How do you spell 'merica 'gain Mitt?

The fact that they are giddy over a typo as a reason to pick on Romney, it's clear they are desperate.

I could give two shits. It is what it is, but you know as well as I do, if it had happened to an Obama app, you guys would be all over it just the same. So quit bullshitting everyone by saying this is so lame.

As seen by all the people still bringing up their favorite 57 state quote from Obama. Dems can't count, and Reps can't spell and make up words. now can we get on to something that is worth more than a chuckle at a gaffe?

You have evidence that whoever created the app was a Republican? Cool! Got a link?
You know.......I understand typos, because for 20 years I worked in personnel, with lots of typing involved.

However...............that being said, I'm wondering if anyone ever really bothers to proofread anymore? Before I sent ANYTHING up the chain of command for review, at least 2 sets of eyes (mine and the Chief's) proofed it prior.

Maybe it doesn't say anything about their intelligence, because hey, shit happens. But it DOES say something about their organization.

[ame=]Obama Claims He's Visited 57 States - YouTube[/ame]

That happened once, yet you guys keep bringing it up for defense.

This is yet another gaffe by his campaign in a long string of gaffes.
[ame=]Joe Biden Tells Chuck Graham to Stand Up - YouTube[/ame]

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