicans say Trump will tear Hillary apart. Yea, like he did Obama. The same Obama who made Trump look like the biggest fool in the world.

Imagine all the new jokes:

Hillary is already saying Trump isn't strong, he's wrong. And we know what Trump thinks of women. And now he's running against one.

Since the 70's Hillary and Billy Bob have been protected and covered up by every evil and crooked SOB in DC and Chicago. Anyone who thinks those criminals have been innocent of any of the charges surely has been sniffing gas tanks.
He is going to be calling her out on all of her corruption, lies and deceit to the point where that angry old hag will stroke out.
Hillary will embarrass Phrump. She will talk about policy and plans and Phrump will talk about her e-mails, Bill's sex life, or the size of his wiener. It will be very embarrassing for Phrump. The GOP and the nation will watch him melt into a puddle of mush.

Hillary has been smeared by Republicans since the 70's and she has come out on top on every so called and imaginary scandal.

Republicans say Trump will tear Hillary apart. Yea, like he did Obama. The same Obama who made Trump look like the biggest fool in the world.

Imagine all the new jokes:

Hillary is already saying Trump isn't strong, he's wrong. And we know what Trump thinks of women. And now he's running against one.

More of his insults on women and the GOP may as well fold up. Blacks, Hispanics, Women....ain't enough white men out there for him to stand a chance.
Trump will destroy her, even if she wears hillary's clintorious.
He don't even have to say nuthin to that murdering whore.

Phrump will be exposed as the fraud that he is in a debate against any Democrat.

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