How do you all do it???

I don't give two shits about a person's politics in real life. Assholes get avoided, good people get my generous nature and everyone gets my forthright honesty. I'm a big biker looking guy so no one disrespects me to my face. It's kind of refreshing to come to this board where my imposing presence is not a factor. I don't care about the battle everyone else seems to live for, I just want to better understand the contagious insanity of right wing politics.
At the moment, (most, but not all) Democrats/liberals have become deranged fascists.

That's a problem.

And Republicans/conservatives have issues too.

Civil war appears inevitable unless another world war prevents it.

Or accompanies it.

We're in BIG trouble.

Welcome back to either 1860, 1940, or both.

China and Russia are waiting for a race war to break out in the U.S..
Neo-Marxist Dimm's and their activist media are trying their damnedest to deliver one.
Afterall, BUILD BACK BETTER!! :muahaha:

The Black terrorist who commited that mass murder HATES White people.

He wanted to kill them.

He did kill them.

Pool isn't the brightest tack in the deck, but it's not that far-fetched.
I have seen posts about him hating whites. That proves nothing tho. He had AMPLE opportunity to kill MANY whites when he first encountered the parade. Did he just suddenly remember his hatred and motive towards the end?

Am I the only one that wants proof and not conjecture? Conjecture would have convicted Rittenhouse you know. Just saying....
Someone wants us divided. They are getting something out of it.

My, my the times have changed

Simple. Those who seek to divide us for their own selfish gain are winning, and we're letting them.

We're in BIG trouble.

Our country is divided. It shows. And that is just how it is now.

I don't give two shits about a person's politics in real life. Assholes get avoided, good people get my generous nature and everyone gets my forthright honesty
You're all right, and i'd hoist a cold one with any of you, all i'd say is we're all being played against each other........and all i'd ask is chill out.....

I remember joining this forum and it was political bickering over policy and ideas with a bit of "racism" or "sjw shit" mixed in here or there.

Now about 9 years later and it's just hate and anger in every thread. We have lost focus on the things that matter and that isn't unique to USMB.
Families are breaking apart, friendships are lost and all for what?

We all want the same basic things.
Personal success
The best for our kids/grandkids
Politicians that respect us

Those are the things that should bind us together, not the latest green policy or voter ID law. Those things are perhipial and unrelated to the list above.
There is not a person on this forum I couldn't sit and have a drink with. NOT ONE. There is common ground to be found if you want to find it. Problem is we all (including myself) look for the crack to fit our argument into.

Rittenhouse won't save our nation. Floyd memorials won't save our nation. Our actions and words will.
I have two lines in the sand. I had someone I'd known for 30 years who told me I was a racist and a sexist if I didn't jump on the Trump hate train. Bye! Don't let the door hit ya!

The second one is when the leftists (mostly) started telling me I had to wear a garment I didn't care to wear, and have a medical procedure I chose not to have. That was the insanity that did it for me. I got no nice left for those of you who think you have the right to make such demands.

Beyond those issues, I can deal, generally.
gets a beer
have a cold one gramps.....


What is really disappointing here is that you're one of the worst offenders in the hate and anger department. You spend your day here spewing hatred at liberals calling them "communists and Nazis", and now you decry the lack of discussion of the issues.

This is the first time you've every posted anything that wasn't about "owning the libs", or mocking the President.
you aint exactly a nice person yourself with people who disagree with you....just sayin.....
I have two lines in the sand. I had someone I'd known for 30 years who told me I was a racist and a sexist if I didn't jump on the Trump hate train. Bye! Don't let the door hit ya!

The second one is when the leftists (mostly) started telling me I had to wear a garment I didn't care to wear, and have a medical procedure I chose not to have. That was the insanity that did it for me. I got no nice left for those of you who think you have the right to make such demands.

Beyond those issues, I can deal, generally.

Reminds me of the movie 'The Patriot'.
He didn't take sides until it hit close to home.
I had someone I'd known for 30 years who told me I was a racist and a sexist if I didn't jump on the Trump hate train. Bye! Don't let the door hit ya!
My best friend from school FORTY YEARS AGO who just happens to be black went down that road a couple times. Every time he did I reminded him of our childhood and our kids. We are still close today
oh we could trade notes

to be truthful, at the end of most days i really do think the entire human race is some twisted oxymoron

the real trick is to look oblivion in the eye , and smile

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I do that every day. I'm 67 and all I have left to lose is money. I have a health condition that is so painful that some folks refer to it as "the suicide disease", because so many people who suffer from it choose to end their lives. It's been quiet, but one hard flare-up and I'm toast, and I'm on the edge of a mild flare-up right now.

So yeah, bring it on.

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