How does the left get away with violating the law?


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
The Obama administration is in violation of a court order from a federal judge regarding the moratorium on oil drilling in the Gulf. Obama says they are studying the ruling. A federal judge declared the Obama health care law unconstitutional. Obama says ho-hum and who cares. Wisconsin teachers are violating the law by closing down schools in a sick-out. Obama says teachers are our neighbors. What is happening? A mini-revolution?
Because the repubes are too chicken to call him on it and demand they cease and desist on it.

They/we should be screaming from the rooftops
Obama is president. Republicans have a two month old majority in congress and democrats control the senate. The mainstream media is in Obama's back pocket. But why do democrats ignore the rule of law and the Constitution? Because they can?
Obama is president. Republicans have a two month old majority in congress and democrats control the senate. The mainstream media is in Obama's back pocket. But why do democrats ignore the rule of law and the Constitution? Because they can?

Simple, and it goes to the core of people of the far left, and far right.

They only Respect the laws that do not get in the way of their Agenda.
Obama is president. Republicans have a two month old majority in congress and democrats control the senate. The mainstream media is in Obama's back pocket. But why do democrats ignore the rule of law and the Constitution? Because they can?

Because WE let them
1. Obama and the justice department can APPEAL a decision. Just like with a death penalty appeal, they can't just put the prisoner to death until the appeals are exhausted. Their were plenty of judges that didn't have it in their courts and upheld that it was constitutional. So why should they just listen to ONE judge.

You do know that an appealiate court ruled that gay marriage bans are unconstitutional yet they are still on the books in republican states, does that mean Republicans are getting away with violating the law?

2. A sickout or a strike is not against the law. The schools can get certified substitutes. They don't HAVE to cancel school. They decided too. Not against the law.

So whats your so called logical argument again?
Funny thread. Bush ordered the murder, torture, and rape of innocent chained & detained women and children, and broke no law, never had a charge filed in a US court, never was arrested and held;. And we are supposed to take violating the law seriously? LMAO!!! Sorry, I don't think so.
Obama is president. Republicans have a two month old majority in congress and democrats control the senate. The mainstream media is in Obama's back pocket. But why do democrats ignore the rule of law and the Constitution? Because they can?

I'm sorry, I thought the corporations owned the media. You think they are on Obama's side? I dont think so.
Obama is president. Republicans have a two month old majority in congress and democrats control the senate. The mainstream media is in Obama's back pocket. But why do democrats ignore the rule of law and the Constitution? Because they can?

Largely due to the pepople not challanging them. They've been allowed to skate on too many things and thus we find ourselves here now.
Obama is president. Republicans have a two month old majority in congress and democrats control the senate. The mainstream media is in Obama's back pocket. But why do democrats ignore the rule of law and the Constitution? Because they can?

Simple, and it goes to the core of people of the far left, and far right.

They only Respect the laws that do not get in the way of their Agenda.
....And, Republicans (merely) tweak the Laws.



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The Obama administration is in violation of a court order from a federal judge regarding the moratorium on oil drilling in the Gulf. Obama says they are studying the ruling.

Obama team lifts Gulf Coast oil drilling moratorium - The Oval: Tracking the Obama presidency

A federal judge declared the Obama health care law unconstitutional. Obama says ho-hum and who cares.

A federal judge has no authority to overturn an entire law before it is heard on appeal.

Wisconsin teachers are violating the law by closing down schools in a sick-out. Obama says teachers are our neighbors. What is happening?

Isn't it the conservatives who don't want the federal government (Obama) meddling in state affairs? Aside from that fact, the teachers are still under contract and have every right to strike or do sit-outs. I don't necessarily agree with that, but that's not your point.

A mini-revolution?

First, pay attention. Second, your hope for a revolution will be a fools adventure.
Obama is president. Republicans have a two month old majority in congress and democrats control the senate. The mainstream media is in Obama's back pocket. But why do democrats ignore the rule of law and the Constitution? Because they can?

Simple, and it goes to the core of people of the far left, and far right.

They only Respect the laws that do not get in the way of their Agenda.
....And, Republicans (merely) tweak the Laws.​



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Because the repubes are too chicken to call him on it and demand they cease and desist on it.

They/we should be screaming from the rooftops

Unless I've been missing something for lo these past couple of years, that's all you've been doing.
Obama is president. Republicans have a two month old majority in congress and democrats control the senate. The mainstream media is in Obama's back pocket. But why do democrats ignore the rule of law and the Constitution? Because they can?

:cuckoo: Try educating yourself, then I might pay attention to your comments. In the meantime, you're making stupid statements.
1. Obama and the justice department can APPEAL a decision. Just like with a death penalty appeal, they can't just put the prisoner to death until the appeals are exhausted. Their were plenty of judges that didn't have it in their courts and upheld that it was constitutional. So why should they just listen to ONE judge.

You do know that an appealiate court ruled that gay marriage bans are unconstitutional yet they are still on the books in republican states, does that mean Republicans are getting away with violating the law?

2. A sickout or a strike is not against the law. The schools can get certified substitutes. They don't HAVE to cancel school. They decided too. Not against the law.

So whats your so called logical argument again?

Wow... and you are a pot proponent? Who'd a thunk it?


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